atmuh Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 The problem is that when people join, they never take a moment to evaluate the teams before joining. Or perhaps they do, and intentionally join the stronger team, I don't know. I never evaluate the teams at all. When I connect to any server, I immediately mash enter until it gets to the class select screen (which will auto-assign you to a team). I personally hate scrambling and will always vote against it even when my team is getting rolled, but if I'm on a team that's really rolling bad and there's an open slot on the other team I will on occasion switch over.
Sensai Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 I never evaluate the teams at all. When I connect to any server, I immediately mash enter until it gets to the class select screen (which will auto-assign you to a team). I do this exact same thing. Sorry Rambo, but I don't generally look at things until I get into the game.I personally hate scrambling and will always vote against it even when my team is getting rolled...I always vote for scrambles, though, regardless of anything. It's not really going to hurt things if we scramble teams, why would we not?
atmuh Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 if griefing is against the rules why is people on my team refusing to use their guns or heal beams and doing EPIC MELEE ONLY which i consider griefing because it makes me REALLY MAD not against the rules
atmuh Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 Because you touch yourself at night. oh ho ho yeah thanks for that great reply that makes you sound pretty dumb how about a SERIOUS ANSWER
Dhsu Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 How about you go to a different server instead of being a gaytard and staying somewhere where everyone is making you mad.
atmuh Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 How about you go to a different server instead of being a gaytard and staying somewhere where everyone is making you mad. still didnt answer my question oh yeah someone with ftp should update sourcemod to 1.2.3 it now has "motd" as a chat function which will finally show the motd
Dhsu Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 still didnt answer my question I think my question is more important. If NOBODY considers something griefing EXCEPT YOU it is NOT GRIEFING. If EVERYBODY on your server micspams EXCEPT SOME TARD WHO DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO GO TO ANOTHER SERVER it is NOT GRIEFING.
atmuh Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 hm rambo bonzai garian and edgecrusher were all playing normally and you bringing up people micspamming on my server is an entirely different matter because ON THE MOTD IT SPECIFICALLY SAYS THAT WE PLAY MUSIC AND TO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT IT
Dhsu Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 Rambo, Bonzai, Garian, and Edgecrusher weren't babies about it either. Are you saying if something is not specifically mentioned in the rules it should be against the rules? Because if you are that's pretty dumb.
atmuh Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 im saying it should be like micspam where if some people dont want it DONT DO IT also i didnt complain about it ingame either except that one time that one guy specifically asked me why i was CHEATING but using my rocket launcher and i called him a moron
Dhsu Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 That's not what you said. Your argument was that melee-only is griefing so it should be against the rules. It's not, so it's not.
EdgeCrusher Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 Like I said in the IRC channel, if people wanna melee only, go right ahead. They can melee only themselves right into the line of fire of my sentry
Bahamut Posted September 8, 2009 Author Posted September 8, 2009 This is what the MotD has said for quite some time: Micspamming is only allowed at admin discretion, and one at a time at mostPlease also do so in taste - if it's obnoxious, it's a quick mute or ban.
atmuh Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 This is what the MotD has said for quite some time: we are not talking about micspammping we are talking about this if griefing is against the rules why is people on my team refusing to use their guns or heal beams and doing EPIC MELEE ONLY which i consider griefing because it makes me REALLY MAD not against the rules
Vivi22 Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 Like I said in the IRC channel, if people wanna melee only, go right ahead. They can melee only themselves right into the line of fire of my sentry I'll have to agree with this. As long as it's one person going melee only, they may not be doing a lot to help the team, but at least they're not actively working against the team like engineers with useless teleporters or people who ask for an Uber then sit on their butt doing nothing when the medic deploys it. I fail to see how one person trying to melee only is any more griefing than sucking terribly at a class.
Abyss Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 And if there are multiple people going melee only, on both teams, then the negative effects are shared between both teams and counter each other out. Either way, its not griefing, because they are not attempts at harassing people or gaining benefit at another's detriment, it's just people playing a silly game in a silly way.
Ferret Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 You know what griefing is? TOSSING GRENADES INTO THE EFFING RESPAWN. Atmuh being butthurt because people want to goof off and melee only is not griefing.
metaknight Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 I occasionally like to stop by the OCR server for TF2 fun but it was hilarious last week when I started the horror of the Bohemian Rhapsody song and sang with, I think it was, sporknight and others. I wished that was recorded, our audience *loved us! (*note: loathed) On this current topic, The way I see meleeing only as griefing is if said person were constantly getting killed by said melee'er or they are *gasp* losing the round! It's just a game. I never take this game seriously. I say do what you want and have fun. I have fun laughing me ass off whether we win epically or fail miserably. I'm guilty of this. Seeing as how whenever I go heavy I always pull out the fists. If you see a heavy using only fists for a long ass time, that'll be me. I must say I've gotten epic with it. On that same night we sang I beat the crap outta metal link 6-7 times in a row. He even rocket jumped into my fist and died. That was hilarious man! Dominated a lot too. And "powed" a couple of people. Why do I do this? Meh, when you play a heavy so damn good and mow down countless people with sasha it gets boring...owning people with fists on the other hand..
EdgeCrusher Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 I get a kick out of people who get butt hurt when they are trying to do melee only near a point, or it a high traffic area and get killed, then whine about it. If you insist on melee only, do it out of the way somewhere where I don't randomly see a member of another team running around like a tard that I shoot on instinct, k?
Meeting_Gman Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 You know what griefing is? TOSSING GRENADES INTO THE EFFING RESPAWN.Atmuh being butthurt because people want to goof off and melee only is not griefing. Heh, were you there today too?
Trianine Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 You know what griefing is? TOSSING GRENADES INTO THE EFFING RESPAWN.Atmuh being butthurt because people want to goof off and melee only is not griefing. That's not griefing, it's spawncamping. And there is a reason grenades were removed from everyone but demoman!
atmuh Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 griefing is doing things to make your teammates mad killing the other team a lot is not greifing it is playing the game
Ferret Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 No, doing things to make your teammates mad is called being an idiot. If you look it up you'll see things like spawncamping and such as being primary elements of griefing.
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