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has anyone here been playing the pub games a lot? i've been doing poorly at them, myself.

Cant afford to buy them at the moment, but the demo is oddly difficult. O_o. But hey, id imagine there good for some quick gold when your in a pinch.

Cant afford to buy them at the moment, but the demo is oddly difficult. O_o. But hey, id imagine there good for some quick gold when your in a pinch.

...They're supposed to be a bonus with the preorder. You got screwed.

And I've already gotten everything, including achievements, from the pub games, with a cool 42,000 gold to spare.

As far as how...well...I think I was just really lucky with the spinnerbox. I didn't exploit that infamous glitch, however.

...They're supposed to be a bonus with the preorder. You got screwed.

And I've already gotten everything, including achievements, from the pub games, with a cool 42,000 gold to spare.

As far as how...well...I think I was just really lucky with the spinnerbox. I didn't exploit that infamous glitch, however.

They ran out of codes as far as I heard, and I ordered from Newegg. so I dont know. and dont much care. I didnt buy the pub games yet. only dled the demo.


Yeah, theres some glitch out there, read about it on Lionheads forums. people getting millions of gold xD.

I didnt really get shafted. I was told they ran out of codes from the community forums. I dont buy games very often, so its not a big deal throwing what? $20 to get a few silly pub games. oh boy, i didnt get a free xbl arcade game. xD ill be like the rest of the world who didnt get it, and just buy it when i feel like it. Frankly, all i care about is the LE content :P

wait, glitch?

I know there was one glitch where you bet the minimum amount, but then before it actually starts, you raise the bet to the max. It only takes money at the minimum amount, but you'll win as if you had bet the max amount.

  • 3 weeks later...

Mine should be here sometime today. Newegg shafted me, so i went to Amazon, ^^ They sent it out yesterday, and i had release date shipping. Along with Fable 2. I have to keep on track with studying for my College Entrance Test lmfao.

Gamer Tag: Magnum Rage

Add me if you like.


If you haven't bought the game yet, you can get a free $15 itunes card with it if you buy it from Circuit City... and if you're lucky they'll give you a random $15 discount on top of that. Man I love unexpected (and most likely accidental) discounts. Now only if work was over...


You know what's stupid? You kill a trader and the best you get from it is a handful of gold, even if you've just paid him an exorbitant amount of money for some new gear or a stack of potions. And that says nothing of his stock, which apparently just vanishes into thin air.

You might say it'd unbalance the game if you got everything a trader was holding upon killing them, but you know what? They didn't care about game balance. Physical Shield exists, and that is evidence enough. Also, I can play a childishly simple card pairs game in the very first town for about fifteen minutes and I'll end up with more money than I will ever, EVER need.

Card pairs. Do you know why you won't go into a casino and find a card pairs table? BECAUSE THAT CASINO WOULD GET CLEANED THE HELL OUT EVERY SINGLE DAY. There would be people camping outside the doors for weeks just to get their chance at taking that place's money.

Because there is no element of chance involved in card pairs, so technically it's not even gambling. In poker, if you end up with a crap hand, there's really not much you can do about it unless you're some kind of mental puppeteer who can psych everyone else at the table out and make them fold. No matter how good you are at card counting in blackjack, sometimes that dealer will just end up with 21 right off the bat. CARD PAIRS? All skill, and it's not a hard skill to get the hang of either.

You know what else is stupid? The law enforcement. Christ on a bicycle, the law enforcement. I mean, you can literally massacre an entire village down to the last man, woman and...well, not child, because you can't kill children in this game, (but apparently beating the shit out of them is A-OK) but nevertheless, all you have to do is leave for a few minutes and suddenly all is forgiven and forgotten. Nobody. Cares. And as long as you didn't knock your alignment too far down, the guards will merrily continue telling you to "Have yourself a nice day."

It's not like you even have to run far away either. You can just stand on the road that leads into the village, right next to the entrance. As long as you're not actually in the "area", it doesn't matter. Just...what. It was hardly even worth making this part of the game. They might as well have just said "OK, Heroes have the legal right to butcher anyone and everyone as they please," for all the difference it would have made.

You know what else is stupid? The plot. Just...the plot, in general. I hardly even need to say anything. If you've played the game, you know. Like, is there some reason why Jack wanted to destroy the world, or was he just being a dick? Sure, Kefka did it, but at least the game allowed you to see enough of his character for you to know that he was some batshit nihilist. Jack doesn't give that vibe. You don't get much of anything from Jack. His outfit is kind of cool, but otherwise it's like he's just some perfectly ordinary dude who incidentally wants to set the world on fire. It doesn't add up. There's a difference between adding an element of mystery to a character and just not giving them a personality, guys.

