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Hey, I'm kind of new here... I once submitted a terrible remix under my name, but I never registered for the forums, so here I am... Hi!

I was just playing around and came to remixing a couple of tracks from Mega Man 9. I'm just hope no one else is already in the midst of a Concrete Man Mix!

This would be the opening minute or so, and forgive the rough mixing and some dodgy virtual instrument stuff, but I think this sounds pretty good so far. The guitars are too trebley and I think the rhythm guitar needs to be a bit fatter and the bass a bit quieter, but let me know what you think. I'd like to create something great instead of just throwing this stuff aside, so give me any feedback you can.

Eventually I will get around into segueing this into the Concrete Man music and from their develop some ideas there, but for now, here it is...


Shouldn't be too hard to find, there's only one MP3 in the folder and I think this site works OK. If you have any problems getting to it let me know.



I was worried at first with the chip tune effects, thinking that was the whole mix (that said the way you wrote the piano creates a really nice flow), but then the blazing guitars kicked in and all I could do was get this huge grin on my face.

I'm really liking it so far!


Wow, I just had to Register to the forums after listening to this. I haven't found any MM9 mixes, so I went ahead and looked into this, and wow, I was surprised. It's turning out very good! Any chances you might do the Stage Select or Menu Theme? or Tornado Man's Theme... ;D This game has so much potential it's crazy.


Wow, cheers for the positive feedback!

I'm gonna set about starting the Concrete Man section today, as well as mixing that first section.

Any other comments welcome!


No source link, no source comment.

Piano might need some processing, it sounds a bit too full to be a intro instrument. You could cut some mids, imo. I'm feeling what Shadix said about the chip section. I'm not as impressed by the rock section, tho, the drums aren't EQd realistically, everything high is too high. A multiband compressor might help you get better control over the frequency balance at this volume. Higher guitar notes don't strike me as realistic either.

It does have a lot of potential, but it's kind'a short to comment on rogression and nitpick at this point. Good luck with it.

Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post.

Higher guitar notes don't strike me as realistic either.

Now I worry... all the guitar is real unsynthisised guitar...

Cheers for the info though, I did get around to mixing that intro section this morning and it sounds a bit less high, but it definately needs a bit more tuning to get it sounding it's fullest.

Now I worry... all the guitar is real unsynthisised guitar...


All right, not properly _processed_ then. :tomatoface: Sounds too thin, needs to be brought out more. Lead guitar should always be a little louder than everything else.

You should take this to #ocrwip, there's a bunch of guitar ppl there that can help you get it right. This isn't really a genre I'm a good judge of, but I think my suggestions are pretty sound. The guys on the channel should be able to help you more, tho.


Hey guys.

I have most of the base recording done now, just tweaking with the mixing and such. So far, I'm pretty happy with the way it's turned out, but I'm throwing it up to get some comments. It's available in the same place, namely http://sites.google.com/site/gamesdojo/megaman9-mix and hopefully it sound OK. I don't like using 128kbps MP3's because you can hear the compression loss, but for a WIP I'm OK with it in that state.

And for the source music, the best I can do is lead you to:

Title Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qf8_4noxqgk

Concrete Man Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwYHfGZMB0g



I really enjoyed the way the two tunes play around with each other in this arrangement. I don't know the first thing about electric guitar however, so I'm not a good person to critique this style of arrangement (it sounds fine to me, but Rozo is right -- take it to guys who really know their stuff).

I would advise not including the chiptune intro. It doesn't do the piece a lot of good if we know the source already (which now that you have provided a link, we do). If you want to use the chiptune at some point, I suggest a break in the middle of the piece, as opposed to an introduction. Hit us with the guitars hard and fast -- the moment they came in was great.


This is a great mix, and so fast after the release of the game.

It really shows how old-school the game is, it feels just like other mega-man tunes. Anyway, a thoroughly enjoyable listen. I love the guitar solos and, like most mega-man tracks, it feels like this is how it was meant to be heard. Thanks for the listen, I will be downloading this once it gets past the judges (and I think it will).


Thanks for posting the sources not many people do that.

I am not familiar with the sources but they are great, you have made a good choice :D

Not sure about the chip-tune intro, but it seems to work :S

As soon as the song kicks in, its awesome :D

As far as arrangement goes, I think your there.

As far as production goes, I don't think you are there. The guitars don't have the punch they should, they sound fairly cheap, although I can't help you there I'm afraid. I am not a fan of the distortion, did you use a computer plug-in, because the plug-ins don't usually cut it for me, I always record with the distortion from my amp or effects pedal.

As far as the drums go, they aren't great either, they are bad samples, they just don't sound realistic and the toms are awful frankly.

The section at 1.11, I am not a fan of, it seems misplaced.

