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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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First off, your passive aggressive way of handling situations that are better handled with direct contact. Instead of going to the person directly, you flaunt any kind of grievence you have in chat or on the forums.

Next, going back to something that you agreed to stop doing, but still continue to do for some strange reason, telling admins how to do their job. You did fine on this for about 3 days before you started doing it again. It was small at first, but it continually escalates until we have a full on forum battle like this.

You say that I am not admitting that I am wrong. I understand where you are coming from. You think I am going out of my way to join Frogg's team. On the other hand, you disregard luck of the draw. Have I purposely joined Frogg's team before? I'd be lying if I said I didn't. Have I been doing it recently? No, I haven't. If it will set your mind at ease, I will go out of my way to auto-assign.

But you are going about this situation the wrong way.

All you have to do is ask, and I'd be more than happy to oblige.

Also, yeah you caught me. I was totally trying to make you talk and not disable voice and prove that you aren't as douchey as you pretend to be.


no matter what i say or how i say it ever in any way you always label it as "passive aggressive" and take that as your wild card

and telling you that i think YOU are breaking the rules is not me telling you how to do your job

and to seriously say that recently EVERY TIME its been luck of the draw is insane being that when ive been there alone i know it had to be at least 10 maps and i dont play half as much as you do

those odds are ridiculous


I think we should all just chill out.

I'm sure Brush isn't intentionally joining Frogg's team whenever he doesn't auto-assign for the sake of Frogg. He has other friends that he might want to play with as well that just happen to be on Frogg's team. And Brush doesn't pocket. I've clearly heard him say on mic "Hold on [insert name here], I'll be right there!" and immediately heal him/her whenever someone calls medic.


Also, if you're calling someone out for teamstacking just because they're glued to Frogg as a Medic, then you may as well call out every damn Medic on the server. Frogg's well known as an excellent Heavy that can protect his Medic, so it's only natural for Medics to respond and give him preferential treatment when it comes time to choose who to pocket with.

In unrelated news, Jesus H. Christ I SUCK as Scout.


i didnt deny that

i just said that theres no reason to join his team every map

and black waltz basically every time hed join his team hed go medic and yes hed be glued to him wherever i saw him

if you really really really need me to post demos i would but i really dont want to

also im pretty awful as scout but im playing it more and more now

oh and i should have another comical video done sometime soon

and black waltz basically every time hed join his team hed go medic and yes hed be glued to him wherever i saw him

if you really really really need me to post demos i would but i really dont want to

You mean a guy who's a pretty good Medic was on the same team as FROGG and decided to play as Medic and would even go so far as to support him when he's running into battle? The nerve of that guy actually playing smart!

Also, I've seen Brush heal the whole team often enough, even with a really good player on his team, to pretty much be able to say drop it atmuh.


Autoassign can be pure bunk sometimes. A nice thing to do would be to just look at both teams before you join, we play here often enough, we are familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of others in the game. Take a look at the teams and think to yourself which team you would be more helpful to.

This is unrelated to the current topic at hand.


In unrelated news, Jesus H. Christ I SUCK as Scout.

Everyone does poorly with Scout at first. I didn't really see any improvement in the way I played till I hit quite a few hours. Your lack of skill is simply likely from a lack of practice. You have less than 10 hours as Scout and it is your second least played class. Practice makes perfect. Luckily your Spy playtime can translate into correct flanking situations, the best thing for a Scout.

Some fun things to do as Scout.

  • Airstrafe
  • Watch for low health enemies calling for Medic and pick them off.
  • Outdamage a Heavy at long range because your pistol does more damage.
  • Hunt down Spies, you know where they hide.
  • Harass Heavies at point blank. (Does not apply to all)
  • Relish Demomen with the Targe. They can do nothing to you.
  • Pick off Medics, the most important thing.
  • Steal health from enemy territory.
  • Abuse the random scatter spread on the server to do 16 damage at long range.
  • Crouch randomly to avoid Snipers.

There are too many to list.

Everyone does poorly with Scout at first. I didn't really see any improvement in the way I played till I hit quite a few hours. Your lack of skill is simply likely from a lack of practice. You have less than 10 hours as Scout and it is your second least played class. Practice makes perfect. Luckily your Spy playtime can translate into correct flanking situations, the best thing for a Scout.

Some fun things to do as Scout.

  • Airstrafe
  • Watch for low health enemies calling for Medic and pick them off.
  • Outdamage a Heavy at long range because your pistol does more damage.
  • Hunt down Spies, you know where they hide.
  • Harass Heavies at point blank. (Does not apply to all)
  • Relish Demomen with the Targe. They can do nothing to you.
  • Pick off Medics, the most important thing.
  • Steal health from enemy territory.
  • Abuse the random scatter spread on the server to do 16 damage at long range.
  • Crouch randomly to avoid Snipers.

