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I've never really had many problems with notebooks either Mac or other, but I must say, macboos are sometimes CHEAPER (yes you heard right) than their other counterparts. Around universities and whatnot you can often find them discounted towards students. The hardware is often overpriced, yes but at least you can take solice in the fact that no one wants to program viruses for Mac.

And yet your rig will still cost less than a MacBook Pro. Personally I think that helps put things in perspective.

Actually, yes, even with the ridiculous Australian Mark-Up on hardware.


I love my MBP :(

I've made every single one of my remixes on it without need for any additional hardware. Logic Studio, Reason and Ableton Live is a sick set of DAWs that I want to work with together so that also means mac is the only option.

The only issue I've had is once where my discdrive stopped reading CDs but that was fixed with a simple software update.

Also, I'm a rabid OS X fan. I love tit becuase it's so self-explanatory and sleek but you can still go deep and tinker with pretty much whatever if that's what you're into. It's just that it's quite different from Windows so you might get bummed out if you're used to Windows and how to solve issues in that OS.

I've had both a PC and many Macs and I'm more comfortable with Mac. I, personally, have had more serious issues with PCs but then again I'm more used to Mac so it might just be my skill at handling problems.

Also, a quick advice, don't get Leopard. Not yet. It's just not stable enough and it's not compatible with some music software/hardware. Tiger however is the best cat around.

(PS: I like iTunes, kill me)

I weep for your wallet. I'd rather have a car man.

Factor in insurance and gas.

AnSo, I don't have a choice. The machine I get will come with Leopard. Can you be more specfic about the problems?

I love tit

Fantastic. Don't you dare edit that post.


I'm thinking about getting a Macbook. Probably the low-end one that is $1099. I can get $100 off and a free iPod (which I would sell) if I get my mom who works in a school to buy it with the EDU discount. Somebody I work with is interested in buying my old Dell 1.86 ghz centrino machine for $250.

I'd use it mostly for chillin and light music stuff, as I have a pretty ok PC desktop. I wonder if my Ableton Live liscence will allow me to use both a PC and Mac version...if not, I'll probably just put windows on the thing.


I pretty well despise Apple computers. I could rant for a good bit about things that are just so flat out piss-poorly thought out that it honestly makes me wonder if they even have a QA team in place. I may post about it later, but I've been up for the past 20 hours, and I don't have the energy. But I promise, I've got reasons. I'm not just talking out my ass like some kid who's never used a Mac and has no real grounds for not liking them. Every track I've done since 2006 has been done on my iMac. So my opinion is that of a Mac owner.

Good, though it seems the issues people have with MBPs aren't seeing the light of day... can I hear about BGC's issues and AnSo's Leopard problems?

My sister has a MacBook (not Pro) with Leopard and it has some serious issues which involves rebooting every so often because it freezes up with a black text in 4 languages telling you to reboot. :/ We left it in for repair but it seemed to be a software issue. This might've been fix in an update, she still has the earliest version.

Otherwise it's mainly the general compatibility. Tiger is still a safe bet in that area. Some mac-specific software are slowly moving towards leopard-only but nothing worth noting, at least not for me.

Also, you're not buying a MBP for the hardware. Buy it for the software. It's like with Nintendo. Or it's like it was with nintendo ;p The hardware is decent, absolutely, but you're buying a mac because you love the OS and the design philosophy in their software. I for one does. I can't really sit here describing exactly why I think Mac OS X is superior to Windows XP or Vista, it's just my personal opinion and the way I work. Nowadays pretty much all software ('cept a lot of games ofc) can be run on both platforms. If not, there is always a counter-part that works better on that OS. Since you can dual-boot a MBP if needed I'll play PC games if I want to but I'm really more of a console-person so I have not need of a virtual machine or bootcamp.

anyway, you should try out Mac OS X a lot before you buy it. Learn to do common stuff, hopefully learn how to fix the general hiccups any OS has and try out the workflow. Don't believe the hype and just get into it because. Do it because you want to. I can understand how people hate Mac. Paying this huge ammount of money for a computer they don't really care for (or haven't tried properly) in the first place ;P Don't do that.

