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Hello everyone!

Here is the deal.

I am currently working on several game concept ideas. I am in need of music for my games. I, myself, have NO idea how to create music. My team lost our music creator... So what I need is someone to create it for me.


What I require is a theme song for one of my games. The music must be a combination of one of the follow:

- *Techno/Rock

- Classical/Rock

- *Techno/Classical

* Techno covers Electronic and Industrial

The song also must be more than 3 minutes[/1] in length.

This game is an RPG and largely involved mechnical characters (eg. Mechs)


I will be choosing one song. If I really like several entries I might choose more and pay them in places (eg. second and third).

The winner will receive $200.00


The winner will receive a check in the mail with the prize money. They will also be credited in the credits when the game is released.


Please submit entries through a link to the song to me through private message, in this forum, or to the e-mail address of meleefreek@yahoo.ca

If you need to mail me the song on a CD, send me a PM and I will provide you with an address.

There is no limit to the amount of song you can submit.

Please submit by 11:59pm September 1, 2008.

If an extension is needed please ask!

If you have an questions feel free to contact me.

Thanks for the interest and I can't wait to see your submissions!

Examples of song I like:

http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01727/ (Electronic sounding)

http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01702/ (The upbeat type I like)

http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01727/ (Just because I normally love Beatdrop's remixes, but this is a really good example of a song that is electric sounding)

http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01726/ (Great example of excitement in a song)

I also love a slow beginning... I'm a sucker for those kinds of songs...


While I will not deny that $200 would be great, I have several questions before I enter a song.

First of all, will this game be released commercially? What is the nature of the release? (ie downloadable on the internet, sold physically, or what?)

Second, will I retain rights to the song?

Third, will we recieve the money immediately, or after the game is released? (if the latter, don't expect anybody to enter until you've provided SUBSTANTIAL evidence that the game is approaching completion)


Well, if it's real woohoo! But it's fake it's only one song. I'm totally in. Worst thing that'll happen is nothing and that's exactly what's currently happening in my musical career right now. Expect my song to be classical/techno. My "techno" in the song will probably be closer to a drums and bass feel. Or at least that's kinda what I'm thinking. We'll see I suppose.

*EDIT* I hope all of you remain cynical and negative and nobody enters so that I win by super default! Yeah, that sounds good to me!


I'd like to see some proof of your so-called RPG. pictures, a website maybe? or a forum? How are you working on it? are you alone is it a communauty? How far is it from completion? You need badly music ok, isn't it better to open a recrutement thread, rather than a contest? Why one music, did the ost was nearly complete and you miss only one?

You're not know of the communauty, so provide all infos you can to remixer, that will help you a lot. I'll leave this open for discussion with the hope that you'll fill all the blank about your project.

I'd like to see some proof of your so-called RPG. pictures, a website maybe? or a forum? How are you working on it? are you alone is it a communauty? How far is it from completion? You need badly music ok, isn't it better to open a recrutement thread, rather than a contest? Why one music, did the ost was nearly complete and you miss only one?

You're not know of the communauty, so provide all infos you can to remixer, that will help you a lot. I'll leave this open for discussion with the hope that you'll fill all the blank about your project.

Whoah, who hijacked Doulifée's grammerz?

While I will not deny that $200 would be great, I have several questions before I enter a song.

First of all, will this game be released commercially? What is the nature of the release? (ie downloadable on the internet, sold physically, or what?)

Second, will I retain rights to the song?

Third, will we receive the money immediately, or after the game is released? (if the latter, don't expect anybody to enter until you've provided SUBSTANTIAL evidence that the game is approaching completion)

To answer your questions, the game will be released onto a system. Because the game is just passed the drawing stages none of the 3d graphics or programming has begun. My team consisted of 7 people. Several people dropped out because they either did something that was completely uncalled for and had to be let go, or decided they didn't want into the gaming business. One of the people that I had to let go of happened to be our sound director. He in turn took all his music and I myself, attempted to create music in turn... and failed miserably.

You will have rights to the song to the extent of you created it and will be credited. I would rather you not use the song for anything else, because that would ruin the point of making it specifically for one game. That would be like taking the Mario theme song and selling it to Sega to place on a Sonic game. If there is certain rights you would like to the song, let me know and we can make a deal. I will not use any song that did not win this for the game. That is just dishonest.

As for payment, as soon as you win, I will mail a check immediately along with terms, a contract, and any other details that are important, so you know you aren't being cheated out of anything, and as extra proof to you that whatever deals we have made will be kept on my end.

If people would like to see the drawing stages of the game, I am more than whiling to post them.

Well, if it's real woohoo! But it's fake it's only one song. I'm totally in. Worst thing that'll happen is nothing and that's exactly what's currently happening in my musical career right now. Expect my song to be classical/techno. My "techno" in the song will probably be closer to a drums and bass feel. Or at least that's kinda what I'm thinking. We'll see I suppose.

*EDIT* I hope all of you remain cynical and negative and nobody enters so that I win by super default! Yeah, that sounds good to me!

