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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Again I ask, which is the Fun OCR Server, and which is the Serious Business Server?
I think what atma & d-lux said is correct - the server doesn't seem to be as busy as in the summer. Perhaps we could have two servers running when it's summer again, but currently it might be best to keep to one server and have the other for scrims and stuff. Stuff should be set up sometime in the next few days, perhaps tomorrow night when I should be free to help do so if it isn't somehow done tonight.

I intend to have the current server locked with OC ReMix Server: Moved to [insert new IP] once this does happen. The suggestion has been made to make ocrtf2.com redirect to the .227 server, and perhaps some other subdomain.ocrtf2.com direct to the second server - sound good?

can you read

oh and tf2 is $2.49 for the next couple hours (im guessing the update is intended to be put out when the sale is over) if you know anyone who STILL doesnt have it

edit i think this update would be a good time to get the server used as the primary one, since more people will be playing for a short burst so more people can see the new ip

aka get that going asap


Not sure if there will still be any by the time you guys read this, but if you go here


you can get a free hat.

The page is getting hammered right now so if it says they are all out, refresh and try again. Basically keep clicking on the "gimme" button and you should eventually get one.

edit: ninja'd but anyway there's the link.

edit edit: ah balls looks like it's over for real now.


lots of us did


for those of you (like me) that cant read that handwriting

I, Zephaniah Mann, being of sound mind, do hereby vow to haunt the earth as a

horrifying poltergeist, until such time as I have quenched my all-consuming thirst for

vengeance against the world, and especially agains tmy dunderhead sons.

It it takes a brave man to admit he is in error, then surely a man willing to

admit both of his sons are stumble-bum muttonheads is twice as brave. It was they who

convinced me to spend the entirety of my sizeable fortune purchasing land in the

unclaimed frontier of the Americas, in the hope of expanding our weapons concern to

the uncolonized westermost regions. Many tales did they whsiper in my too credulous

ears, of gravel as far as the eye can see, for any man with strong back and iron

spirit to harness. Long did I dream of transforming these virgin lands, and its vast

holes, into the world's most majestic and profitable pits of gravel. But when at last we

arrive,d we found only "fool's gravel" - my nitwit sons had purchased a

continent-sized parcel of sand! It is here in this wind-swept desert hell that I fear

I shall breathe my last.

Since moving from my Cambridgeshire estate to the untamed frotier I have

contracted putrid fever, bilious fever, blackwater fever, green fever, spotted fever - even

womb fever, as a complication from a serious bout of superfluous uterus. On our sailing trip

to the new world I contracted white plague, marasmus, sweating, sickness, deplumatious

tumors of the eyelids, stomatitus, and blood poisoning ; since settling our estate I have

contracted falling sickness, walking sickness, stationary sickness, shingles, jaundiced

spine and skull bloat. I contracted scrivemer's palsy in the writing of this last will &

testament. Possessing no paper in this godforsaken frontier, I have penned this on

my own skin, which has slaughed off in quantity since contracting impetigo.

To the Foul-smelling, uneducated simpletons of the untamed Americas, I leave

only this curse - as weapons have caused my downfall, so will I engineer the

downfall of any soul who puts one to use near my restless grave. Shoot over my bones

and I shall visit upon you a haunting the likes of which you have never seen.

To my dearest maidservant Elizabeth I leave the rest and residue of my estate -

including all deeds, accounts, debts public and private - my tobacco plantation -

and what remains of the fortune my addle-pated sons have squandered. Find the

gravel that I was unable to find! Honor me by placing it inside a pit!

To my faithful aide and tracker, Barnabas Hale of the savage Australias, I divest

compleat control of the Mann & Sons Munitions Concern. You procured the poppy

flowers required for th emedicines that gave my succor from the pains of my many

warring ailments. It has been pleasant to not shriek myself to sleep.

To my layabout, brain defective sons, Blutarch and Redmond, I leave the greatest

curse of all - partnership. What land I have purchased in this new world is to be split

evenly between you both. You have wasted your lives bickering over nothing, and so I

leave you dimwits something of consequence over which to fued.

Lastly, to (covered with gravel) I leave the entirety of my (more gravel)

and swear you to utmost secrecy in its keeping.

God and His angels will have to grad me screaming to heaven. I do not want to

die! Damn you all to Hell!


also http://www.teamfortress.com/pumpkinpatch/family_portrait/

looks like elizabeth is the announcer

also guard dog


sorry for the double post but may i make a suggestion in light of this update

all of the achievements that have been added require you to be on koth_harvest (they even said in a new post that the heavy domination one needs to be on that map so id imagine the spy disguise one would need to be there as well)

i think that for the weekend, until the 2nd, that koth_harvest should go on the rotation twice (with the same 20 minute timer that koth really needs in order to not drag on) and replace viaduct as the map that the server defaults to on crash/reboot, so itd essentially be the only koth map on the server's rotation for the weekend

this way everyone will have a chance to get all of the achievements, because it seems that once this is over, they will be unattainable


Seconded. Let's all get into the event spirit!

God, this Halloween event thing sounds like something they'd do in an MMO. GOOD GOD IT IS AN MMO

Unrelated note: lol the hlstats ce page has my location wrong

sorry for the double post but may i make a suggestion in light of this update

all of the achievements that have been added require you to be on koth_harvest (they even said in a new post that the heavy domination one needs to be on that map so id imagine the spy disguise one would need to be there as well)

i think that for the weekend, until the 2nd, that koth_harvest should go on the rotation twice (with the same 20 minute timer that koth really needs in order to not drag on) and replace viaduct as the map that the server defaults to on crash/reboot, so itd essentially be the only koth map on the server's rotation for the weekend

this way everyone will have a chance to get all of the achievements, because it seems that once this is over, they will be unattainable


Also Fireslash, you need to a) be wearing the hat, and B) it needs to be on Harvest. So if you're feeling mean, you can always just take it off when we're on the map together.

Then I'll just find some n00b 24/7 Harvest server and dominate someone there. :<


I'm assuming the update hasn't gone live yet, since my client hasn't updated yet.

P.S. Thanks Valve for making the sale during normal working hours so that those of us with day jobs couldn't take advantage of it. Ditto for the hat thing.

P.P.S. Adding koth_harvest to the lineup probably won't help, as Valve will rename the map when they release it with the game. Most likely koth_harvest_final


There are some problems with something in addons on Old at the current moment. Until Sourcemod is fixed (or we track down the problem), addons are disabled on Old.

Addons are working properly on #1 and #2... I'll be copying the addons folder from #1 to Old shortly.


OCR Old and OCR #1 are essentially identical. If one is full or doesn't work, try the other.


Before I forget, I added koth_harvest_event as the default map for all 3 servers, as well as put it twice in rotation for each of them.

Right now, no custom maps are present on #1 or #2, so #2 just has the stock rotation.

Before I forget, I added koth_harvest_event as the default map for all 3 servers, as well as put it twice in rotation for each of them.

Right now, no custom maps are present on #1 or #2, so #2 just has the stock rotation.

you and every other server


btw the (25) is the sourcetv bot slot thats what itd show up as if you used it

i'm sure someone mentioned it somewhere, but what are the ips for the new servers? (or ocrtf2.com) &

Edit: Addons should now be enabled on Old.

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