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I don't but I have met people that have. One of them had a serious anger problem, I won't name names, just to be safe (you never know lol) but this guy and a friend of mine were playing a game (chess I think it was) and the angry bloke cheated as he was losing. My mate hit him (not hard, just as a joke you know) and this bloke snapped, and you can guess the rest.

Frightening as hell, as it happened right in front of me. My mate was all right luckily.


I try to be pleasant online. I've seen the phenomenon of internet = anonymity = troll plenty, though.

My attitude's a bit different on the net than in real life, but it's mainly because I'm speaking to a different audience.

You say different things when you're on a website about video game music than you would to friends with other interests. As most of the internet is organized into groups and communities with people with a lot in common, or at least the same interests and hobbies, people can be a lot more open and deep about that interest, where in real life, communities in the same location are often much more diverse, somewhat ironically. This is from my experience, and I'm in college, so it may not be typical. It's the type of community and people you KNOW are on the other side of the connection that shape your words and attitudes; not just what you say but how you say it. I believe this is the reason so many gamers trash talk on Xbox Live, for example.


I don't think acting differently online compared to real life indicates a split personality. I think how you act online can possibly show a lot about you because you get to hide behind a computer when you speak up. I know a lot of people who will act like a dick online but wouldn't DARE act like a dick in real life because boohoo they will get looked down upon. On the Internet nobody really knows where you live or how you look like (unless you post a picture obviously) and with the ability to hide behind that monitor of yours, you get the opportunity to be who you really are without any fear of consequences.

I don't think acting differently online compared to real life indicates a split personality. I think how you act online can possibly show a lot about you because you get to hide behind a computer when you speak up. I know a lot of people who will act like a dick online but wouldn't DARE act like a dick in real life because boohoo they will get looked down upon. On the Internet nobody really knows where you live or how you look like (unless you post a picture obviously) and with the ability to hide behind that monitor of yours, you get the opportunity to be who you really are without any fear of consequences.

so is the lack of inhibition a good thing or bad? sort of makes you realize what a funny thing inhibition is.


I think that saying someone has split personalities based on the fact that when they're anonymous they get nasty...is just stupid.

Thats not split personality, that's just that person taking advantage of a situation where they know they can get away with being assholes.

In America we get so excited at the opportunity to find reasons to diagnose more people with mental disorders that we cross lines between normal human behavior and twisting that behavior to fit some form of mental disease. We do this so the pharmaceutical companies can make more money. It's bullshit.

We wonder why America has insurance companies going under.

i dont talk much irl

lol. What I meant was "who says you can't spam irl?"

I thought I was different online until I read this and started thinking about it. The things I say here aren't really that much different than the things I'd say irl, except that I can assert myself a lot better with writing than I can with speech.

I guess to some degree everyone is a little bit different on the internet. For example, irl I make a lot more stupid "that's what she said" and "your mom" type jokes. Then again, that's probably not any different than the way people normally act different around different people.


I'm not too differnet from real life to internet. The only difference I can think of is that I use more complex words in real life compared to internet because I don't know how to spell most of them. Also writing was never one of my better subjects.


Also believe it or not on the internet I care what other people think, as if reputation here matters. In the real world (and I hate saying real world for some reason), Im a lot more blunt, but sort of more sensitive. aah ffrikin whatever

I don't think acting differently online compared to real life indicates a split personality. I think how you act online can possibly show a lot about you because you get to hide behind a computer when you speak up. I know a lot of people who will act like a dick online but wouldn't DARE act like a dick in real life because boohoo they will get looked down upon. On the Internet nobody really knows where you live or how you look like (unless you post a picture obviously) and with the ability to hide behind that monitor of yours, you get the opportunity to be who you really are without any fear of consequences.

so is the lack of inhibition a good thing or bad? sort of makes you realize what a funny thing inhibition is.

It can be both good or bad. I think it's good to speak your mind, but you have to understand what you say in real life can have both good and bad consequences depending on the circumstances. What I find humorous is that probably most "Internet Hardasses" wouldn't convey themselves the way they do online in real life because of consequences. Again, they have something to hide behind.



I don't know.. I can be the most evil thing you can meet even in real life. My family has a habit of snapping.. Almost to the point of something criminal happening. I just can't suffer fools if I'm pushed. Online, I don't think I can really convey it that well. Ironic really.

I don't know.. I can be the most evil thing you can meet even in real life. My family has a habit of snapping.. Almost to the point of something criminal happening. I just can't suffer fools if I'm pushed. Online, I don't think I can really convey it that well. Ironic really.

you just need to be more creative

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