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UMD Gamer Symphony Orchestra - FREE May 13th performance! (College Park, MD)

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The University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra will hold its Spring Concert on Tuesday May 13th at 7:30PM. It will be held at the Kay Theater in the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center on the UMD campus. Admittance is FREE for everyone!

Who: The University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra

What: Our Spring Concert Featuring Pieces from Zelda, Chrono Trigger, Portal, Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, Metal Gear Solid, and more!

When: Tuesday, May 13th 7:30-9:30PM (doors open at 7PM)

Where: Kay Theater, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, University of Maryland College Park


Website: www.umgso.com

Contact: umdgso@gmail.com


Please spread the word about the concert even if you can't attend. We really want to fill up the entire Kay Theater, which seats several hundred people. Anyone have any other boards they usually read that I should post on? Thanks -Justin


Shizzle, I know the Baltimore meetup was just a couple of days ago, but by May 13th it seems like a lot of students will be done with finals. I'm not sure when I'm moving back to Atlanta next week, but hopefully I'm flexible.

They're gonna be performing Portal. We've gotta represent. Thanks to Justin hooking us up with the news.

The University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra will hold its Spring Concert on Tuesday May 13th at 7:30PM. It will be held at the Kay Theater in the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center on the UMD campus. Admittance is FREE for everyone!

Who: The University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra

What: Our Spring Concert Featuring Pieces from Zelda, Chrono Trigger, Portal, Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, Metal Gear Solid, and more!

When: Tuesday, May 13th 7:30-9:30PM (doors open at 7PM)

Where: Kay Theater, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, University of Maryland College Park


Website: www.umgso.com

Contact: umgso@gmail.com

Fantastic. I regret I'll not be in the area this time around (but perhaps in a few months). I hope you guys have a chance to play my "Cid" piece again =D



Indeed. Patheic.

also, if you're interested in this post, you'll probably like my radio show on UMD's campus radio station WMUC. I play all video game music, all the time (from 4-6AM Fridays, at least). You can download the latest episode here. I also have a podcast. Just copy this link into ITunes ("Advanced" --> "Subscribe to Podcast") and you can download all my old episodes for free. Check it out. It'll run through the summer as well, as I'm going to work in CP. The time slot will change after next Friday's show tho. I'll let you know when.



I should also note: if anyone wants to contribute an arrangement to the UMDGSO, they are welcome to do so. After the concert we will be accepting arrangements for next semester's show (tentatively planned for Dec. 4). Email umdgso@gmail.com with any questions.

I should also note: if anyone wants to contribute an arrangement to the UMDGSO, they are welcome to do so. After the concert we will be accepting arrangements for next semester's show (tentatively planned for Dec. 4). Email umdgso@gmail.com with any questions.

Oh god, that would be an honor to have an one's arrangement played by an college symphony! Alas, I don't have that much of an great ear to arrange such a thing for a symphony.


djp and I went, and Arrowned was there as well to chill. If you didn't go, you missed out on some good times. The performance had some shaky parts, but the Portal "Still Alive" close earned the standing ovation it got. Anyone who was close by, you should have went for $0!


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