ParanoidDrone Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 To lighten the mood a bit, I bring you funny (ok maybe not) screenshots!(No, I'm not going to quote screenshots, silly!) So did you guys have class wars again or something?
Brushfire Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 yeah i do that by posting in this thread Does it work? You know they say that if you keep doing something the same way, and expect a different result everytime, is a sign of madness.
DarkeSword Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 Hey atmuh, how about instead of saying passive aggressive shit like "why is such-and-such map still on the server?" you actually try to be polite and give an opinion without sounding like an asshole? Pretty much everything you say about OCRTF2 is a complaint framed as "I don't know why you didn't do this yet but" or "Why haven't you changed this yet?" Knock it off. Furthermore, Panic is on the map rotation because people like it. The server doesn't empty out right away all the time and people don't always RTV off of it. People like it and people play it.
atmuh Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 Pretty much everything you say about OCRTF2 is a complaint framed as "I don't know why you didn't do this yet but" or "Why haven't you changed this yet?" the reason i said nothing more than "why is panic still on the rotation" is because pages ago there were a bunch of people that already gave plenty of reasons why it shouldnt be on there and they were completely ignored
Eulogic Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 Atmuh is certainly a jerk and takes a view of this game that most people here (including me) don't care about. At the same time, however, you have to acknowledge that "the server doesn't empty out right away all the time" is a really weak argument. Even if it is not 100% of the time, the map still clears out the server pretty reliably (even more so than 2fort and Turbine, which I also don't like, but are undeniably more popular than Panic). Whatever. It's not my server. Do what you want.
FireSlash Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 the reason i said nothing more than "why is panic still on the rotation" is because pages ago there were a bunch of people that already gave plenty of reasons why it shouldnt be on there and they were completely ignored We updated panic to _b2, which fixes many of the complaints with it. All customs will drain the server, that's just the way it works. We run them anyway because the valve maps get kind of stale after a while, and it's nice to mix things up. I also agree with Darke.
atmuh Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 id say that updating it to b2 only caused more problems because now everyone who had the map previously now has to download it again
Black Waltz Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 So did you guys have class wars again or something? It was half a class war haha. All of RED went sniper but BLU played normally.
ParanoidDrone Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 id say that updating it to b2 only caused more problems because now everyone who had the map previously now has to download it again Once. It was half a class war haha. All of RED went sniper but BLU played normally. I wish I was a BLU Spy at the time.
atmuh Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 Once. hey man i dont see a problem with waiting a minute for a map to download one time i think that people that dont like that are nuts but there are still people that dont like it
Powerlord Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 Actually, I was one of the people who would like to see panic off the rotation. It still has problems, namely the speed that the cart moves back in the third part makes the first two points moot. Whichever team plays all pyros will essentially win round 3. Worse yet, the cart is bugged in part 3 and won't always stop when someone gets near it when it's near the end of the track. Even before the part where it starts bending down. I personally witnessed this, so it isn't hear-say on my part.
atmuh Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 i know i suggested solitude as a plr map a while back and id definitely still like to see it if you guys a willing to try a much nicer and brighter looking plr map it also definitely has its problems which are most apparent at the very end of the third stage but i dont think ANYONE has made a decent stage 3 of a plr map yet also a map that i think you guys should try is cp_obscure
Eulogic Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 I mean, it's a fine map to have on the server where, if someone really wants to play it, they can RTV to it. It just doesn't seem like a popular enough map to have on the regular rotation.
Powerlord Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 Oh, before I forget: Required updates for Team Fortress 2 and Day of Defeat: Source are on the way. They should be live in about 1 hour. (this was posted to the hlds_linux list 30 minutes ago)
atmuh Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 Engine -Enabled Steam Cloud support for key bindings and custom spraypaint images Added Options->Multiplayer->Advanced option to toggle off/on: default is on Team Fortress 2 -Added new Highlander mode -9 players allowed per team -Restricts each team to 1 of each class -Use mp_highlander (0/1) to toggle off/on: default is 0 -Added "bots" to the server's sv_tags convar if the server is running bots -Fixed a weapon name localization issue -Fixed the "tf_teamtalk" server convar not controlling text chat between living/dead teammates -Updated the map CTF_DoubleCross -Fixed the map not ending correctly when using mp_timelimit -Changed to prevent Engineers from building on top of the shack in each base -Updated the map Arena_WatchTower -Fixed a case where players could open and get stuck on the starting gates before the round start -Improved clipping to prevent people from getting out of the map -Optimized the map for better performance people still play watchtower?