PC's ain't bad. Mac's ain't bad. It's a matter of personal preference and what how you work (and with what).


Oh yeah, I know. A close friend has been a Machead from birth and most of time we got into playful arguments about it. I've worked on his laptop and on the Macs in my Comp Sci labs many-a-time before, and he has pledged to show me the ins and outs of it once I get it. My brother got an iMac, so I was able to plug in my controller. I was flabbergasted: I hadn't believed I could truly just plug in and go, but that's exactly what happened. No setting the appropriate MIDI input or track output. As people often say, everything "just worked."

Oh yeah, I know. A close friend has been a Machead from birth and most of time we got into playful arguments about it. I've worked on his laptop and on the Macs in my Comp Sci labs many-a-time before, and he has pledged to show me the ins and outs of it once I get it. My brother got an iMac, so I was able to plug in my controller. I was flabbergasted: I hadn't believed I could truly just plug in and go, but that's exactly what happened. No setting the appropriate MIDI input or track output. As people often say, everything "just worked."

and if it doesn't work there's probably an app to fix it! FreeMacWare.com has helped me out in some tight spots ;) Also, pretty much everything with a wi-fi or bluetooth signal will work wonders as MIDI controllers with an app or two.

But yeah, if you dig it get it. But only if you really prefer it to Windows. Otherwise it's just a waste of money

Yeah, I asked him to bring it to around 250px tall... ¬_¬

! Someone other than me used the ¬_¬ face!

On the off-topic topic, the sig is indeed much too large. I've blocked it already :P

On the on-topic topic, the major thing I don't like about Macbooks is the way they handle right clicks with the two-finger touch instead of a separate button. Aside from that, the hardware is solid (the aluminum casing is really sturdy on the pros), OSX is well-built, and the computers are very fast.

On the on-topic topic, the major thing I don't like about Macbooks is the way they handle right clicks with the two-finger touch instead of a separate button.

Good thing I have a wireless mouse.

Off-topic topic: I looked at it being 250 px tall. It was damn near impossible to see the sprites very well (since they are the bosses and the highlight of the sig), so I decided to compromise and go halfway between 250 and 320 (original height). Even that is too small for my liking, but let it never be said that Pezman doesn't seriously consider those around him.

Good thing I have a wireless mouse.

Off-topic topic: I looked at it being 250 px tall. It was damn near impossible to see the sprites very well (since they are the bosses and the highlight of the sig), so I decided to compromise and go halfway between 250 and 320 (original height). Even that is too small for my liking, but let it never be said that Pezman doesn't seriously consider those around him.

You should seriously consider doing what a mod asks you to do. :tomatoface:

If your sig as it is doesn't work at 250px, then change your sig.


So I've done much research into the Nehalem processor, which appears to promise new features out the wazoo. Supposedly this is the biggest jump in such microarchitecture since the Pentium, but I was too young to really know anything about it. TGDaily, Anandtech, and other sites can't heap enough praise on it and warn everyone to wait to update til then.

Now, aside from the extra 6-7 months (I imagine) before Nehalem will debut in Macbook Pros, I'm having a hard time deducing whether this will signify radically faster computing. From what I understand, most Macs run pretty fast as they are, and if the 20-50% advantage over Penryn means a program will open in two seconds instead of five, then count me out. I've been patient enough as is and have to bite the bullet somewhere, especially when they're working on Nehalem's successor's successor. Unless anyone can give me an incredibly compelling reason otherwise.

Still waitin' on your Mac hatin', BGC.


Some programs aren't overly great for a Mac, so the extra boost couldn't hurt. However it all depends on how soon you want a laptop.

Looking up briefly on Macworld, apparently the latest Macbook Pros were released back in February (damn I'm out of the loop), so you might as well just buy one now (as well as take advantage of the free ipod deal with it).

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