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Bumping this, it fell down to p3

Un'goro is way too easy, the only threat there are allies and Devilsaurs. You generally end up seeing Devilsaurs more often too.

  • 2 months later...
Bumping this, it fell down to p3

Un'goro is way too easy, the only threat there are allies and Devilsaurs. You generally end up seeing Devilsaurs more often too.

Dear Valerie: Come back, we miss you.

but surely you guys have heard Blizzard has just announced the NEW EXPANSION for World of Wacraft: THE CATACLYSM.

If you used to play WoW, and quit, now is the best time to come back.

Here are some of the exciting new features you'll find in Cataclysm (WARNING, INC SPOILERS:

  • Each faction once again gets their own CAPITAL CITY. No longer will we share like we have with SHATTRATH and DALARAN.
  • The new expansion will be FULL of new zones (more than any previous expansion!) Some of the new zones you can expect to explore in the next expansion: The BARRENS, Ashenvale Forest, and Desolace
  • New instances! (including heroic version) Deadmines & Shadowfang keep!
  • More raids THAN ANY OTHER EXPANSION. Cataclysm will feature more raid content than BOTH previous expansions!
  • After Patch 3.2.2, when we slay Onyxia, you can look forward to some of THESE new encounters in Cataclysm: RAGNAROS, ELEMENTAL LORD OF FIRE. NEFARAN, FATHER OF THE BLACK DRAGONFLIGHT deep within BLACKWING LAIR.
  • But who is behind this Cataclysm that's shaking Azeroth to it's core? THE OLD GODS. Deep within the Silithid City of AHN'QIRAJ sits the Old God C'THUN, pulling strings through the TWILIGHT HAMMER CLAN to tear the world asunder!

So many fresh new exciting things to look forward to in the expansion. I absolutely can not wait.


I'm pretty sure what's tearing Azeroth apart is Deathwing the Destroyer, head of the Black Dragonflight. You also forgot to mention there's a new race for each faction, and new class/race combinations on each side. Blizzard made a website just for that, so you can look at the trailer and see some info and art. I just hope they'll make race changing available, I'd love to have my shaman or priest as a goblin. A lot of the racials will be reworked/revamped, as we've been seeing happen lately (for ex. troll racial Berserking in 3.2)

As for me not being online, you gotta blame the tech taking care of the campus servers. He hasn't changed the settings back from summer to school year (these rooms are rented during the summer and only internet isn't blocked) and proly won't get this done until either this week or the next. That means no access to WoW until this is done. You have no idea how boring this weekend is, mostly since I have no school work to finish to kill time. At least I have my SNES and GBA emulators, but I can't get my joystick to work with Boycott Advance :( No Megaman or Gunstar/Guardian Heroes for me.

But who's behind Deathwing coming back and goin' bananas?

You need to catch up on your lore, girly. C'thun is PISSED.

That's from the comics, which haven't been considered officially as part of the lore. Deathwing's behind Deathwing coming back, he's big enough of a boy to do it by himself. Just go see the trailer silly!
  • 2 weeks later...

i recently just got back into this game, just hit 80. I leveled 77-80 just by doing AV. Alliance wins a lot on my server (Mannoroth) so i leveled up pretty quickly. I wish they did this sooner.

  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah some guildies are playing it. It looks like yet another grindfest game but it did last 3 years in AznLand before they came up with a North-American version. Not enough to make me try it, I'm still mitigated on it.

So anyone think I'll end up with 10 lv80's before Cataclysm comes out?

I've slowed down the pace by a good amount, I'm trying to gear some of my toons up. And rogue PvP is fun, because I get to Cheap Shot/Kidney Shot clothies and healers for once instead of the other way around bwahahaha!


The thing with Aion is that it's new and shiny and isn't the same old going-to-the-heroic-daily-we've-seen-a-billion-times routine. And there's less elitism over there than in WoW at the moment, where if you sneeze while you're doing a heroic someone calls you a baddie and comments on your gearscore. :(

Yeah some guildies are playing it. It looks like yet another grindfest game but it did last 3 years in AznLand before they came up with a North-American version. Not enough to make me try it, I'm still mitigated on it.

So anyone think I'll end up with 10 lv80's before Cataclysm comes out?

I've slowed down the pace by a good amount, I'm trying to gear some of my toons up. And rogue PvP is fun, because I get to Cheap Shot/Kidney Shot clothies and healers for once instead of the other way around bwahahaha!

It's a distinct possibility. I just want one 80 before Cataclysm. Just over 5 levels to go too. I promise I'll play today at some point.


I'm pretty close to quitting right now. PvP is the only aspect I'm really passionate about, and I only really play the shaman class because I like the playstyle more than any other class. After doing all the battlegrounds over and over the only way I can really have a sense of progression is to play arena, and this is where the faults with the class becomes painfully apparent. Shamans lack mobility (this includes extreme vulnerability to crowd control, and Elemental/Restoration not being able to accomplish much without standing completely still and casting non-instant spells) and lacks survivability (Crowd control again, and lack of "oh shit" defensive skills to prevent being nuked down in half a second).

Compare this to druids who are pretty much the PvP kings, since most of their healing spells are instant HoTs, their shapeshifting removes anything stopping them, and they can cast the very effective Cyclone without any cooldown (compare this to shaman's hex that is only half as effective, less range AND has a 45 second cooldown).

I've played arena with a frost mage and a paladin for a while now and we've had to fight real, real hard just to remain above 1300 rating. Most class setups we face are just inherently superior to us. When we lose, we are punished harshly and when we win, we barely get a pat on the back (ie, we often lose 3 times as much rating as we win). It's a downright disillusioning experience, and the paladin left this week.

We've had pretty much the same issues throughout all of TBC and WotLK. I was hoping our problems would actually be addressed in WotLK, only to recieve the second rate treatment again. I remember in the WotLK beta when enhancement shamans would be able to get out of CCs with ghost wolf, then they promptly removed it because it was "too close to druids" (Meanwhile, they hand out portable strength of earth and windfury totems to death knights and mortal strikes to mages and shadow priests).

Now it would just be naive to hope that things will turn out any differently with the next expansion. I think I'm going to spend my time with something more gratifying.


Yeah PvP on WoW makes me real sad at times. I really don't think you can balance a game for both Pve and PvP by using the exact same skills. First they'd need to make skills act differently in a PvP and PvE environnement entirely instead of how it is right now.

I'll stick to PvE mostly. This HoN game for PvP seems very fun right now...

  • 4 weeks later...


I played up to 2050 this season with my druid healer in 2s. But raiding has got REALLY boring with only running ToGC10 and 25. Waiting on icecrown to come out. All the pictures and boss fights I've seen, it looks like a rehash of Black Temple with a blue/black color scheme.

If you want pvp help go to -->Arena Junkies<-- some decent information there.

Getting bored of the game, the only thing that kept me interested was the pvp aspect, since that was most challenging. But now my partner has left for IRL stuff with his girlfriend. And myself having a new girlfriend, I don't find myself playing that much anymore.


I'm rather busy with school so it doesn't bother me all that much. Still raiding 2 nights/week for ToGC progression on my druid.

I found myself playing Pokemon Platinum instead whenever I got free time.

  • 3 weeks later...

I for one have been a little busy on the far east cost as a Disney CP, building mah new comp after frying processors, and playing DSi (358/2=epic), not to mention school, hanging out, and free trips to the parks. Sure I've been on WoW, but not in forever on Illidan, and not nearly as much as I once was. Not to mention L4D2 is AMAZING XD

Ya'll aren't completely off my radar, just sucks that it's been so long, and a now 3 hour time difference.


  • 3 weeks later...

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