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I've been doing so well at not buying a PSP all these years.

How much storage space does a UMD disk have? Unless the games are way bigger than I expect, I would love it if PSP games could be made into downloadable games to play on the PS3.

... *sigh*. Who am I kidding. I'm just grumpy about having to buy a PSP sometime in the next year.


Ive been a psp owner for quite a while, and while i dont know the specs of umd I CAN say that the average psp game has risen to about a gig.5 now. Crisis Core is close to 2 gigs and dissidia (I imagine packed properly) should be about 1.7-2 gigs as well. This leads me to believe that umds hold no more than 2-3 gigs. If anyone is considering getting a psp, but not sure, DO IT. Best media portable 'sides iphone and iphone doesnt play dissidia or crisis core

  • 2 weeks later...

It was released in Japan a day ago. I want to pick it up at my local import place soon but here's a ton of footage already put onto youtube.

Tidus vs Terra

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUVsjQgXdrM Jecht vs Terra

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3n3l4QcsBg Cloud vs Warrior of Light

Squall vs Tidus

Terra vs Cloud

Zidane vs Kuja

AC Cloud vs Cecil

Warrior of Light vs Cecil

Zidane vs Terra

Shantotto vs Shantotto

Onion Knight vs Zidane

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E0TOhtInTA Zidane vs Kefka

Cecil vs. Exdeath

Zidane vs Garland story mode

Squall vs Kuja

Terra vs Kefka story mode

Sephiroth vs Golbez

Tidus vs Sephiroth

Cloud vs Cecil

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbHPRW_Ld-0 Squall vs Cecil

Cecil vs Sephiroth

Onion Knight vs Bartz

AC Cloud vs Squall

Firion vs Jecht


This channel has a lot of the story mode gameplay if you want to see those.

As well as Shantotto, the other known unlockable character is Judge Gabranth.

  • 4 weeks later...
i know you've all seen this, by this point, but i just saw it.

cutscene one, courtesy of gamespot.

i almost pooped myself for five minutes straight. is there a launch date?

Wikipedia says mid-year 2009, so I'm guessing they're waiting until July (which was the month FFI was released over here).

wow, i wonder if this'll get hacked early. i know the japanese version's out, but i have that language. makes no sense to read whatsoever when you don't know any japanese.

I don't think anyone's going to bother with a patch. It'll be out eventually, and there are plenty of translations for the menus, items, game mechanics, etc that are readily available.


I received my copy of Dissidia around a week ago. It blew all my expectations out of the water. I thought upon seeing the trailer, "Sure, it looks cool, but is it really going to be worthwhile?" It is seriously one of the best fighters I have played in a very long while. There is just so much content packed into one UMD! The fluidity of the battle system is breathtaking. Also, if you are feeling nostalgic, there is plenty of that for you. There is many old school references and appearances that show up. Yes, I admit I am a Final Fantasy fan, but I am saying this at a totally unbiased perspective. I encourage every FF fan to go out and experience it!

If you guys have any questions about the game I would be more than happy to answer them.


Haha, well how do you know that you know more? I'm kidding, but I'd just figured I would be of some help if anyone needed it. So how much of the game have you completed Fenrir? I have completed around 45% of the game so far (if you are counting collectibles etc.), but I have been playing it practically nonstop. Considering the sheer size of the game, it may take awhile to complete. My favorites to use are Squall, Bartz, and Kuja. It is fun to play as everyone though. Mostly, I have been playing online.


Well, I've only played 1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10 I guess that only leaves out 3 and 5. I'll get to 5ive eventually. I have both anthology and

Of these I am very familar with all but 2. I only got about 3 hours into ff2 before putting it down. Somehow my brother had the patience to level grind all the way to beating the emperor.

Anyway, Does someone want to fill me in on 3 and 5 (and 2 if you can)so I know what I'm going to be dealing with? That would really help a lot.

Well, I've only played 1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10 I guess that only leaves out 3 and 5. I'll get to 5ive eventually. I have both anthology and

Of these I am very familar with all but 2. I only got about 3 hours into ff2 before putting it down. Somehow my brother had the patience to level grind all the way to beating the emperor.

Anyway, Does someone want to fill me in on 3 and 5 (and 2 if you can)so I know what I'm going to be dealing with? That would really help a lot.

Short versions:

FF2 invovles a group of orphans (Firion, Maria, Guy, and Lionheart) flight from the city of Finn, and they join the rebellion against the evil empire (there's a reason Biggs and Wedge get cameos in later games...). Lots of different characters join your party, though of these, Minwu (the first) is the most memorable.

FF3 introduced the job system -- you play as four generic kids who get awesome powers via the crystals. Easily best of the original 3. The NDS remake names the kids, but I forget those details. There are some incidental characters here and there, but not playable.

FF5 revisits the job system with named characters: Bartz the wanderer (and his pet chocobo), Lenna the princess, Faris the pirate, and Galuf the old man all get awesome powers via....the crystals! And they fight Exdeath, who turns out to be a very pissed off evil tree.


*sigh* I wish I knew what this damn problem was. I've been trying to get Dissidia to work with Xlink Kai, but something is refusing to play nice -_-. Apparently, I'm the only person on their forum who's having this particular problem, seeing as no one has been able to figure out what's wrong :/.

Also, Firion for the fucking win. :3

For anyone who hasn't found it already, here are a LOT of translations for stuff:


And of course, GameFaqs:


The guy has been updating the FAQ pretty often.

Also, Firion for the fucking win. :3

Yes! I love Firion as well! He looks just like his appearance on the Famicom FFII box art, as in Amano's original concept. That makes me happy because he brings the cool factor to a whole other level.

Wow, someone has already written a translation for this game? I guess I'm lucky that I can already read and understand it.




A couple of quick matches I did. Both AI's were 9/105/9.

I flubbed up a bit on both since I just got done doing an "inward chaos" run with OK and was still wayyy too used to his play style *check out my youtube page to see my ok vs __ inward chaos matches*.

But yea, I am finding Zidane and Onion Knight to definitely fit my playstyle.

Loving the game. Can't wait to play someone.

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