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Posted (edited)

currently trying to replenish my gold stores for RoS, got 340 mil so far, I'd like at least 500 though.

Edit: 500 mil reached but I still got 10 auctions going on, hopefully I'll be able to sell all of it by the 18th.

If there's any ocremix people in the EU servers I might give ya'll a cheapo price for some of it too.

Edited by Mr. Bottle Rocket

I have played the post-patch D3 for all of 50 minutes and found 2 legendaries

my monk is running around with some crazy bleeding greatsword and a ring made of the zodiac


Witch doctors are like wizards but better single target damage and more pets.

Pretty much this. Witch Doctor play style while leveling I found is a matter of patience and using your sustain damage to whittle guys down. The class starts out remarkably slow in my opinion, but once it gets rolling with its abilities and runes its power really comes to bear.

It and Demon Hunter are the slow ones off the line, in my experience. Once leveled, they're dangerous, but they do feel like they lack the instant gratification of being a Barbarian or Wizard and cutting immediate swaths across the battlefield. But long term it tall works out.

Pretty much this. Witch Doctor play style while leveling I found is a matter of patience and using your sustain damage to whittle guys down. The class starts out remarkably slow in my opinion, but once it gets rolling with its abilities and runes its power really comes to bear.

Zombie bears that is, DOHOHOHOHOHO.:tomatoface:


I am running the laziest build on my WD atm. It's an all-poison build, using +poison dmg items. So i basically sit back, throw 1 spider queen and keep locust swarm up on all mobs while casting acid rain from time to time. The dogs and the gargantuan tank everything without ever dying, stuff melts and I mostly just do nothing. currently on t2, this is my farming build when I'm lazy or just want to play with one hand while drinking beer or something.

I got a legendary colored plan but my black smith won't learn it. I have all this legendary salvage because legendaries are often crap and also dumbly account bound so I can't even offer them up to ocr clan members.

^ all that but in question form? :-)

Legendary crafting is sick -- keep the salvage around and you won't regret it.

Are you sure you found a legendary crafting _recipe_ and not a new type of legendary crafting _material_ such as the Adventurer's Notebook? If the blacksmith won't learn it and it says "Plan: <item name>" then either you need to train him or wait until Tuesday, when you can train him above level 10.

Legendary crafting is sick -- keep the salvage around and you won't regret it.

Yep legendary crafting has yielded pretty damn good results for me. Some of the plans even let you recycle and try again since they cost 1 legendary mat. So if you don't get what you want you salvage and try again. However the really good ones cost 2, but I've had very good results with those.

Posted (edited)

Darn, it was a crafting material with an icon that looked like a book. :-P Probably that one you said.

I need to make a lot of money before I can buy stuff that expensive... What are your most effective ways to farm? I played with a friend on torment 2 earlier and didn't get a single legendary drop, or anything usable at all, it felt like I was playing loot 1.0 again. :cry:

Oh man, 100% exp ended too... played a while without it and it was awful, simply awful :cry:

Edited by Brandon Strader
Posted (edited)

Man, I don't even need to farm now, just playing act 5 in torment 1 gave me insane drops so far. Got my first green 1-handed bow which was a huge upgrade, and an Imperial Diamond which I can't even craft yet cause it's stronger than a Marquise diamond. All the gem drops are Marquise except the Imperial I got o_O

I've got 130k dps now and still getting my butt handed to me regularly in act 5

Edited by Brandon Strader

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