Is there some reason why Maze took me in and let me spend however many years being a hero instead of taking me to Jack when I was a still kid and I couldn't have kicked his ass? Is there some reason why I don't get to know who the villain is until after I've been poncing around for the first three-quarters of the game, thus removing any reason for me to care?

And what kind of way was that to escape from prison? The Warden makes the inmates have a race on his birthday so that he can read poetry to the winner? WERE THEY TRYING TO MAKE THIS PART RETARDED? Why couldn't I have just beaten one of the guards up and taken their sword? Grabbed one of those sharp torture implements that I was standing right in front of and sliced their throat? It's not like I wasn't capable of it at that stage of the game. Or better yet, why'd I have to get captured in the first place? I could totally have taken Jack on, especially in that confined space where he has no room to run away like a pansy.

And why is it that I get "good points" for killing anything that isn't an innocent person? What is so inherently righteous about shooting a wasp with an arrow? It's like the game just assumes that every time you kill an enemy, you're doing it to cleanse Albion of the evil that plagues it, rather than because they swung first and you want to loot their corpse. It gets to the point where (if you're trying to play evil) you're killing all the traders you come across on the roads just to balance out all the good points you got from killing everything else, rather than out of any real malevolence.

And just how the hell is it that I can go from eighteen to sixty-five years old in the space of a few hours and yet nobody and nothing else IN THE ENTIRE WORLD ages so much as a day?

And why does every weapon that isn't a sword suck? Seriously, with the exception of legendary weapons, you literally have no reason not to use a katana. What's that? You think a mace or an axe is cooler? Well tough shit, because they don't do as much damage. Probably because all the attack animations are the same, so half the time you end up trying to stab someone with your blunt weapon. You idiot.

And they'd better have improved that godawful, uninspired soundtrack.

And can we have an ending that lasts for more than five seconds this time? Or at least don't have that and then make us sit through a twenty minute credit sequence just to keep playing after the final boss.

And if I hear one more exaggerated Irish or Birmingham accent I am going to strangle someone.


Basically Fable II had better be a hell of a lot better. And even then I probably still won't get it because I don't have a 360 HAW HAW HAW.


yeah lol, some of those stuff didn't change from the first game.

the plot is probably the only thing i can complain about, but the villain in fable 2 is clear from the start, so at least you know what your goal is.

there's really no way to abuse money making, you're gonna have to actually work at it to get nice gear cause most of the weapons that you buy are expensive as hell.. unless you abused the fable 2 pub games glitch and have 9 billion gold, or use the gay date changing glitch.

law enforcement still kinda sucks. each villager is apparently worth only 500 gold.

soundtrack is kinda nice....though there are only a few tracks that get repeated that plays if you enter any cave/dungeon.

the thing that bothers me the most though is the battle system...you can't aim anymore =(

instead, you get this sub-targetting thing where you can basically choose which part you wanna shoot. no skill involved. so you just pick up the fricken imba gun from the (semi-spoiler) westcliff shooting range and basically decapitate a group of 10 bandits you see in 1-2 shots each in about 6 seconds. yeah, they fixed the magic system, it's not so broken now, but they also made melee weapons useless, and ranged weapons farrrr too strong.


I watched a friend play this over the weekend and found it unimpressive despite initially liking the character customization. The combat seems fine, I just didn't like the simplicity of the social interactions. Most people can't really speak to you, all you can do is dance and fart at them or something. The speed at which my friend's character got married was kind of silly. I was expecting some kind of elaborate courting, but all he had to do was dance at her. I would like to see a Japanese company take the knowledge they've gained from dating games and apply it to this kind of game to get something a little more story and personality driven. The game world doesn't feel stupid only if you view all the interactions as abstractions of real social interactions.


So yeah, I've been babysitting my friend's 360, and happen to have a copy of Fable 2 with me. I didn't play the first one, so I have no idea really about the differences.

At first, I watched someone else play it, and it was kind of boring, but now when I play it, I find that I really like to explore the world and find all the treasure that is lurking around. The story isn't bad, though the girl's voice (the one that tells you everything you could want to know and more) gets a little annoying. The golden trail thingy is nice IMO, because you can instantly tell where not to go if you want to get all the treasure ASAP. I do indeed like buying property and making money just by sitting around. I chose to be evil, and It's fun to make people fall in love with you and then do something mean to them.

I have been really taking my time with this game, mostly because I love treasure, and have been enjoying it quite a bit.

As far as the music goes, it is way too ambient (sp?) and it gets old real quick.


I beat the game today. It was generally pretty sweet. I'm probably going to play through again if LittleBigPlanet doesn't take up all my time.

