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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Oh wow. They broke the Dead Ringer again:

Rather than it being almost completely useless? Yeah.

Still, requiring that it have over 60% left means that you need to uncloak within 4 seconds, and you can't use it more than twice in a row.

Unless you're near an ammo box.

Edit: I might not play tonight. Steam decided my TF2 files were corrupt ("Steam has found a problem with your local games file.") and wouldn't re-download the files to fix it, forcing me to completely reinstall TF2.


Ouch, Powerlord. Sorry to hear that happen. :-(

If they had kept the Dead Ringer exactly the same and added the ability to pick up ammo, I would still say that it might be broken. I think that I run out of cloak (like, completely run out, unable to cloak any longer) maybe once per every hour of Spy playtime. The ability to pick up ammo as a Spy is really really good if the Spy knows what he's doing.

I'm just saying...I expect to see a lot more Dead Ringer Spies on Badwater now.

Ouch, Powerlord. Sorry to hear that happen. :-(

If they had kept the Dead Ringer exactly the same and added the ability to pick up ammo, I would still say that it might be broken. I think that I run out of cloak (like, completely run out, unable to cloak any longer) maybe once per every hour of Spy playtime. The ability to pick up ammo as a Spy is really really good if the Spy knows what he's doing.

I'm just saying...I expect to see a lot more Dead Ringer Spies on Badwater now.

I guess it really depends on WHEN you can regen the cloak meter. I just assumed it was only while you weren't cloaked. Maybe not, though.


Sounds like they made all of the unlockable weapons do what they were supposed to do. The ambassador only crits on after a full cooldown, Deadringer can pick up ammo (recall only the cloak & dagger was the one to not be able to recharge originally). I'm happy for this update overall.

Still never going to backstab a Razorback'd sniper, though. A headshot and frontstab is all I need. :P

Most people are so far up the flame throwers ass now just cause you can blow out other people. I say, fuck that. Here's a better idea, don't get set on fire :)

But seriously though, I don't play pyro like most people. Most peoples idea of pyroing is run in, set people on fire, die. I play it as an ambush class. I hide around corners, drop down from high up, anything to get behind a large group of people, especially on payload maps. If I can get behind a cart, I can wipe them out in seconds. Thats why most of my days on the stats are listed as 80 to 100+ kills with backburner on whatever days I play more than 10 minutes.

Plus, pyro vs. pyro, if I move around enough, I win most of the time. Cause it'll either amount to A) the pyro using his airblast to push me back, thus killing his ammo supply, or B) he turns just enough for me to crit him.

I'm starting to love the backburner more and more for all the reasons you listed. The most I ever used the air blast was for reflecting the occasional shot (which admittedly has saved my life a few times, but only once because I didn't have time to dodge instead) or trying to push an invulnerable medic and friend away so they'd be less effective. I've since found I die a lot less if I just flank people, drop from above, or ambush from places they really don't expect it. I'm also content to just stand behind the medic until his uber runs out and kill him and his friend without them noticing me. I'll admit that I'm a bit of a suicide pyro sometimes, but usually only when I'm fairly certain I can take three or four guys with me.

My only problem with the backburner is that it seems to miss a lot of blatant crits for me. I seem to consistently crit more if I hit them from slightly to their side. Directly behind them seems to be a dead zone where no crits ever occur for me.


secret info that some people may not want you to know: before the patch, the dead ringer would activate while taunting, allowing sneaky spies to get invisible taunt kills. after the patch, the dead ringer won't activate while taunting, but you still receive the damage protection, thus enabling invulnerable spies that spam the taunt command. the secret is airblasting a taunting spy will cancel the taunt, re-enabling the dead ringer's normal function so you can actually kill him.

I've since found I die a lot less if I just flank people, drop from above, or ambush from places they really don't expect it. I'm also content to just stand behind the medic until his uber runs out and kill him and his friend without them noticing me.

The major qualm I have with about 90% of backburner pyros, is that their only concern is themselves, and their own stats. I can appreciate their effectiveness, but the ability to break up or neutralize ubers, and to a much lesser extent extinguish players, makes them the most useful team support class in the game.

Sure, you probably won't die if you just run away from or past an ubered couple. This is because you aren't typically the interest of an uber. They're goal to fuck up your sentries and engineers. So if you believe that one death in you KPD ratio is more important that 2 engies, 2 sentries, 2 dispensers, and possibly 2 teles.... then it's the ideal weapon.

