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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Bleck always has the best sigs.

Today was a good day. Server got up to about half capcity. Most were spotted playing on Atmuh's server (traitors).

Due to Chinese New Year, the prototype for the OCR TF2 patch has been delayed yet again. After I get a scan for it, I will post it. Then I will make the final (unless someone else thinks of something) changes to it. I will be taking out the bolts at the end of the text, moving the lines up to fill the space more evenly, and changing the Scoot bat to the actual Hermes Foot symbol found on the TF2 Steam homepage. Anyone else have some suggestions, please lemme know.I am hoping to have them sent out by March 1st.

Today was a good day. Server got up to about half capcity. Most were spotted playing on Atmuh's server (traitors).

I was testing out HLDJ. :D

I saw that the OCR server was still going after Spengboob emptied out, but unfortunately I couldn't stay up since I had to get up at 7am this morning.

P.S. If someone has the Colossus "wooooaaaaaagggh" I NEED IT.


Hmm, I had a mediocre night score wise, but somehow I had an absolutely amazing defense round on Gold Rush, and a pretty good offense round, even though we never got to the third part of it on offense.

Although I ended as Engineer, I played Spy most of both rounds.


Edit: I think my score was split 94 points on defense, 30 points of offense, to give you an idea of how well I did on defense. I think Martian even commented on how I kept getting multiple backstabs on BLU (when I was RED) when they were pushing the cart.


Always nice to see you in-game, Bonzai!

There is another update out now:

  • Pipebombs now get a reduced close range damage ramp up (like Rocket Launcher & Syringe Gun)
  • Ultimately reduces damage done by pipebombs to enemies <512 units from the Demoman
  • Moved the unlockable system over to the new item backend:
  • Added a warning dialog to the loadout screen telling clients when the server they're on could not get their loadout
  • Made "tf_damage_disablespread" a replicated convar, so clients can see the value of it on the server they're connected to
  • Renamed "mp_stalemate_at_timelimit" to "mp_match_end_at_timelimit", to better explain its function now that stalemate is optional
  • Fixed muzzle flashes & shell ejections still playing when viewmodels are hidden
  • Server tags can now be used to include or exclude servers from the list
  • Team Fortress 2 and Day of Defeat: Source
  • Protected several more commands from client exploitation


  • Pipebombs now get a reduced close range damage ramp up (like Rocket Launcher & Syringe Gun)
  • Ultimately reduces damage done by pipebombs to enemies <512 units from the Demoman





Also, it seems you can no longer become a Civilian Heavy and F10 now gives a prompt instead of auto-closing your game.

heh the menu screen now will play the music that they used in the "Meet the Scout" video. Oh Valve, you are such a tease.


Yeah uhh... I will definitely start off Saturday's game EARLY and get as much time in that day on TF2 possible so that I can get through the scout madness without wanting to really play TF2 (at first, I thought I could gun 'em all down with a heavy, but as long as baseballs are flying around, that ain't happening anymore). And as some of you know, I hate scout fights (I'm afraid to know what it'll be like with over 9000 scouts on at once).


Yay! Finally! I forgot that they always do the countdown thing, REEEAAALLY hoping for a good custom map. Can I wait til Tues-Wed I just don't know.

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