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So, I play a game called Worms: Armageddon when I feel like it, and I'm sick of the crappy maps out there. And I'm sick of my own, so I'm going to make a new one. I'm going to make it Zelda-themed (although if anyone thinks thats a shitty idea and has a better one, I can always make a couple maps.)

So I'm asking for anyone who knows of any good Zelda/Sheik fan art, or generally any good screen shots, to post them.

This can also be a Worms discussion thread, too. I have the same username.



Ahh, yes... Worms... Good stuff. I've had them all in different periods of time, but I've probably played Worms World Party the most. Used to have some mad ninjarope skills, but I probably suck nowadays. WOuld be fun to see some new well made levels. :)


Well, I already made it the same night I posted this thread because I'm impatient. Since I didn't have any decent Zelda images, I made a Psyclon-Nine themed one instead.

But, again, there's nothing stopping me from making another.

Oh, I should have mentioned. On WormNet, they have a house-rules game called a w2w shopper, that is the type of map I was planning (and did) make.

But anyway. W:A and good zelda screenshots, discuss.


Didn't know people still played Armageddon. I used to be pretty good at it back in the day. Managed to get all the gold medals, which took forever. Haven't played it in a long time and probably suck again. I wasn't aware WormNet was even still running. I figured Team17 would've shut it down long ago for W:A.

WormNet still running? Wow, never would've thought. Not that the games suck, I've played Worms for countless hours myself, but hasn't it been ages since the latest game came out?

Worms: A Space Oddity came out for the wii back in march. XBLA got a Worms game last year, as did the psp.

Dude. I loved this game... I might have to pick up another copy.

Clan OCR matches anyone?

not gonna happen everyone just plays tf2 not that thats a bad thing its just a fact that if its an ocr pc game thing its gonna be tf2 and thats that


Yeah... my computer is to crappy to run TF2, so I keep hoping...

Maybe I'll ask the guys in the TF2 thread if they think I might be able to get it to run on my piece o' crap machine.


I'm part of the group with a computer too outdated to run the COOL games, therefore I stick to older games like W:A.

To those who used to frequent WormNet, any clans? House-rules of preference, like the propers and shoppers?

There is an insane amount of different house-rule games on WormNet now.


I dare anyone to find a person who can find anything massively wrong with the game; the worms series is one of those select few that never tried anything flash, but was just plain good fun. Ah yes, fun times.

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