EdgeCrusher Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 Thanks a lot edgecrusher... you ruined my chance of hearing the commentary... lol.I mean... don't listen to him! It's a Traaaaap! ROFL I just figured Id tell him cause it confused the hell out of me too and no one on 4chan would fess up to it for a while, but then they put it in the MOTD on the 2F2F mario kart server.
Brushfire Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 ROFL I just figured Id tell him cause it confused the hell out of me too and no one on 4chan would fess up to it for a while, but then they put it in the MOTD on the 2F2F mario kart server. Relax Zeph, I am still gonna play on Saturday. I am a man of my word.
Xerol Oplan Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 I think the files deleted themselves when I quit the game, because I couldn't find them and could connect fine the next time I tried (after restarting steam). I've seen him on quite a bit lately. He's also been sticky camping, I told him to stop once but wasn't sure if he did or not. Also
Sensai Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 He is amongst the most paranoid players I've ever met. Seriously. When he plays pyro all he does is stand still and circle about shooting flames. /gross exaggeration
Triad Orion Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 Darlos has been around for awhile. I didn't see him doing anything that breaks the rules, but he is paranoid with his flamethrower. But that's a good thing to be as a Pyro, especially if you had spies that were like they were last night. One of them just kept making a fool out of me because I was retarded, so I went Pyro and torched him a bunch. Flamethrowers are *ideal* stress relievers.
Dhsu Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 Yeah I died a lot of times last night because he was doing nothing but spy-checking.
Bleck Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 I'm surprised that nobody comments about it when I do nothing but spycheck
Triad Orion Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 It could be the manner in which you spy check, Bleck. If you're running around like a crazed lunatic with your flamethrower constantly going, that's more memorable than if you methodically check your teammates. Either way, keep spy checking, man. Bloody spies, destroying everything our engineers create....
Powerlord Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 Either way, keep spy checking, man. Bloody spies, destroying everything our engineers create.... How does that quote go again? "I murdered your toys as well!"
Doulifée Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 How does that quote go again?"I murdered your toys as well!" Scent tree down !
Powerlord Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 Scent tree down ! Scent tree down! Don't mind me, I'm just playing around with GCFScape.
Xerol Oplan Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 Scent tree down!Don't mind me, I'm just playing around with GCFScape. I uploaded all those ages ago.
Brushfire Posted October 3, 2008 Posted October 3, 2008 We had a good old time in Achievement Box today. Ahh such fun...
Sensai Posted October 3, 2008 Posted October 3, 2008 As Triad mentioned, there's a huge difference between shooting your teammates/where people would be and just holding down your mouse button and picking up ammo as you go, constantly twirling about in circles. Seriously. It's absurd. I mean, he does his job....but damn.
Rambo Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 just holding down your mouse button and picking up ammo as you go, constantly twirling about in circles. I got frustrated by an incredible spy one night. This is exactly what I did. It was incomprehensibly effective. Well... against the spy that is.
SirChadlyOC Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 Is there a way to disable "team scramble"? Especially since it crashes the server? A bunch of us got to try pl_strider tonight. It was disappointing without 24-30 people. Also, it needs way more metal and health packs once there's that many players. Conclusion: cool idea, shows promise. With a few things fixed here and there, it could be much better. NO, RESUBMIT
Powerlord Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 Is there a way to disable "team scramble"? Especially since it crashes the server? I've disabled its plugin, although I haven't removed its item from the admin menu. Chances are the plugin will stay loaded until the next server restart, too... I'll probably restart the server tomorrow during one of the dead periods. From what I can tell from the plugin's thread, it has conflicts with Mani Admin and Beetlesmod, at least one of which we also have installed.
Zephyr Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 Is there a way to disable "team scramble"? Especially since it crashes the server?A bunch of us got to try pl_strider tonight. It was disappointing without 24-30 people. Also, it needs way more metal and health packs once there's that many players. Conclusion: cool idea, shows promise. With a few things fixed here and there, it could be much better. NO, RESUBMIT Tonight was pretty great, I got to hear the famed arena commentary (brought to you by ham!) but it was great when the "scramble teams" thing popped up, all you could hear is "Wait... Doesn't that crash the ser-...DISCONNECTED" But yeah, strider is interesting and i'd like to try it with a full server (which will probably never happen) but with too few people it's not terribly fun.
Sensai Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 I missed Strider AND commentary! FUCK! /plays Episode 1 with developer commentary
Brushfire Posted October 4, 2008 Posted October 4, 2008 Don't worry Sensai, it happens to a lot of guys. As far as the commentary goes, I will be back soon to build the Overclocked Remix Arena League (OCRAL) back to it former glory when I return. Happy hunting until then guys. I'll still be around on the boards, so don't think of this as a permanent goodbye.
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