You get no credit for stopping ubers, but instead of being the point leader of the losing team, you're more likely to be on the winning team.

The major qualm I have with about 90% of backburner pyros, is that their only concern is themselves, and their own stats. I can appreciate their effectiveness, but the ability to break up or neutralize ubers, and to a much lesser extent extinguish players, makes them the most useful team support class in the game.

Sure, you probably won't die if you just run away from or past an ubered couple. This is because you aren't typically the interest of an uber. They're goal to fuck up your sentries and engineers. So if you believe that one death in you KPD ratio is more important that 2 engies, 2 sentries, 2 dispensers, and possibly 2 teles.... then it's the ideal weapon.

You get no credit for stopping ubers, but instead of being the point leader of the losing team, you're more likely to be on the winning team.

If it makes you feel any better, I was never very good at breaking up ubers anyway. Typically if someone sees me running at them with a flamethrower ready to try and blow them away I'm dead by the time I'm in range. And if they're smart, even when they don't see me coming they're usually in a decent position for one air blast to do nothing.

So since I suck at breaking up Ubers, I value staying alive to help spy check, and ignite more enemy players en mass far more than my (in)ability to take on an Uber pair. I'm much better at ambushing and taking out large groups, hence my preference for a weapon that let's me do it more effectively, and keep me in the game longer before I have to wait 15 seconds to respawn. A lot can happen in 15 seconds. I once went afk for 30 to answer the phone really quick on Dustbowl and we went from having held the first point until there was maybe a minute and change left to a spy stabbing me in the face in spawn by the time I got back.

The fact that I will gladly switch classes to fill gaps in a team, even when I suck at said classes and spend the rest of a round getting my butt handed to me until someone better takes up that class says how much I care about a few extra points.

The backburner suits my style of play when I play Pyro, hence I use it and am more useful to the team because of it. Besides, with the number of people who use the standard flamethrower, there's usually at least one other Pyro there for when an Uber comes rolling in.


Im in the same boat. I'm just not as useful with the regular flamethrower, mainly cause in terms of ubers, usually the most seen is a heavy/medic. With the backburner I can wait the time period, get behind the medic, take him out in less than 2 seconds, then take the heavy. Flamethrower I'd have to be in optimum position that I A) don't get seen by the heavy and shot, especially if he has a natascha, or B) have room to split them up where the uber breaks. Especially hard on maps a lot of payload maps or chokepoint areas. And though it is helpful to put out people, the amount of snipers out there with jarate, medics, and health packs around kinda outweigh the need for me to save someone I think. If the pyro was about the only way to stop fire I would agree its really useful, but right now its an afterthought in terms of me essentially griefing the other team and opening a doorway for mine.

If all else fails, I bonk the uber. Game set! Victoly!

I like doing that. It's like THE reason to play Scout. Particularly as BLU at the beginning of a CP assault map or PL map, since you can just grab another baseball from the supply cabinet.

Said trick also works as RED on the Dustbowl last point.

If it makes you feel any better, I was never very good at breaking up ubers anyway. Typically if someone sees me running at them with a flamethrower ready to try and blow them away I'm dead by the time I'm in range. And if they're smart, even when they don't see me coming they're usually in a decent position for one air blast to do nothing.

So since I suck at breaking up Ubers, I value staying alive to help spy check, and ignite more enemy players en mass far more than my (in)ability to take on an Uber pair. I'm much better at ambushing and taking out large groups, hence my preference for a weapon that let's me do it more effectively, and keep me in the game longer before I have to wait 15 seconds to respawn. A lot can happen in 15 seconds. I once went afk for 30 to answer the phone really quick on Dustbowl and we went from having held the first point until there was maybe a minute and change left to a spy stabbing me in the face in spawn by the time I got back.

The fact that I will gladly switch classes to fill gaps in a team, even when I suck at said classes and spend the rest of a round getting my butt handed to me until someone better takes up that class says how much I care about a few extra points.

The backburner suits my style of play when I play Pyro, hence I use it and am more useful to the team because of it. Besides, with the number of people who use the standard flamethrower, there's usually at least one other Pyro there for when an Uber comes rolling in.

Oh Vivi and Edge, I know YOU're both good pyros. You didn't need to argue your case. This is why I said 90% of BB pyros. :-P You're both well above the cut.