Winning by default? Don't we all wish life was that easy? ^.^

I'm only looking for a theme song currently. If I really like the person that made the song, I might ask to hire them as song director for all the games. But right now, I am simply looking for songs. I know that as great as a composer might be, there are many other composers that might create better songs for better parts of a game. Thus, I am holding a contest.

Loveablelink, do you have any screenshots that you could provide us? To get an idea of the atmosphere you're looking for

I can only provide the drawing stages of the game. Our graphic Director has not yet started with the 3D models.

The best I can describe (until I get the drawings up) is a fusion of Megaman, Transformers and Final Fantasy.

I'd like to see some proof of your so-called RPG. pictures, a website maybe? or a forum? How are you working on it? are you alone is it a communauty? How far is it from completion? You need badly music ok, isn't it better to open a recrutement thread, rather than a contest? Why one music, did the ost was nearly complete and you miss only one?

You're not know of the communauty, so provide all infos you can to remixer, that will help you a lot. I'll leave this open for discussion with the hope that you'll fill all the blank about your project.

I'm not sure what you mean by communauty? Do you mean community?

My team consists of 4 people currently. We are due to get a server soon and will have a website up. This team has been around for the last 7-8 years. We have been under wraps for a while..

I've been on this site since 2002. I get about...85% of my music from here. I trust the remixes on this site more than anyone. I know what you guys can do. I also figured that it would be nice to pay the winner. Most people on this site do this for a hobby. A little extra money for doing something you love isn't a bad thing.

You, don't have to enter. I won't be offended. Someone else will get the $200. You can either chance it and possibly win, or fuss over it and someone else will win. It might seem to good to be true, but I'm not lying, and I honestly, want someone off this site to create music for my games.

I have more than 7 games in creation right now. With a team of 4 people, that makes things a little slow. We only have one programmer, since the other is never around to do anything these days. So as I have said, I can provide some concepts, but they are only sketches, and game plans.

As for a recruitment thread, that will come AFTER I get the theme song. I'll also eventually need voice actors. But that will all come when the website is up.


Ok, perhaps I will give it a go.

Note that I remain skeptical that this game will ever reach completion, but as long as the winner doesn't have to wait until release to get paid, I guess that's moot.

What's the general athmosphere of the game? Should the overall feel of the piece be bright and exhilirating? Dark and ominous? Something in between? Something else entirely?

Ok, perhaps I will give it a go.

Note that I remain skeptical that this game will ever reach completion, but as long as the winner doesn't have to wait until release to get paid, I guess that's moot.

What's the general athmosphere of the game? Should the overall feel of the piece be bright and exhilirating? Dark and ominous? Something in between? Something else entirely?

Well, my best suggestion is think like final fantasy 7. I mean, the game isn't that much like Final Fantasy, but that is the best match up I have.

But honestly, be creative. It can have any feel to it. This is just the into theme song. I would kind of like it a little action packed and exciting, but as long as I enjoy the song, I'm happy with it.

I'll try to find a sample of the songs I like.

I did just put two examples up on the first post, at the bottom of the page. So take a look! ^_^


Ok so,

My graphics director in the team is having some wrist troubles and come of the concepts need to be re sketched for you people to take a look at, since they are a few years old and have not been updated.

I will be extending the deadline!

The drawings will be coming soon.

  • 2 weeks later...


I've been in the game industry for 4 years, and after being ripped off once before several years ago I can safely say this does indeed sound rather fishy.

Loveable, since you're having technical difficulties with drawings and such how about giving some info about your company and what system specifically your title is going to be released on. What other titles have you done? What systems were they on? Hell, whats the name of your company? Where in the dev cycle are you in this game? Can you send interested musicians your GDD, ADD, or LDDs so they have any idea as for what sort of vibe the game is going to be? (if you know what those even are).

"But honestly, be creative. It can have any feel to it. This is just the into theme song. I would kind of like it a little action packed and exciting, but as long as I enjoy the song, I'm happy with it."

Have any feel to it? Come on, thats not a very professional approach... as the creative director of your "studio" you'd think you would have a better idea as to what the vibe of the music has got to be. On top of that, it isn't about what sounds good to you.. its what works the best with your game and will help to engross the player in your games story. You make a game for the gamers... not for yourself.

4 people on 7 titles? Impossible... and utterly rediculous. I work at a company with 60 people and takes us no less than two years to create an Xbox 360 title thats fully fleshed out.

Also, another word to all of you up and coming musicians interested in this... even a low end "green" composer in the biz should be making no less than $500 to $700 per completed minute of music. Technically speaking you should be getting around $1500 to do 3 minutes.. and thats really low balling you, this is a rip off and an insult. Chances are you wont be seeing any part of this cash as once your music is posted they can simply steal it.. though there are ways to take legal action against it. Always be cautious!



Hmm,don't know sounds impossible to me that you are making 7 games with so few people,my brother is programmer and he and his team are having trouble with one game for bout 2 years now,there are 5 of them i think,also not having proof of any kind is suspicious,sory but sounds fake...:|


Released on a system? I figured this was some sort of small-time Internet-based operation, like one (technically two) that I had been briefly attached to.

Chances are you wont be seeing any part of this cash as once your music is posted they can simply steal it..

...especially if you host your files at places like Tindeck, which basically force the user to legally give away the works.