Powerlord Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 I'm going to remove the deadchat plugin now.
atmuh Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 I'm going to remove the deadchat plugin now. well you still wont be able to talk to the other team while dead which was the real intent of the plugin
Powerlord Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 well you still wont be able to talk to the other team while dead which was the real intent of the plugin I just assumed that tf_teamtalk is affected by sv_alltalk.
atmuh Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 17:48:21 "tf_teamtalk" = "0" min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000 game notify - Teammates can always chat with each other while alive or dead. doesnt seem like it
Powerlord Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 Anyway, servers are updated and back online. And I left the Deadchat plugin alone.
atmuh Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 if you guys wanna play highlander my server is set to highlander mode (with crits and damagespread off)
ParanoidDrone Posted February 3, 2010 Posted February 3, 2010 also a map that i think you guys should try is cp_obscure Ooh, that looked pretty.
Powerlord Posted February 4, 2010 Posted February 4, 2010 Not sure why, but is down at the moment. I've switched things so that the game servers will (temporarily) serve files directly from the server. Edit: Also, a minor, client-only TF2 update. Servers do not need to be restarted. - Fixed a client crash during the localization of item names - Fixed a client crash caused by selecting Random in the class menu and then clicking on "Edit Loadout"
miyako Posted February 5, 2010 Posted February 5, 2010 As I said, I wasn't the only admin present. I was the only admin on the losing team however. This particular example aside, I've heard of plenty occasions and seen the screenshots of games that have been terribly unbalanced (when no admins were present) where reserve slot holders on the rolling team could have taken it upon themselves to right the game. Being a reserve slot holder means being part of the community. If someone has no interest in preserving the status of the server (not using their privileges when they can/should be used) why should they then have a reserve slot. I'm not saying that I couldn't have scrambled the teams. The server rules are intended to serve the regulars in the community. But when one team is down 3 players due to rage quits, and the opposing team (full of regulars) waits around to potentially be screwed over by an autobalance instead of attempting to level out the game, bother inforcing rules to protect those same regulars? Rather, why moderate a server that has no interest in moderation? Why not just go to any other server that has the same lack of integrity? If you have a reserve slot, you're trusted with responsibilities. Use them when they're best needed instead of hiding behind ignorance. Don't wait for someone else to protect the server you call home when you have been given the power to do that yourself. With a server full of trusted reserve slot holders, admins should rarely have to be called upon. That or there should be a lot fewer reserve slots I suppose. doesn't matter that you're not the only admin present, you're still an admin in the game that has one side rolling the other mentioning regs not scrambling when admins aren't on only begs the question as to why you didn't do anything as an admin present when the game is getting rolled like that. your responsibility as an admin is still there regardless of how many regs are in the game it neither increases nor decreases that responsibility. you shouldn't be mentioning no interest in moderation when you are an admin not scrambling and you instead let it continue happening (never really gave a reason as to why you did this) yes youre trusted with responsibilities as a reg but that doesn't mean everyone should be forced to go on the losing team whenever its losing. one person doesn't make a difference unless they specifically cater to the losing team (what the hell can one or two regulars do when the entire team is made up of 3 spies 2 snipers and no medic?) the core reason as to why one side rolls another like that is not because two people are leading one team, it's because of a bad class composition. one team will not be composed of a stupid amount of snipers, spies, or engies and no medic. this is why scrambling fails and this is why regs shouldn't be held responsible for switching to the losing team and medicing for them when they have no medic. regs might have certain responsibilities but forcing them to play a class that they don't want to and switching sides should not be anywhere near their agenda. the lack of 'responsibility' should instead be applied to your team where none of the players switched to medic (the real reason why blu was rolling red that game), instead of the regs on blu if you guys really want to stamp out rolls i suggest starting with class limits on classes that have diminishing returns (pyros, spies, snipers, etc) but obviously that is not in everyone's interest since you force people to play classes they do not want to. same thing applies here where you're saying some of the winning team's players should switch and medic for the losers because clearly frogg xyael and you on heavy classes is not the reason why you lost
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