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Is it too late for me to jump on this train?

I've earned my self a decent amount of cash this semester and was wondering where I should blow it all. A music and gaming convention at VA doesn't seem like a bad spot.


Jade you'll probably be spending ALL of the time at the con. it's inside the hotel so you basically don't ever have to go outside save for food [or fire alarms lol WOOP WOOP]. Actually don't go outside because virginia in january is cold and depressing.

Also I know absolutely nothing about this new years eve party except I want some hard liquor and good friends :D

Also I know absolutely nothing about this new years eve party except I want some hard liquor and good friends :D

And by good friends, he means of the female variety.:<

Jade you'll probably be spending ALL of the time at the con. it's inside the hotel so you basically don't ever have to go outside save for food [or fire alarms lol WOOP WOOP]. Actually don't go outside because virginia in january is cold and depressing.

Also I know absolutely nothing about this new years eve party except I want some hard liquor and good friends :D

I grew up in Orlando, FL and I went to MEGACON every year. It wasn't exciting all the time, but I'm convinced this one will be better. If you or anyone could help me get Jordan drunk ('cos he doesn't drink) be my guest. :-P


Hey a floridian on OCR, didnt know they had those. Yeah im going. If any of you still think im a cool cat then plz I need roomate. I havent booked a room, or preregistered, or bought my plane ticket, but Im getting on it. if anyone has a spare slot, please consider me:razz:

Hey guys, bLiNd and I are going to arrive in DCA on Dec. 31st... We wanted some information about the New Year's Eve party at MAGFEST... can anyone care to share? We never been to VA so we will be looking forward to be spending most of our time at the con.

The New Year's Eve party will be all of the people that are super hardcore nerds hanging out mostly in the two far rooms (LAN and JamSpace), and we're having a SUPER SECRET JAMSPACE CONCERT that night.

The New Year's Eve party will be all of the people that are super hardcore nerds hanging out mostly in the two far rooms (LAN and JamSpace), and we're having a SUPER SECRET JAMSPACE CONCERT that night.

i FIGURED the nerd part. =P We are super nerds too so that's fine by me! hehe But what about the SUPER SECRET JAMSPACE CONCERT?! Who stars in it?

i FIGURED the nerd part. =P We are super nerds too so that's fine by me! hehe But what about the SUPER SECRET JAMSPACE CONCERT?! Who stars in it?

Uhm, I don't know if I'm allowed to release the details, but it's epic.

A long long time ago [i'm surprised anyone remembers actually] virt had a little falling out with this site, went off and created VGMix. Though, the hatchet is long buried by now so any references to "vrit r bad men" is [hopefully] sarcastic :)

I knew that story from back in the day. Been a fan since 2001. But Virt wears OC ReMix shirts. He has nothing against this site, I am sure. Why can't everyone get along?


So, uh, this being my first MagFest, I have no clue what to expect. I've been to several other conventions both large and small--like Otakon, DragonCon, Katsucon, AnimeUSA once or twice--but no clue how this will compare.

It's also looking more and more likely I'd be able to make any sort of New Years' Eve thing. Still not 100% though, maybe more around 80% for now. KF

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