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This couldn't have happened to a better person :D

You're joking right, (I think you are.)

I could easily think of other people who deserve even worse than this.

But....I wouldn't wish this type of injury on anybody. Left-hand "crushed." Ouch.

I hope LeBeouf gets better. Too bad.

I liked the movie, but I couldn't stand the parts with the kids. I was like: "C'mon, get to the giant duelling robots already!!" and those scenes delivered.
Yeah, the scenes delivered... over halfway through the movie. Until that point, we enjoyed the kids, the adults who don't understand them, and an uncomfortable conversation about masturbation that should have never made it to the screen.

And as to the guy referring to the hot girl whose name he can't remember, was it Megan Fox, the girl who found LeBouf's character attractive for reasons I have yet to understand?

As much as I think he is getting gold casting with silver credentials, I wouldn't wish this on him, either. This doesn't sound like a casual break that you cast for six weeks and be done with. It sounds like he'll have difficulty using his hand.


deserved shmazerved. He was driving drunk and he got it whether he wanted it or not. Act stupid then you have to deal with stupid consequences. You reap what you sow.

Transformers ... hmm, the movie was mediocre. I loved seeing giant robots blow the crap out of each other though. Maybe now that the groundwork is in place the sequel might go back to the old classic Transformula. You like that? Of course you do.

Wow. Seriously hurt enough to have constant IV fluids? I think it's a bit more serious than a hurt hand.

Constant IV fluids is a standard for every last person admitted to a hospital, bar none. They put you on the fluids to keep a vein available in case they need to give medications very quickly. If they just put the IV in and didn't drip something through it for awhile, it would clot and close. Going directly into the vein gives drugs an instant effect, so if he ends up in crazy pain or something, they can push a med through his IV port and it'll work instantly. My educated guess as to what's currently dripping into Shia would be liquid morphine. The uneducated sensationalist media likes to tell the public people are on IV fluids because it makes the situation sound more serious. You learn something new every day.

In other news, a lot of you are insensitive assholes.

WristStrong info here

I like transformers, I just don't like the live action movie.

Ive seen this episode, I cant believe I didnt remember this.

And at least he still has his right hand. He can still masturbate!


I noticed someone posted that we were unsensitive people, and deleted their posts. Anyway, I don't like him as an actor, and the dumbass was driving drunk, so he got what he deserves. If he had killed someone, would that have made you less compassionate towards his "injury"? He took the risks and thats what happened. I might be more compassionate myself if he had no been drinking.

And I can edit posts :D

"I heard that he wasn't at fault on Leno" .... "he wasn't at fault, even if he was drunk."

This is how nasty rumors start and truths are hidden. Just because a media giant says something doesn't make it true. I'm not saying Shia was or was not at fault, I'm just saying you statement is scary.

EDIT: Also, I mean no offense. I'm just ranting.


whoa, the girl in the car, Isabel Lucas, is about just as amazingly beautiful as Megan Fox, and they said she'll be in Transformers 2. are they replacing fox? Or just setting the scene for a highly improbable threesome? And how did this thread make it past 3 pages?


I love how they say hes not at fault. Like if you are driving without insurance, and not a movie star, if you are in a wreck, and its the other persons fault, if you have no insurances, it goes back to you and you are in legal shit. Same should be the case.


Well, he *is* in some legal trouble. He's still being charged with a DUI. It's just that it's a misdemeanor DUI rather than felony DUI because nobody but him was hurt in the crash. That's how the law works.

Regardless, he's still being charged with a DUI, even if he didn't cause the accident. Will he get more than a slap on the wrist? Probably not, especially considering a judge will likely be sympathetic considering the circumstances of the accident (which while irrelevant to the DUI itself, will still likely factor). He is a celebrity, celebrities get preferential treatment, it's just what happens. It sucks, it's bullshit, but it's the reality. I don't think they should get preferential treatment, but hey, I'm just some average joe.

But Edge, even if LaBeouf was drunk, if the other driver ran a red light, I don't see how it's his fault to begin with. The guy running the red light was beyond his control, sober or not. *Shrugs*

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