Also, another word to all of you up and coming musicians interested in this... even a low end "green" composer in the biz should be making no less than $500 to $700 per completed minute of music.


Let me guess... If in a month you were told to do a 60 minute soundtrack... 30,000 USD ! HOLY CRAP!

Seriously , i wouldnt ever dare to ask such amount of money for my music, unless I was Jeremy Soule, Hans Zimmer or Newton Howard. Im sure if I did that clients would automatically kick my ass.

Let me ask you... Are you serious about music with these prices? Do you ever get a job with those rates?


Am I serious? lol... yes, very. I charge around $1100 per completed minute of music and am working on getting representation which will up that rate a bit more. Ive got 5 shipped titles and 3 years of game music / sound experience... currently not an issue getting a gig at those rates. If you have the right connections, your music is good enough, and some luck... its not hard at all to have people accept such rates. You're just not working on large enough titles yet, which is just fine... everyone has got to start somewhere! Once you get up to doing music for AAA titles those rates are nothing to respectable game companies with decent budgets. It's not unheard of to be put on a project for a month and make 30K! Somone who has no experience orshipped titles under their belt should NOT be asking for those higher rates... you'll be laughed off the phone. If you have 3+ shipped titles under your belt.. then yes, you can ask for that rate and its not an issue. Not to blow my own horn here.. but listen to my remixes... they're both on par with or better than music heard in current gen titles and part of the reason Im able to ask for such a rate.

Composing music can be a very lucrative business. Check around and you might be surprised... the likes of Jeremy Soule, Inon Zur, Jesper Kid, etc etc are pulling in between $300k and 1 million a year, do the math. However, that doesnt mean you will be pulling that kind of cash in if you become a game composer... it takes patience, the ability to sell yourself, talent, and as stated before... loads of luck! 80% of the time your selling yourself to other people so they pay for your services rather than composing music, so If you're not willing to ask more for your music cause you dont think it's good enough, get better! Hear what the competition is doing musically and make sure your music is on par with that samples / sound wise and orchestration wise.


Am I serious? lol... yes, very. I charge around $1100 per completed minute of music and am working on getting representation which will up that rate a bit more. Ive got 5 shipped titles and 3 years of game music / sound experience... currently not an issue getting a gig at those rates. If you have the right connections, your music is good enough, and some luck... its not hard at all to have people accept such rates. You're just not working on large enough titles yet, which is just fine... everyone has got to start somewhere! Once you get up to doing music for AAA titles those rates are nothing to respectable game companies with decent budgets. It's not unheard of to be put on a project for a month and make 30K! Somone who has no experience orshipped titles under their belt should NOT be asking for those higher rates... you'll be laughed off the phone. If you have 3+ shipped titles under your belt.. then yes, you can ask for that rate and its not an issue. Not to blow my own horn here.. but listen to my remixes... they're both on par with or better than music heard in current gen titles and part of the reason Im able to ask for such a rate.

Composing music can be a very lucrative business. Check around and you might be surprised... the likes of Jeremy Soule, Inon Zur, Jesper Kid, etc etc are pulling in between $300k and 1 million a year, do the math. However, that doesnt mean you will be pulling that kind of cash in if you become a game composer... it takes patience, the ability to sell yourself, talent, and as stated before... loads of luck! 80% of the time your selling yourself to other people so they pay for your services rather than composing music, so If you're not willing to ask more for your music cause you dont think it's good enough, get better! Hear what the competition is doing musically and make sure your music is on par with that samples / sound wise and orchestration wise.


Holy shit!

How does one go about gaining entry into this business?


It's not a very easy process truthfully and has taken me close to 5 years to accomplish. The main things you need are as follows:



-Experience (be it big name mods or game titles... I scored large Half Life 2 mods like Insurgency and Eclipse both of which helped me immensely)

-A kick ass / pro website that sells you very well

-the ability to market yourself like a champ

-Extensive knowledge of all genres of music (namely orchestral) and how to properly sequence / master said music

-Extensive knowledge of sample libs and sample programming

-A competitive set of samples... soundfonts WILL NOT WORK and will impress no one. You've got to sound pro in order to be pro. When it comes to sample libraries.. you get what you pay for.


-And... did i mention LUCK!?!

It's tough to get your foot in the door, but once you do it gets a bit easier to find work. Everyone and their grandmother wants to do music for games these days... and unfortunately everyone is utilizing the same sample libraries (EWQL Gold anyone?). So you have got to find a way to master your music to make it sound better and more realistic and set yourself apart by using lesser known sample libs or more pro libs like Project SAMs new Symphobia. Good luck!



Well $1100 may seem a lot, but that probably does not include insurance, stable income, benefits, etc. Sometimes by having insurance and benefits, it can curb pay and actually be better than being paid more, so you can avoid higher tax brackets. Also if you work a constant job, you'll make more money over time, but in the art industry, you make large bursts of income and practically nothing if you can't find work. So it seems you either make it big, or you really don't make it at all, so having a side-job might help.

Also, I don't think she's trying to cheat us with this contest. Maybe it's just a low-scale project put together by friends and they're just trying to start off.

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