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After messing around with a trial account for a bit, I'm thinking about picking up the full version of WoW and joining you guys, provided that the guild is still somewhat active. Do I need to buy both the game and the two expansions at once? And what about the recruit-a-friend system?

After messing around with a trial account for a bit, I'm thinking about picking up the full version of WoW and joining you guys, provided that the guild is still somewhat active. Do I need to buy both the game and the two expansions at once? And what about the recruit-a-friend system?

If you're interested in starting, I wouldn't mind recruiting someone lol. I play on anvilmar, but I can level a char on Illidan with you if you want.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think it's worth noting that DotM (along with my guild of IRL friends) was able to 1 shot Sartharion 10 man with 8 people (which isn't the BIGGEST achievement ever, but absolutely our biggest achievement as a group) which means like zomg actually doing content now. We got the first 2 bosses in the plague quarter down before we had to call it (it was like 3AM anyway).

Obviously we're still short a few people, but there's a lot of people right on the verge of 80, so hopefully within the next few weeks we can actually get a gooood run in Naxx with a full group.

So if anyone has any high-level characters sitting around collecting dust and they want to do some casual raiding, now is the time!

Need huntardz, lolmagez, ANY shamans, and we can work with most any other DPS class...those are just priority right now D:


Well, shoot, I'm having a blast with my 80 resto shammy and my 78 now destruction lock...

I'll be trying to actually get back over there, though I dunno whether I'll get back on my Hunter or go dk (I've a 73 on Mug'Thol).

Grats on the Sartharion run, though, since I can't say I've even downed the 3 drakes yet. I've had ONLY 1 good 10-man Naxx group that never wiped and I got 4 epics from it. From that point on people in general have been sucking horribly, myself excluded ;) Example - I just got recount (great mod) and was in a Sarth group, the other healer being a pally and RL. The group gets 2 drakes down before the DK MT starts complaining about someone taunting mobs off him, and we wipe on the next trash group. At this point we start rezzing the group and I just barely hit the aggro threshold for the pat and the 3-4 up got owned, so I get kicked. It wasn't just because of that though. The pally decides my 600k total healing compared to his 1.1M healing wasn't enough. I'd agree, too, if it weren't for my 200k overhealed compared to his 900+ THOUSAND.

So yeah... I've just been busy getting my lock up, so I could prolly switch over within the weekend.


Making a new UI yet again.


Using these addons:









SharedMedia library (for extra bar textures, fonts and stuff)



Not finalized. Gotta setup party/raid frames properly, and I'm gonna try doing something with MikScrollingBattleText


ha ha you got eck residue'd XD

I was trying out totemtimers for my shaman i'm levelling (level 28 now but she's got all sorts of heirloom gear :3), have you tried that/is it any good? it seems kind of clumsy at first for me, but then again i have no idea how to use shamans at all.


Hate to doublepost, but.. last night, Tremendous Achievement! Full Naxx clear with people from our guild as well as Rama's IRL friends. Honestly it was one of the smoothest runs we'd ever been in, we nearly one shot every boss. Since many of us (Myself, Rama, Vilecat, Iodoc, our tanks) were very overgeared, our freshly-dinged-80s became loot dumpsters. With this kind of teamwork, I see no problem getting into Ulduar.

We've got a couple people who have transferred over from their own servers, as well as acquaintances that rolled Death Knights, since there is no requirement to have your own lv55 character on that server. Surprisingly, we have very few Death Knights, less than I expected when Wrath hit :< I'll be updating the main thread with more names, so that if anyone chooses to roll, you know who to message for a ginvite :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Triplepost! Disciples of the Mix has absorbed many of Rama's irl friends, and during general hours there are 6-7 80s on. Naxx tonight had only a couple people that were not guildies, and they were people we knew well and ran with before. Right now we're working on heroics for some of the newly geared 80s, as well as putting those raids together. Just wanted to update with the fact that we have more 80s than ever now <3


And some with several *cough* VILECAT *cough*, as well as several who are getting close.

While I've been getting ever so much closer to 80 on my lock, I've been prioritizing my death knight, who is less than a fourth of a level away from Northrend. I've been seeing at LEAST five people online constantly, and it really is only a couple 80s short of a full 10-man raid when everyone's on.


Hey, there's nothing wrong with having more than one lv80 >_>; But I'd like if more were lv80, or if I weren't the only person with more than 1 toon.

People are getting decently geared and at a quick pace, it's just a matter of hitting 80 and getting your toon itemized and specced right. We can easily help gearing up not only with runs, but with enchants, crafted items and the likes. It helps that we're all willing to learn how to play our class better and grab any useful information a few of us can help others too (you're so hot at theorycrafting, Opt!). Raids are going rather smooth too -well 10man at least-.

Edit: My ccurrent UI. It sometimes feels cluttered, but I don't know/am too lazy to change it all over again. Bottom(main) and 2nd bar interchange depending if I'm targetting a friendly or hostile unit, and the top is generally abilities I'll click or press alt to interchange with the bottom bar.


