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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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see this is why you should have stv demos theres no "i think you said this" or stuff since you have a full demo

i know fireslash was thinking of adding that support im not sure whatever happened with that (and dont worry people you wont even notice its been added besides there being a 26th ghost slot with a stv bot in it)

It doesn't actually take up a slot?

It doesn't actually take up a slot?

nah the server will for example when full be 25(26)/26 and the last slot is a ghost slot so its not like having it costs anything extra from gameservers and stuff

ive been doing it for months

edit oh look

Player Swedish Thunder was automatically assigned to team BLU

Player DEATH BLOW joined team RED

Ivan (Pos - with 1,202 points) connected (United States)

Server cvar 'mp_friendlyfire' changed to 1

Server cvar 'sv_tags' changed to cp,friendlyfire

Server cvar 'sv_tags' changed to cp,friendlyfire

Player RevCo was automatically assigned to team BLU

Player [3bet] smileOK! was automatically assigned to team RED

Player F4T4L was automatically assigned to team BLU

[lions]piplup (Pos 11 with 87,582 points) connected (United States)

Giordano (Pos 660 with 2,935 points) connected (United States)

Merktropolis (Pos - with 1,518 points) connected (United States)

Player (1)atmuh joined team Spectator

Player -|nQa|- El ScarCara joined team RED

* atmuh changed name to Pubfriend Killer

Player Voorhees was automatically assigned to team RED


Deathnoob (Pos - with 1,011 points) connected (Taiwan)

Pregame mayhem is active. Friendlyfire and instaspawn active.

Player Pubfriend Killer was automatically assigned to team BLU

Player Giordano joined team BLU

Player Merktropolis was automatically assigned to team RED

Player -VK-[Crit-Magnet] joined team BLU

Player FIRERED joined team RED

Player Ivan joined team BLU

[sM] Merktropolis wants to rock the vote. (1 votes, 8 required)

Merktropolis : rtv

[sM-RADIO] Welcome (1)atmuh, this server is running SourceMod Radio

[sM-RADIO] Type in chat !radio to bring up the radio menu, or !radiooff to switch the radio off

[sM] DEATH BLOW wants to rock the vote. (2 votes, 8 required)


Player [lions]piplup joined team RED

Player Deathnoob joined team BLU

Player Arrownot joined team RED

Console log

You're such a joke atmuh. He's right though, and here's bonzai and I stacking. As I've said before, we ARE going to join the same team when we can. I don't pretend it never happens and use the predictable auto-join to conceal my intentions like some people do. When teams are already even, we'll join opposing teams. Otherwise we'll join the weaker of teams. In this case, atmuh and miyako were on blu, so we joined red.

That match on cp_steal was actually a pretty good one. Each team had only 1 chance to attack, and it took the whole map time to do so. In fact, if I hadn't kicked, and THEN banned atmuh for repeatedly using an exploit, their team probably could have won both offense and defense.

After that, like a child, atmuh spammed join on the server for his whole 10 minute ban. Meanwhile, his friend in the server begged me to ban him so that he could do the same.

Real classy.

Oh for reference once again: Bonzai (Wins: 977, Losses: 895) Rambo (Wins: 1,752, Losses: 1,877)

Considering that we always stack the teams, we sure do suck.


i well considering that not only were you both joining the same team which yeah ok fine youve been doing forever which people see as totally fine now! but you were always joining the same team as all the nqa guys yeah real cool and i was more talking about them than you but you definitely werent helping at all i guess that whole endless argument we had about stacking went completely out the window

I hadn't replied to anything you had said because I had little to nothing to say. My reply was only with respect to powerlord's condescending admin purge comment.

I was in the server when this happened, and I know that one of you did egg him on. I clearly recall "cry more" or "stop crying" coming from one of you before anything started.

