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SGX Wins OurStage $5,000 April Grand Prize!!! Thank You OCR!

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Man... you guys have some stiff competition this month. Voting is taking me forever because I keep wanting to stop and listen to each song completely. Don't worry though. I'm still maintaining my OCR bias just fine.

Yeah it kinda sucks.

And 946 songs is too many...someone tell me there's actually less.

It's not 946 songs, it's 946 "battles". There are 44 songs, and they are each paired up with all the other songs once.


Pretty disappointing in that all of the black music is getting voted down so hard, as there were several good cuts there. Seems to the nature of the beast with OurStage, which is unfortunate because "Come Over" by Tammy Harris (JVC Jazz Fest), "Giving Love" by Call Me RideOut (Alternative Hip-Hop), "My Dreams" by Jackie Rae (R & B / Soul) and "3 Codes" by Loose of The BFD Clique (Gangsta Rap) were all pretty good.

Lesson is that if you have black music, you will NEVER get a shot at that $5,000. :lol: Seems like black users aren't as involved in the community and others users who simply aren't fans of those genres can't help but vote those tracks down sharply. Might as well do OurStage: Urban to better target that audience. Death metal though, I dunno what they're gonna do.

"Stoney Balogna" by Bill Smith (10k Lakes) was also interesting. "Robots in Love" by Bree Sharp (Pop) was actually pretty sharp despite not being a fan of the genre. The lyrics were pretty decent, and once the instrumentation got more complex, it got better. "I Let Lie" by ThePZP (Experimental) had a couple of rougher spots with the vocals, and the production was rough, but was otherwise really cool.


I try to remain unbiased towards genres that I don't normally listen to, but ultimately, I vote for the songs that fit my tastes best. Between a good song and a good song that I actually like, I'm gonna vote for the one I like. I wouldn't surprise me much if people were intentionally ragging on black music, but I think that even if they weren't, those genres just wouldn't do as well because OurStage seems to be mostly whities like myself.

I agree with you though. Except for "Come Over". It sounds like cheesy porno music, as someone said earlier.


I have 800 out of the 946 voted on. I have a midterm in 15 minutes so I'll get back on voting when I'm done with my trip through Hell.

(and llLOloloLOlolo black music)


I think maybe Ourstage is getting more popular quickly and that our fanbase here no longer has as large of an influence proportionally than before. I'm pretty sure I have more fans helping me out this month than last, and I have a song that I think is better suited to this short attention-span competition, but all three of us from here are kinda just sitting around in the middle of the pack. Last month all three of us were dominating the top spots the whole way through.


The songs I liked:

I liked "Jah is So Amazing" I voted that one up a few times. It's a bit repetitive but w/e.

I also liked "Giving Love".. At first I wasn't really paying attention to it, then I just kind of got into the positive message and lyrics. I liked.

"Robots in Love" was clever and catchy

And I also noticed that when I was voting, some bands changed their pictures, and were getting either voted up more, or voted down more depending on those pictures.

"I Let Lie", I noticed when it was a picture of some girl, no one really liked it, but they changed the picture to a baby, and people were liking it again. I think it's neat compared to most other songs, but anyway this was just an observation.

Also that Jenny McIntyre has a pretty voice.


And I also noticed that when I was voting, some bands changed their pictures, and were getting either voted up more, or voted down more depending on those pictures.

I don't doubt it. The choice of picture definitely plays a role. Look at "Boss Theme," admittedly not the greatest song but the picture choice sure doesn't help.

The #1 track right now ("I'll Sneak Away") is SOOOOOO autotuned. Bleh!

Really? I'm not hearing it... I actually thought it was kinda pretty.

Man, we're just not getting along today are we?

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