Fine, I'll just post my comment in here since you refuse to respond in game :P

You call THAT cluttered? I barely see the center of the screen in raids on my shaman. And does that bar swap automatically via mod or just keybinding? When dual-spec comes out I'll be able to manipulate between resto and elemental as to which is my main bar, but beyond that I just click when I feel like attacking anything.

It's also good to know that you enjoy arguing about what's better for death knight talents, since you're great at the theorycrafting thing too. :P


Bar swap? Dominos does it automatically if you set it right, like between when I'm in cat or bear form on my druid. But between specs, I use ActionBar Saver. It basically saves all your current actionbars (skills, items, macros, etc.) into a profile, and lets you change whenever you want. It even has features for whether or not you grab ceertain talents again in a spec you previously had. It will say if this or that item/talent/etc. is missing too and where it was.

And I'm not all that great about theorycrafting, I just read a lot about it. As for not answering in game, sorry, I can easily be distracted. It doesn't help that my chat completely disappears whenever I ding :|


Well, I just tanked UK, the second time I've tanked EVER, and I don't even have any of the tanking talents. Fortunately Frost Presence and the cooldowns are all any death knight at this level needs, plus I've stockpiled a lot of the high +stam greens - 13.5k in FP ;) Speaking of which, any pointers would be most acceptable :razz:

This only happened after I looked at this UI mod PitBull. I fiddled with it for an hour and a half before I got the bars just the way I wanted them, but decided just before UK I prefer X-Perl. Is that the UI you're using, Val? If not it's similar, but I also wouldn't reccomend it (WAY too much time to set up).

By the way, my UI's goes a little something like this. That's X-Perl, Bartender 4 + Button Facade, Magic Runes, though I've recently added ForteXorcist to the mix as well. The rest of my characters, though, have the standard player - target at the top setup.


Yeah I'm using Pitbull. It may take quite a while to setup, but it has so many options integrated to it and it's so customizable, it's worth the time spent. I first found it perfect as a healer. Range check, visual heal, aggro check, different way to show someone with a debuff I can dispel and one I can't, who's highlighted, classes (simply by the bar colour) and so on.

Above and under is FuBar, SimpleMinimap for the square clean look, QuestHelper and nQuestMinion (both hidden in the sc), Prat for the chat, Recount, Dominos for the bars and the random numbers showing on my skills are from DrDamage (theorycrafting addon). Satrina Buff Frame, DoTimer for the CDs. On the map you can see ClosetGnome (wardrobe), AtlasLoot and Minimap Button Bag to hide the others I don't use often. Other than that, I often look at EQCompare and RatingBuster for gear upgrades. Of course DBM and Omen for when I raid. Still got Bigwigs installed, just in case DBM gets dephased again like when Sunwell came out.

I use more than that, but those are the basics. I'm such an addon whore D:

Edit: Totally unrelated, but why do I always get gear on my druid when she's not that spec? First I got resto gear when I raided as feral, and today I got feral shoulders while I was resto >:|


My shaman UI

I decided a little action-y shot of my sham would show a bit more about perl. It also has the option to color code debuffs on the borders of a target, including only if it's dispellable. You can also track who's targeting you (good for tanking), alerts to aggro (dpsing), and adapts health bars to healer based modes (healing :P ). Overall I think PitBull does have a LOT in customization available, but it's a lot easier to configure Perl, and it's almost as configurable. The biggest differences were the arrangable order of bars and buttons, as well as the incoming heals part. You can see in my pic, though, that you know who you target on an outgoing heal with Perl. Perl's option menu is also visually simplistic, and easier to understand what's going on.

(For the record, that long line of buffs is CT_Buff, and I'll be changing that when I stop being lazy, it gets LONG in a raid :P )

Edit: You know, at least you'll be more prepared for dual speccing ;)


Frak me, I should have known that there was a WoW guild for OCR stuff. I play WoW altogether way too often but all of my characters are on different servers. I have a bunch of characters Alliance-side, and a handful of Horde-side characters on Mug'thol.

Maybe I'll roll on Illidan, drop by and say hi.

With regards to Addons, I use Pitbull, Grid for raid healing. ;)


Go ahead Arcana. You can try to whisper Rama, Starla or any of my toons to get a guild invite (these days I play either on Remeï or Murimae). Doesn't matter if you don't play all that often, you're still welcome.

Some screens of my UI in a raid environnement: Naxx10 and Naxx25

Been working on my druid as feral once more, she does quite a decent job now as dps. My priest easily gets into 25man pugs and finally has the gear to tank Razz without MC breaking most of the time.

WTB Doug and Michelle in game again, I miss you guys D: That and I wanna get my shaman in Outland for her alchemy, dammit!

Add-ons are a crutch, haven't had a single one even when I was raiding MC back in vanilla. . . I miss vanilla :(

yea bro, vanilla wow was -awesome-.

Hurray for Alliance-only pallies, healing-only priests, druids with no out of combat rezes.........

Besides, Blizzard uses addons to make the game better for users, why shouldn't I?

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