No, we did not. It was a third person for sure. Neither of us typed anything or used the mic saying 'cry more.'

i well considering that not only were you both joining the same team which yeah ok fine youve been doing forever which people see as totally fine now! but you were always joining the same team as all the nqa guys yeah real cool and i was more talking about them than you but you definitely werent helping at all i guess that whole endless argument we had about stacking went completely out the window

The -nqa- guy on our team was not as good as you nor miyako. It would have been a different story if Scythe were on red. Quit being an ass because I banned you for exploiting.

Also, were you the person to force a scramble on both consecutive maps? Because neither of them were called for, and neither of them had a single vote cast against them. I didn't see any other admins in the server.

No, we did not. It was a third person for sure. Neither of us typed anything or used the mic saying 'cry more.'

Can you be certain that the other demo didn't type that out? Because I'm fairly certain that a demo, on red team did. I immediately checked the logs when this came up in the forums, but I had played too much since then and it was bumped off.

The -nqa- guy on our team was not as good as you nor miyako. It would have been a different story if Scythe were on red. Quit being an ass because I banned you for exploiting.

Also, were you the person to force a scramble on both consecutive maps? Because neither of them were called for, and neither of them had a single vote cast against them. I didn't see any other admins in the server.

Can you be certain that the other demo didn't type that out? Because I'm fairly certain that a demo, on red team did. I immediately checked the logs when this came up in the forums, but I had played to much since then and it was bumped off.

there wasnt 1 on your team

there was 3

they change their names dont you hear them saying over the mic how they did and how they love to join and stack

and i scrambled on steel after the preround mayhem after everyone stacked yeah but everyone went back to the team that they wanted so whatever!

there wasnt 1 on your team

there was 3

they change their names dont you hear them saying over the mic how they did and how they love to join and stack

and i scrambled on steel after the preround mayhem after everyone stacked yeah but everyone went back to the team that they wanted so whatever!

Fair enough, DEATH BLOW turns out to be an -nqa-. And one guy just joined.

You were on a team with three [3bet] guys. And besides having to ban you, and gag/mute your minion, it was a decent game.


yeah but the 3bet guys arent that great and theyll be the first to admit that yet theyre fun people to play with

so i guess i should ask what is team stacking then

yeah but the 3bet guys arent that great and theyll be the first to admit that yet theyre fun people to play with

so i guess i should ask what is team stacking then

Okay, the ZUZ will be the first to admit that they're fun to play with too. Well said.

These particular -nqa- "aren't that great" either. Again, if you're bitter about shit, (waaa everyone should always auto-join all the time, or waaa I get temp-banned for exploiting) don't try and pin it on me. There was nothing foul about this game on cp_steal. And especially no foul play on my nor bonzai's part.

If there had have been a problem, I would've seen to it. These matches resembled nothing of a steamroll. I'm sorry you didn't succeed in your attempt to flood the server.

Team stacking has been addressed many, many times in this thread. If you ever care to read more than the first sentence of any post, maybe you'll be shed some insight.

Okay, the ZUZ will be the first to admit that they're fun to play with too. Well said.

These particular -nqa- "aren't that great" either. Again, if you're bitter about shit, (waaa everyone should always auto-join all the time, or waaa I get temp-banned for exploiting) don't try and pin it on me. There was nothing foul about this game on cp_steal. And especially no foul play on my nor bonzai's part.

If there had have been a problem, I would've seen to it. These matches resembled nothing of a steamroll. I'm sorry you didn't succeed in your attempt to flood the server.

