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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I've seen a few of those before (I've got a small compilation on my computer, though I don't feel like uploading it right now). Lol at Hydro.

Also, lock and load, suckers! (on right now... oh yeah, and anyone who joins now will get a free Hydro achievement![/advertising])


You don't wanna hear the STOP! YOU VIOLATED THE LAW in chipmunk. It's... . . . Yeah, I just described it the best way I can. Also, Super Medic would be to uber charge every single person on your team in a 16v16.

Also, I had a dream with a really weird map and teams of 40 each. It was frigin' scary seeing all those demomen and whatnot. Somehow, I came in with a Mortar Launcher from Tribes 2 and wiped them all out.

EDIT: Oops. I uploaded it. http://www.mediafire.com/?zzwycknzzuz


So, yeah, new minor patch today. Valve announced they'd be doing this one last week.

The highlights:

- Weapon loadout is now stored on Valve's central servers... and a new keybind has been added to only view the current class's weapon upgrades. Either manually bind a key to it (or to the default "m" key) or reset your binds to use it.

- You can now have a custom crosshair.

- They re-fixed Natascha... and this time it seems to work correctly, as you slow down a LOT when hit by it.

- Heavy's minigun now has a less-wide scatter, meaning you should hit what's directly in front of you more often.

- Cloaked Spies can no longer pick up the intelligence.

- Soldiers now carry 20 rockets instead of 16.

- The kritzkrieg now works on the sniper rifle.

- Tournament mode now has a command to limit how many people can play a specific class. This had to be done with mods before.

- The Pyro Flare Gun now does 30 direct damage, up from 20.

- The way crits are calculated has changed drastically... it's now more skill based, with only a 2% base chance (down from 5%).

- Fixed the health of upgraded teleporters... both now get the health upgrade instead of just the one the Engineer is hitting.

- Restricted a few physics engine changes to server admins only. I assume this is to fix an exploit.

I also fixed the maplist for the nominate and rtv commands... if you see any map problems with those or the admin map commands, let me know.

On another subject, I was recently asked to disable Pure on the server. I'm afraid I can't do that, as it's the servers defense mechanism against material hacking. For those of you who don't know what material hacking is, it's something people do that "might allow themselves to see through walls, make enemy models larger or brighter, or make certain sounds louder, thus giving them an advantage while playing."

Having played on another server that had Pure disabled (and you probably know which one I'm referring to), I can tell you that it's really annoying... I play Spy a lot, and a person who can see you when you're cloaked is irritating to say the least.

So, yeah, new minor patch today. Valve announced they'd be doing this one last week.

The highlights:

- Weapon loadout is now stored on Valve's central servers... and a new keybind has been added to only view the current class's weapon upgrades. Either manually bind a key to it (or to the default "m" key) or reset your binds to use it.

- You can now have a custom crosshair.

- They re-fixed Natascha... and this time it seems to work correctly, as you slow down a LOT when hit by it.

- Heavy's minigun now has a less-wide scatter, meaning you should hit what's directly in front of you more often.

- Cloaked Spies can no longer pick up the intelligence.

- Soldiers now carry 20 rockets instead of 16.

- The kritzkrieg now works on the sniper rifle.

- Tournament mode now has a command to limit how many people can play a specific class. This had to be done with mods before.

- The Pyro Flare Gun now does 30 direct damage, up from 20.

- The way crits are calculated has changed drastically... it's now more skill based, with only a 2% base chance (down from 5%).

- Fixed the health of upgraded teleporters... both now get the health upgrade instead of just the one the Engineer is hitting.

- Restricted a few physics engine changes to server admins only. I assume this is to fix an exploit.

I also fixed the maplist for the nominate and rtv commands... if you see any map problems with those or the admin map commands, let me know.

On another subject, I was recently asked to disable Pure on the server. I'm afraid I can't do that, as it's the servers defense mechanism against material hacking. For those of you who don't know what material hacking is, it's something people do that "might allow themselves to see through walls, make enemy models larger or brighter, or make certain sounds louder, thus giving them an advantage while playing."

Having played on another server that had Pure disabled (and you probably know which one I'm referring to), I can tell you that it's really annoying... I play Spy a lot, and a person who can see you when you're cloaked is irritating to say the least.

Disabling pure on a server with HLstatsX? Craziness!

The update sounds wonderful, all except for custom crosshair. It is just personal opinion, but I've come to really love how TF2 is rather homogeneous in comparison to other FPS's.


Oh, I forgot to mention, I checked the Spy thing when we were playing last night... apparently you only have to begin decloaking before you can pick up the intel, so it's not *that* much of a change... just right-click when you're standing on it and you immediately grab it rather than having to wait the 3 seconds to decloak completely.


It is good to see the Heavy's minigun get a less wide range. I personally have not seen a minigun that fires in a 470 feet spread before.

No all we gotta do is wait for a update of the scout variety and we will be set.

Valve is a bunch of liars when it comes to update releases.


@ Powerlord: When I was attempting to show that to Brushfire, the Valve wiki wouldn't come up. Dunno if it was Valve or just some less-than-great college internet voodoo...but there ya have it.

(the link to the wiki is in said link I provided, also)

Also, for the 30 minutes I played with you guys before my computer exploded, it was fun.

I'm sorry, I already displayed the most epic example of computer exploding via TF2.

On a related note, my PC is back in my possession, but it still needs a new motherboard and power supply. They should still be under my 2-year manufacturer's warranty, so replacing the parts should be an inexpensive, but unfortunately, very long process.

I hope to play with you guys in 3 months. :tomatoface:

natascha is now the best weapon in the game

All I can say is at least it doesn't suck finally. With the wider spread gone, playing Heavy is now a more viable option than it was before. Now if they would give back the 75 health from the Back Burner, we would be set.


One, it was 50 health. Two, heck no. Don't give the health back to the pyro and the backburner. It took too long for a heavy to kill one at point blank (I died most of the time shortly afterwards).

Also, I watched Kung-fu Hustle last night. Awesome movie.


I guess Windstrike can't see sarcasm off the port side of the ship.

I never actually got to play with the Buffed Burner as I didn't unlock it until 3 days after the health bonus was taken away, so I am not really worried about it.

Also should I get Garry's Mod? I kinda wanna get into machinima but I dunno if I should get Garry's Mod or just stick with crappy Halo.

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