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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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The amount of bitching and moaning about serious business stats in a thread dedicated to a fun, "with friends" community server amazes me. Can we just IP ban atmuh from the OCR server itself and be done with this?

Seeing those chat logs being posted again, I'm finally curious enough to ask.

What is that IRC thing?

Is it like a big chatroom?

Or more of an instant messanger?

And how do I get to it myself?


Wikipedia is your friend. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irc

i know pavlvs cares and on more than one occasion ds stated that he cares about long term k/d ratio tracking and one is an admin and the other hosts the server and ive played here a heck of a lot longer than you i think i know what im talking about here

To be honest, I care too. I'm not a good player or anything like that, but I won't lie and say I don't care about the HLstats. I check those stats (The new one heh) after pretty much every game.

I don't get involved in pre-game mayhem, because I have this stupid thing where I don't like to kill team mates. I can avoid that, however the admin player slaying is something that can't be avoided. I understand that people find it fun and I don't want to stop anyone form doing that. I think we just need to remember to keep our politeness with one another.

Solution: Don't join a team until pregame mayhem is over.

Humiliation is ignored by hlstats. If for whatever reason it isn't, the overall effect will probably balance itself out between wins/losses, and either way will have a minimal effect on your K:D.

i dont join a team until its over

and even if that doesnt affect long term stats it still affects suicides as i said and yes it DOES it doesnt ignore humiliation

i dont join a team until its over

and even if that doesnt affect long term stats it still affects suicides as i said and yes it DOES it doesnt ignore humiliation

Does this mean that you don't push the cart (or defend it) near the ends of round 3 on payload maps, knowing that humiliation affects stats, because you'll be charged with a suicide when it explodes?

Can you guys seriously cry some more? My god. I haven't seen this much crybabying about games since I stopped going to the steam forums. I love how atmuh cries about how bad that is and does the same shit here.

does it make you sad when people ignore your blatant trolling?

Seeing those chat logs being posted again, I'm finally curious enough to ask.

What is that IRC thing?

Is it like a big chatroom?

Or more of an instant messanger?

And how do I get to it myself?


I recommend mIRC (http://www.mirc.com). All of the OCR channels are on EnterTheGame, the main one being #ocremix and the one for this game being #ocrtf2. The program is pretty user-friendly, but if you are having trouble, just type /server irc.enterthegame.com and then once it connects, type /join #ocrtf2 and, if you want, /join #ocremix. Oh yeah, and you can set your nickname under options or use /nick [Nickname You Want] to change it.


I recommend mIRC (http://www.mirc.com). All of the OCR channels are on EnterTheGame, the main one being #ocremix and the one for this game being #ocrtf2. The program is pretty user-friendly, but if you are having trouble, just type /server irc.enterthegame.com and then once it connects, type /join #ocrtf2 and, if you want, /join #ocremix. Oh yeah, and you can set your nickname under options or use /nick [Nickname You Want] to change it.

I loaded up the mIRC and it asked about registration or something, so I'm using ChatZilla on Firefox instead, but I've got it all working now, thanks

does it make you sad when people ignore your blatant trolling?

I'm sorry I can't be as good of a troll as you, atmuh, and bleck. I'll sure try harder massa. But maybe if atmuh didn't come here whining about whatever little detail got his undies in a bunch that day, it wouldn't be needed. I mean, we all know how successful his server is, as pointed out by brushfire. OMGWTFBBQROFL.

I loaded up the mIRC and it asked about registration or something, so I'm using ChatZilla on Firefox instead

fffffffffffffff why does everybody do this


when did we begin to measure simplicity in number of clicks jesus fucking christ

'uhhh this program takes half a second to open guess I'll just find a different program'


neither does mIRC, and I guess people would understand that if they actually knew how to read instead of just glancing at stuff for key words


and if you hang around the #ocremix channel for any period of time F4T4L can quickly get you a version free of such annoyances because he is such a cool guy

and if you hang around the #ocremix channel for any period of time F4T4L can quickly get you a version free of such annoyances because he is such a cool guy

Or you could just pay to register it.

I figure that's only proper for a program that I've been using for 11 or more years.

[14:30:40] <LONG_PTR> guys

[14:30:46] <LONG_PTR> you know this whole problem about mirc and stuff

[14:30:53] <LONG_PTR> I'll give you an honest decent solution that will help everyone

[14:30:59] <LONG_PTR> alright?

[14:31:01] <miyako> no

on miyako's request, it is quite simple to get irc working for the more lazy of people following this VERY SIMPLE EASY GUIDE TO IRC.

This probably won't work for vista users since telnet is disabled, anyway

start -> run -> cmd

type "telnet irc.enterthegame.org 6667" without the quotes and hit enter

then type in "NICK nickname_here" and hit enter

and then "USER Username Hostname Servername :RealName" and hit enter, the colon is required next to the real name.

Then go ahead and join the channel with "JOIN #ocrtf2" and there you go, you're in!

Just that simple :D

on miyako's request, it is quite simple to get irc working for the more lazy of people following this VERY SIMPLE EASY GUIDE TO IRC.

This probably won't work for vista users since telnet is disabled, anyway

start -> run -> cmd

type "telnet irc.enterthegame.org 6667" without the quotes and hit enter

then type in "NICK nickname_here" and hit enter

and then "USER Username Hostname Servername :RealName" and hit enter, the colon is required next to the real name.

Then go ahead and join the channel with "JOIN #ocrtf2" and there you go, you're in!

Just that simple :D

Ignoring the fact that you have to type PRIVMSG #ocrtf2 : before every message...

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