Team stacking has been addressed many, many times in this thread. If you ever care to read more than the first sentence of any post, maybe you'll be shed some insight.

nah most of those endless posts were people arguing about it and all that stuff is meaningless to read but if powerlord or fireslash says something yeah ill read that and if you recall he said

What will happen is the admins will be operating under a much lower tolerance for team stacking and other violations, as several people have been abusing the rules.

which i really havent seen tbh i mean today ubel teamswitched because his team was losing and powerlord (i think?) just kicked him at which point he rejoined and joined the exact same team

editin again

im really throwing this just on you they were doing the same thing all night when other admins were on too and in general this is still a regular thing that ive been seeing

the only one that really does anything about it is dlux and yeah i dont like how he gets mad at everything but that is one thing he definitely does right is keep people in check when theyre trying to stack


which i really havent seen tbh i mean today ubel teamswitched because his team was losing and powerlord (i think?) just kicked him at which point he rejoined and joined the exact same team

I kicked Ubel when he blatantly left the losing team to join vahn, miyako, and the -nqa- guys on the winning team. I didn't do anything when he rejoined because I wanted it to play out. And it was more than rewarding when we got our shit together, made vahn ragequit, and ubel ragespec.

But there was a scramble after the first section of that map, and dispite being on the losing team, I really didn't think there was a need for a vote scramble, let alone a forced one.

I kicked Ubel when he blatantly left the losing team to join vahn, miyako, and the -nqa- guys on the winning team. I didn't do anything when he rejoined because I wanted it to play out. And it was more than rewarding when we got our shit together, made vahn ragequit, and ubel ragespec.

But there was a scramble after the first section of that map, and dispite being on the losing team, I really didn't think there was a need for a vote scramble, let alone a forced scramble at that time.

oh yeah hoodoo ok yes i did scramble it after the first round because i was on the winning side and just as the round ended another nqa guy joined the server and joined my team which made 4 i think and at that point it was just dumb

whether wed have continue to roll you cant really say but it was more because they all kept joining that same team

i was probably wrong in doing it but those guys really piss me off can you tell????

how the heck do you see anything at that res seriously

oh and to reply to

Hey, not really into TF2 much, but this looks like it might be fun. I didn't see any mention of it in the last few pages,so if you're going to get all "old" on me, here's a preemptive "fuck you".


Might be the sort of thing to get me into playing TF2 more. Any of you guys interested?

that mod is pretty neat (ill probably give it a try tomorrow) but the mod itself isnt publicly available and even if it was you need to devote an entire server to it its not something that you can just turn on/off (i could be wrong)

if it does get released publicly i may throw it on my server since its pretty empty nowadays

[04:45:07] <atmuh> so do you like my script

[04:45:17] <atmuh> it is top secret i dont give it out to anyone

[04:45:20] <Rambo> the .lulz

[04:45:23] <atmuh> no

[04:45:30] <atmuh> the button i press when i get banned

[04:45:34] <atmuh> and go have a sandwich

[04:45:38] <Rambo> oh that

[04:45:38] <Rambo> lol

[04:45:41] <atmuh> while i joins the server until im unbanned

[04:46:08] <atmuh> its my way of never getting banned on all the servers where i have admins that dont like me

same old dog, same old tricks.

I kicked Ubel when he blatantly left the losing team to join vahn, miyako, and the -nqa- guys on the winning team. I didn't do anything when he rejoined because I wanted it to play out. And it was more than rewarding when we got our shit together, made vahn ragequit, and ubel ragespec.

But there was a scramble after the first section of that map, and dispite being on the losing team, I really didn't think there was a need for a vote scramble, let alone a forced one.

I actually thought about forcing a scramble on hoodoo at the very start of the map before setup even ended, because the nQa guys were talking about "steamrolling" before the map even began.

Epic hide and seek mod is EPIC.


I hate to say it, but the hide and seek mod is an inferior version of the Garry's Mod Prop Hunt gametype.

Closing Link: 001e2a087da9.click-network.com Chives (Killed (*.EnterTheGame.Com ([Ref#:66353 ] protocol - you are no longer welcome on etg)))
Considering I've never been on etg, I find this a bit funny. Suppose I'll never be able to check out irc. :/
GMod has one?

sonova, I have a reason to reinstall that monster.

Yeah, but in the GMod version, you can change which prop you are... or more specifically, copy an existing prop in a map! :)

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