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So here's something I've put together. For the most part, the actual samples and drums and stuff are crap, but I'm planning on collabing with someone on those parts. I just really need to know if goes in a useful direction. By the time the remix is done, are you left thinking, "That's it?" or "Hey, that journey made some sense."?


Thanks in advance. Unless you don't post, and then no thanks.



[:D] Low-quality samples

First of all, love this track. But I love the entire soundtrack so whatever ;)

Piano stuff is beautiful in the beginning!!

I think you could stand to get some nicer samples--specifically that solo trumpet sounding one. Also, I'd like to hear a little more variation in that drum part, though it's pretty well sequenced as it is. But there were a few points where my ear wanted to hear the drums hit some of the figures with the other instruments. This is more preference on my part though, I think it sounds fine with what you've got.

As far as the arrangement is concerned, I think it's solid--I'd like to hear a little more schmultz in the regression to solo piano at 3:10 or so. It would help keep the continuity with your beautiful introduction, and the fact that you brought the texture down to solo piano there leads me to believe you might have the same idea. Once again, this is subjective--doesn't make or break the piece, just an idea.

Great mix man!

As far as the arrangement is concerned, I think it's solid--I'd like to hear a little more schmultz in the regression to solo piano at 3:10 or so. It would help keep the continuity with your beautiful introduction, and the fact that you brought the texture down to solo piano there leads me to believe you might have the same idea. Once again, this is subjective--doesn't make or break the piece, just an idea.

Great mix man!

Ooh, good call. I think breaking it down to what the intro was like is a much better idea than what I did. And I also like the idea of having the hits go with what the other instruments are doing ... but drums are not at all my forte, so I'm going to let someone else more skilled than I take care of that. ;)

Thanks for the feedback from both of you!


First off I wanna say that this track is just has loads of potential and is just well completely raw but thats great because there's so much to work with and polish up.

Obviously the samples issue has already been addressed and I think once you get some better samples especially the trumpet ones it will sound a lot better.

There are lots of things that could be addressed but honestly none of them really are worth messing with until you get some better samples so i'll stick to one of the things I noticed the most.


This song seems to jump between styles like a medley unfortunately because it is one song I don't feel like this fits. The beginning piano solo might be too dramatic and stylized for the beat that follows. Am I saying that you should completely drop the piano all together for the intro? No but the direction you take the piano solo in after :17 til 35 or so seconds is a bit too chordy and classical and dramatic for the stuff that follows to the point that you could really continue on with it and make it into its own standalone song.

Really if you went into the bass after 17 seconds where the piano seems to finish it would flow much better.

After this I like the way the bass line starts to pull you in but the trumpet starting at around 1:20 until the next piano section I don't know if I agree with the legato. Maybe it will sound better with better samples but the way it sounds now more seperation might sound better. Also it kind of gets repetitious until it ends at 1:37. Which, I wan't to say is kind of the part where the song gets confusing stylistically. All the way up to the point the song is kind of sucking you into this Jamiroquai like funk beat which started to make me happy in the pants and then the dramatic final fantasy piano comes back into the mix before its even finished starting and kinda confuses you. Which could honestly be blended in well but then the trumpet comes back in and doesn't really do much but try to add this orchestral element that doesn't really seem to fit with other elements as well as the part itself should. You build up complexity with the piano and then continue the build up with a trumpet that does nothing dynamically or melodically but attempt to regurgitate a simplified version of the previous buildup. Which i'm going to say regardless of sample quality i'm unsure if its the right instrument for that part.

Piano is good but ultimately sometimes I think it gets confused as to it's role. You do a great job of incorporating it as the main melody and then also as background piano but the issue with that is I feel like it confuses the melody during other parts of the song. One piano solo would be fine but you have like 3 piano solos throughout the piece. One minute its funk then dramatic piano, then funk, then dramatic piano. Which is another thing i'd like to add. Stylistically you could honestly split those into two seperate songs and have them good but you really need to make more of a choice.

And, the way the the bass kicks in at the beginning and then the piano jumps in with the supporting beat (which I think sounds awesome and is one of the coolest parts of the song) the song really feels like it should have a funk dance beat rather than any sort of dramatic Yasunori Mitsuda feel to it. Am I saying pull out all the frilly stuff, eh not so much like the triangle at 1:40 is cool but its a 4 minute song and then the piano solo comes in. I think thats the part you should focus on now. The first 2 minutes or so because you have 3 very distinct feels going on.

Creating the feel of "oh thats right...bass line and dance theme...got distracted and forgot about it. Here it is again." at 2:44 followed by another "nope, just kidding, piano solo time again!!!". Though I will say I love the way the song feels from 3:27 and all. If you could carry that kind of energy throughout msot of the song that would help out a lot.

I'm sorry if this was a redundant post. I realized I mentioned several things over and over again or seemed like I was being overly critical but like I said this piece is very raw and I see LOTS of potential. And once you decide on one set style and polish everything up including samples up I think its gonna be awesome.

Good luck!

EDIT: Also, at around 1:07 when the trumpet comes in it seems to kinda jump the gun and come into too soon almost.


The solo pianos make me smile. However, I agree with possibly mellowing the beat some. It feels like the steady semi-uhn-tiss is detracting from the piano and synth work.

I like the arrangement a lot, I'm looking forward to hearing the finished version.

  • 2 months later...

The solo piano is almost flawless- I don't see much to tweak or fix about it at this point.

Then come the bass drum and high hats. It feel ultra-generic at this point up to the reverse cymbal, but after this, the beat starts getting a lot of personality. Those clap/snare layers, bass line and piano chords lend a somewhat disco, old-school house sound to it.

When the lead comes in I think there's too much of a "closed-room" feel with the reverb. I don't know exactly what is it with the reverb of the instruments that make it sound like this, but it's mainly the lead that's being affected.

I keep hearing the piano slacking in pace at various points. It sounds intentional but try not to make it too noticeable as to take away from the groove of the song.

Good job so far. Can't wait to hear how it is when the sounds are punched up.

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