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Surprisingly most of the Watchmen were originally based off of Charlton Comics characters, and not DC characters. DC bought out Charlton, but still.. the Charlton created characters inspired Moore to come up with the Watchmen.

Rorschach - The Question

Nite Owl I and II - The first two versions of the Blue Beetle

Dr Manhattan - Captain Atom

The Comedian - Peacemaker

Ozymandias - Thunderbolt

Though these origins don't throw out the idea that you can see aspects of Batman in most of these non-super powered heroes.

I would only ascribe Batmanism to Rorschach and Nite Owl.

Comedian I see as more like The Joker than like any hero, and The character of Ozymandias resonated more with Richard Reeds for me. But then, I'm totally unfamiliar with Charlton Comics characters.


people shouldn't be making comparisons of Rorschach to batman, the only comparison to be made is poor acting decisions by Christian Bale.

Rorschach is described as having a creepy monotone voice by Laurie in the book, it makes sense for him to speak that way. it also made any time he raised his voice very effective because he hardly ever changed the manner he speaks.

there's more that could be gone into on this subject it's just not worth making the comparison imo.

Surprisingly most of the Watchmen were originally based off of Charlton Comics characters, and not DC characters. DC bought out Charlton, but still.. the Charlton created characters inspired Moore to come up with the Watchmen.

Rorschach - The Question

Nite Owl I and II - The first two versions of the Blue Beetle

Dr Manhattan - Captain Atom

The Comedian - Peacemaker

Ozymandias - Thunderbolt

Though these origins don't throw out the idea that you can see aspects of Batman in most of these non-super powered heroes.

Glad to see someone who knows the deal.


In the movie theatre, you could obviously tell who hadn’t read the book. There was obviously a lot of giggling in the back row coming from those 15 year olds who only snuk into an 18A movie. Those guys know how to put a hamper on things.

To their credit though, that sex scene was really drawn out.


I purposely didn't read the graphic novel in anticipation of this movie because I wanted to know nothing about a super hero movie going in for a change. I was shocked at how adult the movie is. It perfectly balances subtlety (the very slight facial expressions of Dr. Manhattan) and brutality (Rorschach).

Also, other than the voice Rorschach didn't make me think of Batman once. He's more like a film noir hero than Batman has ever been. He was probably my favorite character, but it's pretty hard to choose.


I don't plan on seeing this movie. I've never read the book. I was going to, but after seeing Dr. Manhattan being nude throughout the whole thing, I didn't want to. And I from what you guys have said, yeah, I figured he'd be nude throughout it. I know, staying true to the book.

I'm not booing the film, I think it's great they're following the original book as close as possible. But I just have no desire to read it/see it.

Yes, I'm aware that the book has very large underlying themes about super heroes, war, and questioning morale, all those sorts of great things to tell in a story, but, it's just not a book for me.

Guess I'm the minority on this one, sorry guys.

I don't plan on seeing this movie. I've never read the book. I was going to, but after seeing Dr. Manhattan being nude throughout the whole thing, I didn't want to. And I from what you guys have said, yeah, I figured he'd be nude throughout it. I know, staying true to the book.

I'm not booing the film, I think it's great they're following the original book as close as possible. But I just have no desire to read it/see it.

Yes, I'm aware that the book has very large underlying themes about super heroes, war, and questioning morale, all those sorts of great things to tell in a story, but, it's just not a book for me.

Guess I'm the minority on this one, sorry guys.

Wait... So you don't want to read it just because one of the characters is naked in some parts of it?


Wait... So you don't want to read it just because one of the characters is naked in some parts of it?


That's one of the reasons. Sounds superficial/stupid, I know. I've read only a few things of Alan Moore, and I just couldn't get into most of it.

Am I coming off as a prude?

And I'm curious as to why me being from KY has anything to do with my comment.

Never mind, forget I said anything jeez.


yeah, dr. manhattan's naked through the whole thing, but it's not like they're like OMG PENIX the whole time. it's artfully done so that, after you've read it, you can't imagine him wearing anything. even the manthong was a little weird when he had to wear it.

i will admit, though. nixon's bloody nose was HUGE. even bigger than manhattan's super-saiyan-ized cock.


