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Even if you don't know how to GI you can just circumvent spamming by learning your fastest anti-spam attack. Everyone's got a few.

Mitsurugi's 3A at close range is great for that.

QFT. I've NEVER been able to GI a damn thing online, yet I still enjoy an 81% win/lose ratio.

You just need to learn how to play :(.

Actually I've noticed, more often than not, the problem isn't that people don't know how to play their character, but that they don't know OTHER characters. I guess after the 10 odd some years I've been playing Soul Calibur a lot of stuff has been auto-programmed into my head. I know where people are going to go after a certain move, I know what people are going to start with, I know which of my moves can fix into the space between there moves as far as time and distance are.

THAT is the game right there, and THAT is why Ivy will ALWAYS been a pain, because they just can't make up their mind with their girl -_-

WHICH reminds me, anyone seen Ivy's infinite yet?

NOT fixed in patch.

I'm sorry, but you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about in regard to his roll. Just lock on B+K as your right shoulder button, low sweep with 1K (Hold that K so you automatically go into stance after you sweep enemies, whom almost NEVER block low, so it should be safe), then just mash B+K shoulder button. 90% of the times, they won't be able to do anything. And you can mix it up with an A-slash and keep at it until enemies go out of the ring. It's so abusable, it's insane. I'd say about 95% of players I did that against couldn't do anything but eat insane amount of continuous damage or go out the ring. It's so cheap, I feel sorry for them.

I might almost say that the Lizard stance might be the strongest stance in the whole game. Even beyond Yoshimitsu's helicopter and whatever stances Yun Seung and Maxi uses. The continuous 20-win streaks I get online is proof that the Lizard stance works. Against anyone.

So I tried this...with varying degrees of success. Thing is, the roll is a mid attack, so they usually block it. So now I'm starting my next one, and they're free to pound me while Lizzy flails around in the move's startup animation. So just mashing B+K didn't work so well. BUT hitting A while in the position does produce a nice quick low attack that no one ever blocks (and the thing's so fast they probably couldn't even if they wanted to, especially if there's lag). I found that mixing that move in A LOT (as in more than the roll) trips them up pretty good. Then if they ever decide to block low you can go right back to the roll.

Cheap? Yes. Broken? Not so much.

That's already been dis-proven. In fact, you can go disprove it right now if you want. After 3 or so hits, you should be able to get out of it with air control.

Yeah that guy just sucks at DI.

So I tried this...with varying degrees of success. Thing is, the roll is a mid attack, so they usually block it. So now I'm starting my next one, and they're free to pound me while Lizzy flails around in the move's startup animation. So just mashing B+K didn't work so well. BUT hitting A while in the position does produce a nice quick low attack that no one ever blocks (and the thing's so fast they probably couldn't even if they wanted to, especially if there's lag). I found that mixing that move in A LOT (as in more than the roll) trips them up pretty good. Then if they ever decide to block low you can go right back to the roll.

Cheap? Yes. Broken? Not so much.

Astaroth's 6K ~ Grabs, Combos, Pressure > Everything low, fast or annoying :3


I've noticed that when you use 4G, your character sort of pulls back, and can dodge grabs and such. Is there ever a reason to use this instead of things like GI or 8-Way Run?

Yessssss......goooooood.........let the hatred consume you..............that way.........you may gain UUUUULTIMAAATE POOOOOOOWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Eh, He's just so hard for me to beat. Playin arcade mode on normal I made it to round 7, all perfects. And then. BOOOM! Protien EVERYWHERE while the apprentice raped me mercilessly...

I think I should hit up practice mode since I am so heavily dependant on 3 or 4 combos....


I agree with Cynical. It's not me who is saying the Lizard roll is broken. It's those who get stuck in it or get ring-outed in less than 5 seconds. It does have some technique to it and every characters have their own strings of cheese (except maybe Rock and Setsuka for the most part).

Astaroth's 6K ~ Grabs, Combos, Pressure > Everything low, fast or annoying :3

If the enemy doesn't do a particular good job of pressure Astaroth that is. I tend to go 50/50 with very good Astaroth players with my Lizardman. Lizardman has plenty of other normal, non-stance moves to make up for it. And of course, characters like Xianghua can just abuse Astaroth as long as she's in range.

I need to get the timing to block some of Astaroth's ring out attacks though. They come unexpectedly fast. Somehow it's not too hard to fight him with Seung Mina for some reason.

I'm not sure if the Apprentice is broken or if he just has that capability for picture-perfect combos from the AI. It's a real tossup.

I've seen some REALLY good and REALLY cheap Apprentice users online. They always do the spark-launcher and the air juggle. There is no way to get out of it if you don't block and it comes out so fast, sometimes the lag cancels the speed of the blocks. Extremely annoying when someone knows how to abuse Apprentice's moves. Not too many people are all that good with him, but those who are, they are incredibly annoying to deal with.


Whenever they do that I just wait till next fight, counterpick Mitsurugi, 3A, then combo them. When you get Mits started he's tough to stop.

