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I'm used to visit these sites every week and they are all great at their own way. I even have a song posted at Olremix and it was a lot of fun. The OLRMageddon's are funny. Also ThaSauce, RemixThaSauce and the other sites, like the Reunion Studio and Anime Remix have great stuff.


I'm still waiting on Shael's fricken new album...which is apparently going to be Grammar Club...which is cool I just want more original Shael songs D:...or ReMixes for that matter. JUST MOAR SHAEL.

Preferably an OLR song :o

I went to Nerdapalooza last week and met up with DJ Snyder (of Grammar Club) and myf (Mythril Nazgul...whatever you wanna call him now a days) amongst MANY others (MC Frontalot, ytcrackerz, a bunch of other really amazing nerdcore artists...) and it got me FIENDING. It was also super inspiring :o. Like a MAGFest for Nerdcore.

Actually, there's video now:


HAY don't forget vgmusic.com! my hat goes off to those courageous men and women to compose those delightful midi's I generally enjoy every day.

I'm a MIDI fiend! and always will be! (fact: when I got a taste of broadband, the first thing I downloaded was winamp, followed by the 2a03 NSF archive, and then a bunch of MIDI's. guess old habits do die hard.)

HAY don't forget vgmusic.com! my hat goes off to those courageous men and women to compose those delightful midi's I generally enjoy every day.

I'm a MIDI fiend! and always will be! (fact: when I got a taste of broadband, the first thing I downloaded was winamp, followed by the 2a03 NSF archive, and then a bunch of MIDI's. guess old habits do die hard.)

True story: before I got DSL, and found OCR, and realized what an MP3 even was, I had HUGE libraries of midis. A lot of stuff from VGMix, but a lot of popular music, too.

I wish I still had those folder :-\. People just don't make as many midis now a days with all these MP3s flying around.


I had to reply to show support for this thread. I've been a member of OverLooked ReMix now for about 3 years and it's been a lot of fun. I've met alot of cool people, participated in some crazy forum conversation, and overall just had a blast. The music over there is incredibly unique and it's quite refreshing to see what remixers can come up with when they're not trying to sound professional, or when they just want to do something out of the ordinary.

The site features songs with all kinds of everyday things used as instruments, lots of weird sound effects, terrible singing, or funnyass lyrics. It's just a really cool site and their forums are filled with fun people.

OLRmageddon (the OLR monthly contest) is going on right now featuring cats and Nintendo 64. I'm looking forward to hearing what crazy stuff people come up with.


R:TS is freakin' sweet. Like Rama said, perfect place for n00bs and veterans alike to showcase remixes that might not quite be up to snuff as far as OCR's guidelines are concerned. I've got a remix up over there that most likely wouldn't have gotten onto OCR due to suffering from the dreaded "medleyitis." I'm likely going to submit a bunch of other unreleased and hard-to-find remixes over there.


When I finally finish the remix I'm working on now, I will submit it to OCR, have it rejected, and then submit it to R:TS. So it may be a while. But it's good to see some activity there for once!

Also, yes, R:TS is teh awesome. You know you have a chance of being accepted when you see two Hylian Lemon remixes.

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