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Despite all the glitchy crap and missing stuff, it's still a keeper, though why anyone would want GC versions of the original or X collections at all is beyond me... (infernal GC controller).


That's why, my friend. That's why.

Just configure the button layout a little and it was like olden days.

Why would I buy a wii and then buy any of these games on VC when I could legally obtain legal roms and play them on an emulator? I dont need a wii no sir. Perfectly fine without it, corking actually quite.

Um... :?

And besides, I don't think anyone bought a Wii solely for the Virtual Console. That would just be silly.


I never understood why Nintendo, which made the perfect button placement before, changed it for game cube...it's just inferior in every way to the snes configuration.

"Press B+X at same time!"


I gotta play with all my fingers with thumb on right stick all the time...oh and that Z button was really, really a bad idea.

That's one thing sony got right, if it's perfect, why change it?

Or you could buy the GCN version of Mega Man Anniversary Collection for 15-20 bucks and have all 8.

Plus two unlockable arcade games. Although I prefer the PS2 version, since it came out the best of all the MAC versions.

Why would I buy a wii and then buy any of these games on VC when I could legally obtain legal roms and play them on an emulator? I dont need a wii no sir. Perfectly fine without it, corking actually quite.

Um... :?

Believe it or not, there are some areas where this happens. Both Taito Legends and Taito Legends 2 for the PC use ROMs that can be played in MAME. We're talking ROMs, right down the proper MAME naming format when you zip up the folders in the TL and TL2 installtions.


But he's talking about the Mega Man games. The Mega Man games were never officially licensed as ROMs, outside being emulated for the Anniversary Collection. And if he owns the original games, why is he talking about buying them on the Virtual Console, anyway?

My "Um..." still stands.

My "Um..." still stands.

The prevailing idea amongst the internet is that the ROMs are legal to have if you own the game. If this is not entirely the case, one could plead ignorance and arguably succeed.

Also, if he owns the original games, why buy the VC? Maybe because his NES stopped working like TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO FUCK. I know MINE did.


In that case I wouldn't see the logic behind paying again to play something he already owns, or even considering paying for it. But crap, this is getting into the same trap as the Chrono Trigger DS thread now.

Didn't I say I was retreating into the writing thread like forever ago?...

In that case I wouldn't see the logic behind paying again to play something he already owns, or even considering paying for it.
Maybe because his NES stopped working like TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO FUCK. I know MINE did.

I hope you write better than you reeead


Are you as retarded as your pseudo-villain namesake?

If he owns the NES games but the games or the NES done got broked then just play the freaking ROMs. The only reasons to buy the game at all (much less a second time) are if you don't already own it and you object to breakin' the law.

You don't know what it's like

Breaking the law, breaking the law...

Are you as retarded as your pseudo-villain namesake?

look at me I'm Imagery I insult people on the internet

If he owns the NES games but the games or the NES done got broked then just play the freaking ROMs.

hey guys I heard the wiimote makes a pretty good NES controller much better than the keyboard

also I heard that games look better on a TV

also I heard emulators have a habit of being glitchy

also I heard that people like owning Mega Man games if they are fans


this is almost as fun as that one time I picked fights with arek when we were bored but I get the feeling you're not in on the ironic nature of it all

anyway as I said we're now getting into the same kind of circlejerking territory that the chrono trigger ds thread already covered pretty thoroughly so I think I am going to sleep


you just really don't like the idea of me sleeping do you

hey guys I heard the wiimote makes a pretty good NES controller much better than the keyboard

hey guys I heard they make pc gamepads that are reworked NES controllers

and they cost about $230 less than a Wii

also I heard that games look better on a TV

and I am obsessed with just how crisp my pixelated 8-bit graphics are (remember we are talking about mega man games)

also I heard emulators have a habit of being glitchy

hey remember when I said that thing like "remember we are talking about mega man games"


also I heard that people like owning Mega Man games if they are fans

also I heard that if you walk up to Inafune and hand him $100 and caress his privates you are a bigger fan than anyone else (remember in this hypothetical situation that calls for emulation he already owns the games once)

hey guys I heard they make pc gamepads that are reworked NES controllers

and they cost about $230 less than a Wii

the wii is not just for VC games etc etc

and I am obsessed with just how crisp my pixelated 8-bit graphics are (remember we are talking about mega man games)

my TV is about 40 inches larger then my computer screen

also I heard that if you walk up to Inafune and hand him $100 and caress his privates you are a bigger fan than anyone else (remember in this hypothetical situation that calls for emulation he already owns the games once)

hey all you megaman fans imagery thinks you're all fags


Mega Man 2!!! F*** YEAH!!!

I just wish that I didn't have to wait thru Mega Man 1 first (not a big fan of the original). But 2 is on my list of top 20 games I ever played. As for the GC version of Anniversary Collection, I got it, loved it, and played it until it became inexplicably full of scratches. I blame one of my 3 little sisters...

Are you as retarded as your pseudo-villain namesake?

That does it Imagery, now you've gone too far, and flamed the wrong person!

Bleck was a great villain in Super Paper Mario! :<

the wii is not just for VC games etc etc

I'm not the one who suggested this preposterous idea

Why would I buy a wii and then buy any of these games on VC when I could legally obtain legal roms and play them on an emulator? I dont need a wii no sir. Perfectly fine without it, corking actually quite.
my TV is about 40 inches larger then my computer screen

yes yessss my blocky robot man is bigger than your block robot man!!!

hey all you megaman fans imagery thinks you're all fags

actually I think I am going to sig this it's pretty funny

yes yessss my blocky robot man is bigger than your block robot man!!!

and don't you forget it

Bleck was a great villain in Super Paper Mario! :<

the best one of any mario by far


Then supply me with one, right here and now. According to some of our big-time legal experts in this thread, it's super legal and shit.

Come on, someone post a ROM link. According to yourselves, you have nothing to fear. The mods won't do anything because it's completely legal, riiiiiight?

Time to see who's really backing up their claims now.

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