I read the book a few years ago in high school cuz it looked interesting and was the only comic book at the library. Usually when I see movies coming out for something i like I just sigh and go "lets see how they mess this stuff up." But from how you guys all react I can't wait til it comes overseas so I can see it....in about a month.

This didn't make any sense to me, but then I saw
Location: KY

and I was like, "Oh yeah."

Meaning what?

meaning, conservative.

God no. I hate that term. I have no stand on politics whatsoever, nor will I, I'm neutral, and I'd rather be shot then follow idiots like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Hannity, or Bill O' Reilly. I guess if you mean conservative thinking, not likely, considering I've never researched on what they're thinking is.

I understand that's not the point of the movie of Dr. Manhattan being nude, I do, it's just something that would bother me with the movie.

And DPaladin, I apologize, I thought you were implying I'm stupid, which is what I'll probably get for opening my mouth. I've seen movies with nudity in the past (Braveheart, Across The Universe, Beowulf, Titanic), I just don't care for that sort of thing, it's just, I don't know, I just never felt it was necessary in a movie and I refrain from seeing movies with that sort of stuff. But that's just me, I'm not saying that films need to be censored or anything, that's none of my business, and that's up to the director/artist to what he wants to do with a film. If that's what he/she does with their movie, fine, go ahead, I probably won't see it. But that doesn't mean I want to ruin everyone else's enjoyment of it, or make picket signs against it.

Look, I won't say anything else about the movie and go through the obligatory flames I'll get for what I said before. I'm sorry, seriously.



So, anyone think the small change at the beginning of Dan visiting Veidt instead of Rorshach weird?

I think that they might've done that to affirm the mask-killer theory to Dan, because Rorshach would've been firmly convinced of it either way. Too bad though, it leaves out the line where Rorshach questions Veidt's sexuality...though hinted at later when Dan is on the computer after he figures out the password, there is a folder labeled "Boys".


Much better than I was expecting, I enjoyed it a lot. The fact that it struck so closely to the graphic novel paid off nicely IMO, and they did a fine job editing out parts that weren't necessary. I thought the ending was improved too; it's tied to the story better, feels less out of the blue.

Gripes: wish they had spent more time on Veidt and his background - you didn't get the sense at all that he was the world's smartest man. Definitely wish there had been less slo-mo - I feel nearly every time a director uses slo-mo outside of action scenes, they're hitting you over the head to pay attention. And yeah, that actress who played Laurie was a really weak link. Good acting otherwise.

So, anyone think the small change at the beginning of Dan visiting Veidt instead of Rorshach weird?

I think that they might've done that to affirm the mask-killer theory to Dan, because Rorshach would've been firmly convinced of it either way. Too bad though, it leaves out the line where Rorshach questions Veidt's sexuality...though hinted at later when Dan is on the computer after he figures out the password, there is a folder labeled "Boys".

that's a good point, i missed that. and i missed the folder. i love little touches like that =)

and no, toadofsky, i wasn't calling you a political conservative. i was calling your viewpoint conservative in the traditional sense - you would be more apt to find dr. manhattan's cojones inappropriate than, say, someone who grew up in cali. for what it's worth, i'm a conservative in this respect, so it's not like i'm insulting you.


and no, toadofsky, i wasn't calling you a political conservative. i was calling your viewpoint conservative in the traditional sense - you would be more apt to find dr. manhattan's cojones inappropriate than, say, someone who grew up in cali. for what it's worth, i'm a conservative in this respect, so it's not like i'm insulting you.

Ah, I get ya, I figured it out after I posted.

Well, I like to rent movies edited from some websites (I won't name where, they'll probably get shut down again), so if when Watchmen comes out on dvd, and if they can edit it, then I'll give it a shot. :razz:

Nah, just don't want to see it bouncing all over the screen (I doubt it does, just roll with the comment now), as Earnest P. World would say...


They pulled the whole glowy blue penis thing off rather tastefully. If you're going to not see the movie because of something like that, don't see it for the part where Nite Owl and Silk Spectre have sex; it is hands down one of the worst sex scenes of all time. When naked Malin Akerman can't salvage that kind of scene, something is horribly, horribly wrong.

Blue penis conundrums aside, Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach has to be one of the best casting decisions ever made. The rest of the movie could have sucked (thankfully it didn't), but it was worth the price of admission just for Rorschach alone.

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