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With all the news and talk about 8-bit MM9 seems this japanese team has finished their work on MM7 8-bit. It is the complete game in 8-bit and from people's impressions it seems to run relatively well. Only for Windows though so Mac people have to use Parallels, Boot Camp, w/e to play.


Video in the link and link to download site (in japanese though).


The lower left of the config menu appears to be a trainer / hacking utility, since it has spots for 8 powers checked, and the RUSH letters.

Any other help on it would be great though -- it looks awesome and I can't play it because I don't know the controls.

Edit: Z is jump, X is shoot, Q is menu, arrow keys move. Enjoy!


I haven't seen the opening stage either. Well, the game isn't marked with a 1.0 version, so it may not be completed just yet, and the first level might be put into play later.

Or perhaps it was axed to make it more like a regular 8 Bit game. After all, all 8 bosses are there from the get go rather than just Cloud, Burst, Junk, and Freeze Man. Hard to say.

Either way, the game is extremely impressive and is a pretty faithful adaptation. I've noticed though that Rush Jet is slower than its original counterpart and that a few jumps are slightly harder to make than before, but otherwise the games are very close. And that's extremely impressive.

It's a lot of fun. I'm very much entertained.

EDIT: Beat to the punch by Arek! XD

Q is Start and R is reset.

Also, is the opening stage in this anywhere? :\

No opening stage, no Robot Museum. Aside from that the game is a near-perfect recreation, but with the superior speed and physics of the NES titles. I'll never be able to go back to the original, myself.


Adding to authenticity, the Shade Man easter egg is still intact! If you hold jump while selecting Shade Man's stage, you get the theme from Ghosts and Goblins/Ghouls and Ghosts. GOOD TIMES.

Adding to authenticity, the Shade Man easter egg is still intact! If you hold jump while selecting Shade Man's stage, you get the theme from Ghosts and Goblins/Ghouls and Ghosts. GOOD TIMES.

That's badass. I haven't found it out due to playing TF2 with everyone tonight. I'll be finishing this tomorrow...and probably never play the 16-bit version again, except to compare.

Edit: The 2nd Protoman location (Turbo Man's level) doesn't appear to be there. Also missing is Rush Search, which leads to things like the S. Adaptor upgrade not being findable (or buyable, since there are no bolts an no shop). The Energy Balancer is available, but not in the usual spot (spoilers) see Spring Man's stage where you punch through the wall for Auto's screw.. Hopefully someone figures out the missing two upgrade spots (one passive item remains unfound, and Proto's shield is the last equip slot, presumably).

Edit: The 2nd Protoman location (Turbo Man's level) doesn't appear to be there. Also missing is Rush Search, which leads to things like the S. Adaptor upgrade not being findable (or buyable, since there are no bolts an no shop). Hopefully someone figures out the missing two upgrade spots (one passive item remains unfound, and Proto's shield is the last equip slot, presumably).

Both the Rocket Arm and Proto Man fight/shield are in the game, I assure you.


The Rocket Arm is hidden where it always is, but the method of access has changed since Rush Search is out. Proto Man's locations are all the same as well, so I'm not sure why he wouldn't be showing up. The passwords don't save his encounters, just the shield, so that might be part of it.

By the way, this recreation is SO much better than the original SNES counterpart. I'm serious. Classic-series should have always been on the NES, while Megaman X on the SNES.

no .


Umm, yes? The SNES version of MM7 was mediocre at best, while it should have been a classic. It works a lot better as a NES version. MM8 was released on totally wrong console. Megaman X -series blows after X3 (though that has nothing to do with the platforms they are available). I'm sorry, but those are my opinions.


I would say they are comparable, but the 8-bit version isn't necessarily *better.* Mega Man 7 was not a mediocre game by any means. It was a competent platformer that was fun and challenging. A lot of the flak the game tends to get comes from the rather change-averse Mega Man fandom rather than the game's own negative demerits. It's not Mega Man X, it's true, but the fact remains that Mega Man 7 was still well-designed.

That being said, I think it's astounding that a fan made game could come anywhere near the quality of the original game. This remake really is something special and is a blast to play. Also, I admit I love the 8-bit Mega Man sprite and his constant vacant expression. It makes me laugh all the time. XD

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