There are too many to list.

yeah scout takes a TON of time to get good at

combined between before and after i reset my stats, ive got over 220 hours as scout and im just starting to improve at it FINALLY but still missing easy meatshots is the most frustrating thing

a few things that id like to add to that list though

take advantage of crit pistols

theyre ridiculous as they do 45 per hit which on a full clip is just insane if you hit with most or all of them

any demo is an easy kill not just targe demos

the only prayer any demo has is well aim pipes which thankfully most demos arent very proficient with them

but really getting a jump on basically any person playing any class no matter how good they are at the game unless MAYBE if theyre an overhealed heavy thats constantly aware of where theyre getting shot from is basically an automatic kill as a scout and why scout really is the most powerful class in the game (unless its dustbowl)

also combat text was an incredibly huge buff to the scout

it helps every class to some degree but id definitely say that it helps the scout most in that after you get a decent meatshot you know EXACTLY how much damage you did which was a lot of guesswork in the past especially with random shotgun spread

its a huge confidence boost to be up against anyone, even a heavy thats staring right at you to see that you just hit him for 110 and can easily finish him off in 2 more shots as you jump around him like a lunatic

oh and hey according to steams game hour calculation (which is shaky but i think mine is fairly accurate) i have just hit 2000 hours playing tf2

im sure a great deal of that is from running steamstats.exe 24/7 back in the day but still

Everyone does poorly with Scout at first. I didn't really see any improvement in the way I played till I hit quite a few hours. Your lack of skill is simply likely from a lack of practice. You have less than 10 hours as Scout and it is your second least played class. Practice makes perfect. Luckily your Spy playtime can translate into correct flanking situations, the best thing for a Scout.

Some fun things to do as Scout.

  • Airstrafe
  • Watch for low health enemies calling for Medic and pick them off.
  • Outdamage a Heavy at long range because your pistol does more damage.
  • Hunt down Spies, you know where they hide.
  • Harass Heavies at point blank. (Does not apply to all)
  • Relish Demomen with the Targe. They can do nothing to you.
  • Pick off Medics, the most important thing.
  • Steal health from enemy territory.
  • Abuse the random scatter spread on the server to do 16 damage at long range.
  • Crouch randomly to avoid Snipers.

There are too many to list.

I'm not convinced that missing pretty much a full clip of meatshots at point blank is simply because I don't play Scout much.

Also, when I flank as Spy, I'm usually invisible. Or holding the Dead Ringer, which is just as good if not better sometimes.

I'm not convinced that missing pretty much a full clip of meatshots at point blank is simply because I don't play Scout much.

it is

your ambassador aim is solid so its not your aim itself thats bad

youre just not used to the speed of the scout so you miss as youre moving

one thing i was told many times over but didnt really understand until i really started to practice focusing on is as a scout to aim with the wasd keys and not with the mouse

you miss a lot less

Duly noted.

Tonight I think I'll be Spying most of the time, though. I need to reclaim the Super Sapper global award. <.<

MI... oh wait, I don't have that one.

Although, it IS only you, mrflea, and myself in the contending for it. Strange, since I haven't been playing Spy that often.

MI... oh wait, I don't have that one.

Although, it IS only you, mrflea, and myself in the contending for it. Strange, since I haven't been playing Spy that often.

I attribute it to my recent tendency to play classes I don't normally pull out (Heavy, Demoman, Scout) in a deliberate attempt to broaden my skill. But I still have a reputation to uphold, dammit. <.<

but you play sword demo....

I use the Eyelander. I don't necessarily use the Chargin' Targe. Learn the difference, please.

Currently I have the Scottish Resistance equipped, if memory serves.

I use the Eyelander. I don't necessarily use the Chargin' Targe. Learn the difference, please.

Currently I have the Scottish Resistance equipped, if memory serves.

i never understood why people did this

well theres always the tactic to get 4 heads with the targe then go swap for the sticky launcher and go nuts but i dont see the logic in using the eyelander without the targe

you really shouldnt melee all that much if youre playing regular demo anyway and if you do and youre on a server with crits on part of the aim when meleeing (at least in many of the times id been forced to) is to get a crit melee and do 195 and that will never happen with the sword unless you use the targe too

but hey i dont mind when opposing demos use the eyelander because uncharged headshots do 150 and the sword is the difference between you dying instantly and being able to go heal

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