Opterion Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 40 man raids impossible to pug, DKP, and 5 hour raids. Who even knows what happened to people who ditched on raid nights >.< Oh, but there was good shaman PvP then. WINDFURY CRITICAL!!! Quote
Arcana Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Go ahead Arcana. You can try to whisper Rama, Starla or any of my toons to get a guild invite (these days I play either on Remeï or Murimae). Doesn't matter if you don't play all that often, you're still welcome.Some screens of my UI in a raid environnement: Naxx10 and Naxx25 Been working on my druid as feral once more, she does quite a decent job now as dps. My priest easily gets into 25man pugs and finally has the gear to tank Razz without MC breaking most of the time. Yor UI looks rather similar to mine. I have many more buttons in a different place as well as more compact unit frames but otherwise it's pretty similar. I haven't screened my UI in raid for a while now so maybe I'll do that if I get into raid tonight. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 27, 2009 Posted March 27, 2009 I've been way busy with work and project stuff recently but i'm so ready to pwn this weekend. WTB arena team Quote
Vilecat Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Bumping this thread up, just because :3 starla, you should totally erase my pally from the list since I don't play it. And maybe put my sham there instead. Quote
Opterion Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Sorry I haven't been on much, it's been very busy irl, plus got like a half dozen other games at the same time (Mario tennis on the wii!) I'll be back, I swears it! Quote
Eulogic Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 I think the WoW juice is starting to run low after the longest continuous stream of time I've spent playing since the game was released. I'm in a guild with friends (which I'm not going to leave), which hinders me in doing serious raids. PUG raids are painful and make me want to die, which prevents me from doing anything other than, at most, 1d Sarth (never ever ever Naxx--the one time I tried, we wiped at least once on every boss and 3 or 4 times on Heigan). I'm pretty much at the pinnacle of heroic gear, and I don't really have any desire to do the more onerous achievements (like Loremaster, though I am pretty close to 50 mounts now--I have all the rep, just need a little more gold). I have three 80s, so I'm not in any hurry to level up alts, though I do have cloth, leather, and mail heirloom shoulders now. Most of the time, I just get on to chat with guildies. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 I think the WoW juice is starting to run low after the longest continuous stream of time I've spent playing since the game was released. I'm in a guild with friends (which I'm not going to leave), which hinders me in doing serious raids. PUG raids are painful and make me want to die, which prevents me from doing anything other than, at most, 1d Sarth (never ever ever Naxx--the one time I tried, we wiped at least once on every boss and 3 or 4 times on Heigan). I'm pretty much at the pinnacle of heroic gear, and I don't really have any desire to do the more onerous achievements (like Loremaster, though I am pretty close to 50 mounts now--I have all the rep, just need a little more gold). I have three 80s, so I'm not in any hurry to level up alts, though I do have cloth, leather, and mail heirloom shoulders now. Most of the time, I just get on to chat with guildies. Man....your server sucks I've PUG'd everything short of Sarth 3D Quote
starla Posted April 7, 2009 Author Posted April 7, 2009 on illidan we pug undying runs i gotta update that list, it's been added to significantly. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 on illidan we pug undying runs On accident. Quote
Eulogic Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 Man....your server sucks I've PUG'd everything short of Sarth 3D It's not that it is not attempted or that I haven't had some good PUGs. It's more that the PUGs vary so much and are infuriating when bad. Gear checks don't prevent stupidity. Quote
lazygecko Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 I would like to round up all the european OCR WoW players to make a guild, but I doubt there are enough of us even for 10-man raiding. Nothing's stopping me from buying a US client and account, but it would be too impractical with the time zone differences. Quote
Arcana Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 New patch is out! 3.1 Ulduar patch. The Disciples are going to be all over this content. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 New patch is out! 3.1 Ulduar patch. The Disciples are going to be all over this content. Flame Leviathan = <3333 Hopefully we can get at least the next 3 down tonight PS: Now recruiting Balance druids, Shamans of all flavors, warlocks...basically wtb caster DPS class OH and (quite ironically) DPS DKs. Not nearly enough of those (seriously) Quote
Catharsis Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 My roommate just did the Recruit-A-Friend with me. I'm new to WoW, but I've played on a few trial accounts, and even messed around with a lot of the popular AddOns. I take it this guild isn't just for experienced people, since the Recruit-A-Friend was mentioned in the beginning. The way people talk on here, though, indicates that everyone is quite experienced. I wouldn't play primarily on Illidan, either. Am I still eligible? Quote
Ramaniscence Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 My roommate just did the Recruit-A-Friend with me. I'm new to WoW, but I've played on a few trial accounts, and even messed around with a lot of the popular AddOns. I take it this guild isn't just for experienced people, since the Recruit-A-Friend was mentioned in the beginning. The way people talk on here, though, indicates that everyone is quite experienced. I wouldn't play primarily on Illidan, either. Am I still eligible? Most of the more active members are experienced, and a good amount of people in the guild are alts or transfers. So in short, of course you are! Everyone is welcome. Some of us do a lot of srs bizness raiding and stuff as a guild, but there are a lot of people in the guild that're just casuals too =P Quote