But, yes, Apprentice is very good. He's basically Spawn ala SC2 but given extra range, speed, and a Force bar. I think that might be the main reason you aren't allowed to do Custom Star Wars characters - we'd all get sick of Apprentice style everything.

EDIT: Actually in response to the OP, I think that SC4's biggest mistake is not including the bonus styles they had in SC3. I loved Wave Sword, Dagger/Bomb, and Greive Edge, if only because I could make a Drizzt, a Thief ala 8bit Theater, and a Chuck Norris :P

I'm saddened they got removed but God willing they'll balance in the next game.


I think the balance is pretty shot anyway. Lizardman feels almost too powerful once you get the timing of blocks perfect (when there's little lag and I'm able to guard impact, there's little from stopping Lizardman. And so with many similarly powerful and speedy characters). Also, Cervantes has too many abusable moves, it's almost comical. Every other move of his has very easy ring-out potential, auto mix-ups, incredibly fast unblockable moves, etc. Not to mention all the cheap spammers love using him to boot.

Also, Talim and Xianghua in the hands of pros (as in.. level 80s and 90s. I've fought several..) are almost unbeatable due to the extraordinary number of safe moves. In some skill levels, some characters are incredibly broken.


If the enemy doesn't do a particular good job of pressure Astaroth that is. I tend to go 50/50 with very good Astaroth players with my Lizardman. Lizardman has plenty of other normal, non-stance moves to make up for it. And of course, characters like Xianghua can just abuse Astaroth as long as she's in range.

I need to get the timing to block some of Astaroth's ring out attacks though. They come unexpectedly fast. Somehow it's not too hard to fight him with Seung Mina for some reason.

Pressure can be hard but mostly it's a question of 4K, GI or 8-way run ~ launch/bull rush ~ mix ~ repeat. Haven't really met any good xianghua's so I can't comment on that but I'm pretty sure she can. Luckily AB is a good space keeper along with bull rush.

Asta's ring-out game is insane in SCIV actually, bull rush is still incredible and he has a vast array of far-reaching ring-outing lows to boot. Even his fastest attack (4K , hell yeah) has decent ring-out stats.

so yeah, I like astaroth. Sadly I've got no xbox intarwebs at dad's place so I can't play a lot atm but I'm about to fix that. Then I'll see you all online! >:)

Sadly I've got no xbox intarwebs at dad's place so I can't play a lot atm but I'm about to fix that. Then I'll see you all online! >:)

Ditto here, but I won't even have a TV when I move into my new apartment for another week, and by then I'm afraid I'll miss the whole SCIV buzz... :-(


See, but that game sucked.

Anyway I hate Xianghua on principle. It's bad enough you have a chick who can be pretty quick when she wants to be, it's worse when you add in her ability to feint/switch in almost half of her attacks without even pausing and some of her more abusable air chains.


Well, Mirai, The Force Unleashed is gonna have a Duel Mode in the Wii version, and there's an upcoming game based on the new CG Star Wars movie, which is nothing but dueling. So, I think George had you covered.

I love the Apprentice. He's got the best moveset out of the 3 Force users. I hope to gain l33t skitles with him someday. I'm practicing, you know!


Personally, I would have preffered the addition of others. I personally don't like star wars, never really enjoyed its universe all that much. It just never spoke to me. I appreciate the movies but thats about it. Im really diggin the character creator, infact, ive been playin with it as mucha s the game... lol.


I love soulcalibur on principle, and I played a hella lot of SCII back in the day, but... without online, and being an old guy now, having friends who work full time, it seems like a waste of $60.

I know I'd love the game, but since my 360 has no Live account there's nothing to do but beat up on the stupid AI and the rare local match against my sister.

I mean, the single player alone cannot possibly justify the puchase, agreed?


I don't think it's fair to fighting games in general to basically say "The single play isn't worth it to me therefore it is not worth my purchase."

However having no friends to fight with (or internet) then you'd have a horrible time playing Soul Calibur 4. You'd play the game, unlock some armor, tweak with Character Creator, and put it on the shelf forever.

See, but that game sucked.

Anyway I hate Xianghua on principle. It's bad enough you have a chick who can be pretty quick when she wants to be, it's worse when you add in her ability to feint/switch in almost half of her attacks without even pausing and some of her more abusable air chains.

Some truly great Xianghua players are annoying, but now it's hip to use Amy and abuse her quickness and auto mixups. I actually think she might be broken because most characters simply do not have the quickness to counter her moves. Some of her typical attacks like the quick thrusts can be easy to see, but most of her low attacks aren't.

Basically higher level online games devolve into who can spam the most and abuse their most abusable moves. Makes sense, but that means the actual game of fighting goes out the window.

Basically higher level online games devolve into who can spam the most and abuse their most abusable moves. Makes sense, but that means the actual game of fighting goes out the window.

See this is why I only play 2d games competitively. 3d fighters are almost infamous for being horribly broken.

God willing with the current generation of consoles they'll start doing patches to fix this kind of potential bullcrap.

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