I would try to bring out the bass more using EQ and EQ-ing the rhythm guitar wouldn't go amiss either, try to get them sounding clearer in the track, often in rock WIP's, the R gtr and bass are both taking up similar frequencies, and make the track sound muddy. I'm not an expert by any-means though, I would check with people that know the style better.

Please don't take my crits the wrong way - I may sound I little harsh - I do think that this is awesome, its just a production problem which believe me, I have as well to an extent :D

The arrangement is great though, there is a large amount of energy there that is very megaman-ish, I would work on this and sub it, but the production would prompt a 'no' from the judges currently I fear.

As far as production goes, I don't think you are there. The guitars don't have the punch they should, they sound fairly cheap, although I can't help you there I'm afraid. I am not a fan of the distortion, did you use a computer plug-in, because the plug-ins don't usually cut it for me, I always record with the distortion from my amp or effects pedal.

As far as the drums go, they aren't great either, they are bad samples, they just don't sound realistic and the toms are awful frankly.

The section at 1.11, I am not a fan of, it seems misplaced.

I would try to bring out the bass more using EQ and EQ-ing the rhythm guitar wouldn't go amiss either, try to get them sounding clearer in the track, often in rock WIP's, the R gtr and bass are both taking up similar frequencies, and make the track sound muddy. I'm not an expert by any-means though, I would check with people that know the style better.

The arrangement is great though, there is a large amount of energy there that is very megaman-ish, I would work on this and sub it, but the production would prompt a 'no' from the judges currently I fear.

The distortions are all provided by a Line 6 POD which usually sounds fat, so I need to go back and re EQ that...

My main problem with drums is trying to find a way of doing it. Currently this is just using a General MIDI Creative Soundfont which is miles ahead of General MIDI, but still not great. I did try and find a VST drum bank or something but I couldn't really find anything that wasn't "Drums From Hell"...

I'll have another look at the mix, I'm sure there's plenty I can do!


The distortions are all provided by a Line 6 POD which usually sounds fat, so I need to go back and re EQ that...

My main problem with drums is trying to find a way of doing it. Currently this is just using a General MIDI Creative Soundfont which is miles ahead of General MIDI, but still not great. I did try and find a VST drum bank or something but I couldn't really find anything that wasn't "Drums From Hell"...

I'll have another look at the mix, I'm sure there's plenty I can do!


Interesting that you say you use a line 6 pod... I have the spider II amp and my mate has a pod that is awesome, I would recommend it. I can guarantee that you can get a great sound out of that :D better than what you have currently anyway.

I have heard EZ drummer is the best too, but I have never used it, anyone know how much it costs? I use reason drums kits personally, but you need reason to make it work, and it also requires a bit of tweaking to make it sound realistic, but it can be done.

Interesting that you say you use a line 6 pod... I have the spider II amp and my mate has a pod that is awesome, I would recommend it. I can guarantee that you can get a great sound out of that :D better than what you have currently anyway.

I have heard EZ drummer is the best too, but I have never used it, anyone know how much it costs? I use reason drums kits personally, but you need reason to make it work, and it also requires a bit of tweaking to make it sound realistic, but it can be done.

I just looked up EZdrummer and it was £123 (which I guess is about $240), so it's a little pricey but it looks pretty awesome.

Last time I checked it retailed for somewhere inbetween $100-130. It's a very attractive price for what you're getting. The interface is intuitive and simulates things like overhead and room mics in the mixer which you wouldn't get from a cookie cutter sample library.

Woah... that's cheaper than the European store!

It was like 169 Euros...


I have some other suggestions...

Produce your track to other ie. compare your track with a track that the judges have passed. I recommend this one as it is known for is production value, it is of the same style, and its awesome.

Get your track sounding like this should get a yes on the production front, and I think the arrangement is there, so when your tracks sounds as good as this, you should be good to go :D


Also, The guy who did this remix has a thread with links to free high quality guitar amp sims. I suggest you have a look at it if all goes haywire with your guitar sound currently.



Good arranging, lots and lots of energy. I really enjoy listening to this! I checked out the demo of MM9 yesterday. Good stuff. :) So this was great to hear now. You really do that fast section in Concrete Man justice. Hair-rising stuff.

Improving the drum sound would do a lot for this piece. I agree also that the guitar isn't as pristine sounding as it could be, but I'm not as much bothered by that. Getting better drum instruments would be money well spent. Good stuff, looking forwards to hearing more!



Hey guys,

I don't quite have the money for EZdrummer yet (though god knows I'd love to!), so I'm trying as best I can with the tools I have and if it really doesn't work I'll shelve it until I can fnd a decent drum set and a good enough bass patch!

I've played around with some settings, getting rid of some of the really high frequencies on the drums, bring the kick and snares higher in the mix, doubling the bass and changing patch and remixing some of the guitars, so hopefully it sounds a bit better. Let me know what you think!

The new file is 00000005.restored.mp3

You can find it in the usual place:


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