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The only reason the game even has an English "dub" is to get it approved for North American release.

Couldn't they just skip the English dub, and then not even advertise the voice-acting as a feature? I guess I don't see why there had to be English voice-acting at all, unless there's some sort of requirement which publishers impose or something.

Although to be honest, I even find the acting in games with allegedly "good" voice-acting to still be pretty bad or at least mediocre. I once saw someone phrase it very well: due to a combination of awkward translation and actors only learning their own lines without bothering to learn the context in the overall script, every dialogue sequence sounds like a bunch of individual people making vague tangential asides at each other rather than an actual conversation. Even most big budget JRPGs have this problem, and even stuff like the MGS series (the ending conversation of MGS2 comes to mind as a noteworthy example).

I mean, I have zero experience, but I genuinely think I could at least perform on par with any voice-actors I've heard in any game you could name, and the main reason is that I would actually take the time (even if I was not required to do so by the employer) to read the whole script -- my lines, the narration, everybody else's lines -- so that I not only know what I'm supposed to say, but why I'm saying it, who I'm saying it to, and what I'm saying it in response to. Also, because I have little cousins and whenever they're around I do 90% of my talking in bizarre voices, the remaining 10% being reserved for my normal voice when I have to tell them to stop spitting on the cat or trying to lick the electrical outlet.


That's exactly what I though, what with all that "twisted love". And my GOD! That beats Resident Evil, for me at least.

EDIT: And "YEE-AAH" was so win. The best part of the entire thing.

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