So...looks like my motherboard probably fried after just opening up the desktop & blowing away dust :?. I won't be able to do any changes to the server until I get new parts in.

Edit: Fixed my problem - apparently a loose CPU fan can cause much pain.

Edit: Fixed my problem - apparently a loose CPU fan can cause much pain.

Yes, yes it can.

And here I was going to tell people to contact me about reserve slots. I know Brushfire wanted one of his friends set up with one.

I abuse the hell out of reserve slots... like 8 of my friends have them. :o

Most of which don't play TF2 any more.

Oh Vivi and Edge, I know YOU're both good pyros. You didn't need to argue your case. This is why I said 90% of BB pyros. :-P You're both well above the cut.

Haha, I'm a little defensive about my pyroness, cause certain people around here seem to think that I suck at it cause I don't "poof". That's such a gay saying too.


People refer to the airblast as 'poof'ing? Hahahahahahahaha. Made my night.

Also, and this is coming from a guy who plays a lot of Pyro, it astounds me that anyone who's played any TF2 can refer to a Pyro player and say that they suck. Not attempting to bring up the old skill debate again, but Pyros and Engineers (and Heavies, as I've recently learned) don't really have 'good' and 'bad' variations: they just have 'good' and 'less good.'

People refer to the airblast as 'poof'ing? Hahahahahahahaha. Made my night.

Also, and this is coming from a guy who plays a lot of Pyro, it astounds me that anyone who's played any TF2 can refer to a Pyro player and say that they suck. Not attempting to bring up the old skill debate again, but Pyros and Engineers (and Heavies, as I've recently learned) don't really have 'good' and 'bad' variations: they just have 'good' and 'less good.'

It seems to me that Heavies got an unannounced damage boost to the normal Minigun (Sasha) in the Sniper vs. Spy update, because I don't ever remember dying as fast as I do now with any of the classes I've played lately. And since I've been hitting Random lately, that's pretty much all of them.

Haha, I'm a little defensive about my pyroness, cause certain people around here seem to think that I suck at it cause I don't "poof". That's such a gay saying too.

I guess you can chalk me up as one who is a little defensive about my favourite classes as well. Odd thing is, I never thought I'd be referring to Pyro as a favourite class a year ago.


Hey guys, one of my friends is working on a CP map and is about ready to throw up an alpha release.

The concept is slightly different. There's five points, two RED, two BLU, and one neutral. The neutral one is locked, while the other four are open. You can only cap the neutral point if you control the other four.

If you guys are interested, I'll post up a download link whenever he puts it up for distribution.

I guess you can chalk me up as one who is a little defensive about my favourite classes as well. Odd thing is, I never thought I'd be referring to Pyro as a favourite class a year ago.

I run in cycles. I either play as pyro, engie, soldier, or demo. Usually do a few monthes as each.

I run in cycles. I either play as pyro, engie, soldier, or demo. Usually do a few monthes as each.

I've wondered if I was the only one that was like that sometimes. Though I also seem to just have specific maps that I'm good at with some classes. Especially Sniper since I like using the Huntsman a lot. I find it works best with relatively tight spaces.

People refer to the airblast as 'poof'ing? Hahahahahahahaha. Made my night.

Also, and this is coming from a guy who plays a lot of Pyro, it astounds me that anyone who's played any TF2 can refer to a Pyro player and say that they suck. Not attempting to bring up the old skill debate again, but Pyros and Engineers (and Heavies, as I've recently learned) don't really have 'good' and 'bad' variations: they just have 'good' and 'less good.'

Most of the complaints about Pyros are the result of sour grapes. I can't think of a single other FPS where being set on fire is so prevalent and pervasive. A flamethrower isn't a gun, and people are not used to that kind of close-quarters, constant-stream-of-damage style of play, so they get pissed when a Pyro manages to get in close or flank and take them out very quickly by bringing the heat.

People need to realize that this isn't CS or UT or Quake; this is TF2, and they will burn.

It seems to me that Heavies got an unannounced damage boost to the normal Minigun (Sasha) in the Sniper vs. Spy update, because I don't ever remember dying as fast as I do now with any of the classes I've played lately. And since I've been hitting Random lately, that's pretty much all of them.

I didn't notice any change to the base damage, but it seems like I crit a bit more.

EDIT: In retrospect, perhaps it's more because of sniper jarate? Minigun + jarate = rape.

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