Catharsis Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 Most of the more active members are experienced, and a good amount of people in the guild are alts or transfers. So in short, of course you are! Everyone is welcome. Some of us do a lot of srs bizness raiding and stuff as a guild, but there are a lot of people in the guild that're just casuals too =P Cool, then as soon as I get the retail version in the mail, I'll probably be sending one of the officers an invite request (or whatever you call it in the WoW universe). Quote
Catharsis Posted April 25, 2009 Posted April 25, 2009 Alright, created two characters so far... Terrakath - Tauren Druid Katharil - BE Priest Quote
starla Posted April 25, 2009 Author Posted April 25, 2009 Added! We're also trying to assimilate smaller guilds as well so that we can get to that 25 man content <3 Quote
Dyne Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Just out of curiosity, what did they hotfix this time? I just downloaded the latest patch a few moments ago, and haven't had an opportunity to look up the fixes. Anyone care to summarize, or shall I "google it"? Quote
Ramaniscence Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Just out of curiosity, what did they hotfix this time? I just downloaded the latest patch a few moments ago, and haven't had an opportunity to look up the fixes. Anyone care to summarize, or shall I "google it"? Ulduar crud. Also: something with the glyph of overpower or smth. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 All loot in Disciples will now be determined by /peggleloot Edit: Actually now would probably be a pretty good time to bring this thread up to speed since the first post is lacking, and we've made a lot of changes. Disciples of the Mix boasts an impressive three extremely active members of the VGM community, with a few more that're a little less active, a few more that are totally INACTIVE, and at least 1 who's KIND of active, but I wish was WAY MORE active ;-;. (On top of that we have a LOT of other active members who are either IRL friends or skilled, guildless players we've met along the way.) It started off with me behind that helm, but I handed if off to starla to pursue SERIOUS ENDGAME CONTENT. Once my guild decided that were too whiny to handle Illidan they transferred off and have enjoyed some success on their new home. After which I moved to the best guild ever which was comprised primarily with my IRL friends. starla, however, didn't take long to say "EFF THAT" and swallow up my guild whole. Since the vast majority of my friends aren't bad at the game, and starla and Vilecat are pretty good at gearing themselves, we were ready to do some CRAZY MAD 10MAN ACTION. We've recently pretty much had our runs with 10-mans, and after a few mediocre attempts at Ulduar, we've decided to upgrade and shift focus to Naxx 25. starla continues to NOM NOM NOM up small guilds of players with potential, and while we still serve as missions on Azeroth spreading the good name of The Mix, a lot of people are still just concerned with [purpz]. Now a days we're running 2 seperate 10 man groups, a 25 man Naxx group, and within the next 3 weeks hope to be doing more attempts in Ulduar with some fresh new strats and slick new gear. THAT SAID it's there's never been a more exciting time to join Disciples! Illidan is a bustling, horde dominated, active, server full of top players and Disciples is a laid back, well establish, casual raiding guild for friends, mixers, lovers, AND candy. Transfer, re-roll, or eBay to Illidan today! ...but only if you're a Boomkin -_____________- Quote
Eulogic Posted April 29, 2009 Posted April 29, 2009 Next patch, they're changing the mounts from the Argent Tourney to make them cooler looking and making the old mounts available for 5 seals and 500g. I wish they'd make the 100 seal ones flying mounts exclusive to each race to actually make it worth the cost. You could have something like: Horde Orc - Stonetalon Wyvern Troll - Zangarmarsh Wasp UD - Bat Tauren - Wind Serpent BE - Bird of Paradise Alliance Human - Dalaran Supersweeper (like a fancier, permanent Halloween broomstick) Dwarf - Wildhammer Gryphon Gnome - Personal Transporter (like a floating Segway) NE - Owl Draenei - Outland Chimaera It took forever to think of something for humans, and I'm still not really happy with it. What a flavorless race. I'm also not sure how the tauren will ride puny little wind serpents. I thought about giving them chimaeras (the brown Azeroth kind) first, but I figured that they were NE units in WC3, so they should stay with the Alliance, and, as the Draenei are closest to the NE and also from Draenor, the Outland variety of chimaera clicks pretty well. Speculation is awesome and totally useful. I'm having a lot of fun playing the WoW in my head. Quote
Eulogic Posted May 1, 2009 Posted May 1, 2009 Also, they should add alternate models for each race. Horde Orc - Brown Orc (Mag'har skin) Troll - Buff Troll (Amani skin) UD - Undead Elf (Dar'Khan skin) Tauren - Taunka BE - Wretched Alliance Human - Half-elf (possibly a polished version of the pre-BC elf skin) Dwarf - Frostborn Gnome - Mechagnome -- as seen in that one Icecrown quest, they seem to have some self-awareness NE - Antlers (Malfurion style) Draenei - Broken It wouldn't require too much effort, as most of the models/skins are already in the game (though they'd have to add alternate faces and a lot of female skins), and they'd make a ton of money on the paid character changes. Quote
Vilecat Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 Ack! He linked one of my least geared toons D: But Doug is pretty much spot-on with this last post. We're able to enjoy end-game content while having fun together. I guess we can consider the guild casual for raiding while having the possibilty for progression (just lacking the gear and/or the people with their comp frying and whatnot). There's almost always someone online and it's possible to get help for whatever's needed. We also have the minimal amount of drama required to deserve the affiliation to OCR. Don't worry though, it's usually Doug and I disagreeing on min/max vs fun for very technical details and the likes. BTW, no need to be a boomkin to join us. We're just on ranged pewpew. Side-note: I'll totally do Recruit-a-Friend with someone, I'm easy to get in touch with and I'm a beast when it comes to leveling. Or I'm just nuts. Or both, since the latter is probably a fact now. Quote
nrich Posted May 12, 2009 Posted May 12, 2009 my subscription died on saturday ): i'm taking it as a sign to break away for a while and do... productive things not really sure what things those are anymore Quote
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