I loved the combat. It is super fun. The gunplay is great. I had this Steel flintlock pistol for like 3/4 the game. It shot so fast. I'd just zoom, hold L, flick up on the left stick and wail on people getting headhots. It was very visceral. Also, I would do a time slow, then charge up to high level lightning. Very nice :)!

I was playing as a chick and I was trying to make her hot, but that's tough when you get stronger because it makes you, big, thick, and musclely.

The dog is awesome - wish I could put kickass dog armor on him! He's pretty impressive in terms of AI, animation, and pathfinding. It's awesome how he'll usually run up ahead of you, just like my dog does when I walk him through the woods without a leash on.

The game was pretty funny at times, it generally looked pretty good, sound was good, and I really liked working towards getting more money, getting new skills. I played it till 7 am on sat night without knowing.

Some things bugged me though: The climax sucked. There's like this slight blur filter on everything that basically just makes it look like my LCD TV has a shitty response time and annoys the hell out of me. Loading was semi slow, and the amount of traveling you do makes you see the loading screen a lot.

There aren't really that many locations or environments. I don't really feel like I traveled around the world questing...more like I traveled around one country. Environments were like, hills, marshes, fields, towns....and that's about it. What about snowy mountains, jungles, deserts, etc.

Back to making my chick hot, I really didn't find much stuff to wear, and not much cool stuff. There weren't a ton of weapons and guns either.

The menus are slow and cumbersome. The hotkeys on the D-pad were retarded most of the time. Sometimes it would let me use a potion or sometimes it would let me eat some food, never had the choice and sometimes it wouldn't let me do either.

I wish there was a good map. The sparkly trail is nice, but a GTA style map would have done the trick much better. I really have no idea how the world is put together because I was never able to really see a good map of where things were.

Well, I really hope there is a Fable 3 in a couple years on xbox360. If they can make it bigger, give us back the map, and maybe modify the engine so it can stream environments, the game would be freakin' awesome.

I beat the game today. It was generally pretty sweet.

I loved the combat. It is super fun. The gunplay is great. I had this Steel flintlock pistol for like 3/4 the game. It shot so fast. I'd just zoom, hold L, flick up on the left stick and wail on people getting headhots. It was very visceral. Also, I would do a time slow, then charge up to high level lightning. Very nice :)!

Some things bugged me though: The climax sucked. Loading was semi slow, and the amount of traveling you do makes you see the loading screen a lot.

What about snowy mountains, jungles, deserts, etc.

The menus are slow and cumbersome. The hotkeys on the D-pad were retarded most of the time. Sometimes it would let me use a potion or sometimes it would let me eat some food, never had the choice and sometimes it wouldn't let me do either.

Well, I really hope there is a Fable 3 in a couple years on xbox360. If they can make it bigger, give us back the map, and maybe modify the engine so it can stream environments, the game would be freakin' awesome.

First off. Stop copying my play style. Time Control, level 5 lightning shock and then picking off the rest with the flint pistol for the win (but then again, the red dragon pistol is much better once I won it)! Hehe.

Second. You pretty much sum up nearly all my gripes about the game. The ending sucked hard, that was my main let down. The game is great, but it was really weak for a "final boss" solution. Menu did get annoying after a while, was too slow and sluggish in response. Loading was a bit much, should of just removed quick travel all together cause you'd just keep using that and have load screen after load screen. Would prolong the game for the better.

I sort of liked having no map. I did miss it. But rather have my portable treasure detector instead, its so cute. Having no map did help in setting up ambushes and making secret path ways more secret though. There is actually a small snow part, a winter lodge behind the bloodstone demon door. It's pretty cool, must check it out. :)

I'm thinking that they are going to do to Fable 2 what Lost Chapters did for Fable. Only it is probably going to be download content maybe? I would hope so. Make the final villain revive into a hollow man or some thing and make it as epic of a boss as the dragon in lost chapters.


You know what else is stupid? The law enforcement. Christ on a bicycle, the law enforcement. I mean, you can literally massacre an entire village down to the last man, woman and...well, not child, because you can't kill children in this game, (but apparently beating the shit out of them is A-OK) but nevertheless, all you have to do is leave for a few minutes and suddenly all is forgiven and forgotten. Nobody. Cares. And as long as you didn't knock your alignment too far down, the guards will merrily continue telling you to "Have yourself a nice day."

It's not like you even have to run far away either. You can just stand on the road that leads into the village, right next to the entrance. As long as you're not actually in the "area", it doesn't matter. Just...what. It was hardly even worth making this part of the game. They might as well have just said "OK, Heroes have the legal right to butcher anyone and everyone as they please," for all the difference it would have made.

You do realize it's just a game, friend? I do see your point in some of these things on Fable 1 especially what you said about the story. But oh, come on, it's just a game.

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