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Bioware is going to release a song a day until the game's release. I'm proud to say that it sounds like a Williams piece even though he may not have composed it. Now if only I could figure out the language of the choral bit at the end.

Hey man thanks for the post, glad you enjoyed the track!

About the choir piece, it's actually a modified Sanskrit. We're generally not allowed to use any "Earth languages" in Star Wars music, so most of the choir in Old Republic is singing in SW languages like Huttese and Mandalorian. However, since John Williams wrote Duel of the Fates with a text translated into Sanskrit, it's become the one exception.

I only had an hour or two to write the lyrics because of a really tight deadline, and so I ended up taking a few lines from the Epic of Gilgamesh and mixing/matching syllables to fit the music I'd only finished writing minutes before. Some of the final text is actually gibberish, but most is selected from the epic poem. If you're interested, here's the text and rough translation:

Diva aaravi,

Rava, rava aaravi

Tadaa dharaa cariti

Rava, rava codayati

(the sky roared with thunder and the earth was moved)

Tara see lina,

Payati see tatva,

Payati vedena veda

Tara see tehra,

Payati see tehra,

Ah, rahasya ti

(something about understanding the sacred hidden truth)


Yaga dagada, yaga dagada

Takata ka tehra

(this is just gibberish, I just wanted them to make cool sounds while shouting :-\)

Adhiiyaana pazyaami,

Antarita veyaati

(the one who studies sees what's hidden)

Shi nagba, imura

Imura veda

Shi naba, veda


(the one who saw all)

Sika, sika sika

Si itera, tara tara

(more gibberish, but in my defense it was 5am and I had like 10 minutes to send it off to the copyist in time :-P)


I think it's great. It's certainly Warcraft in space as others have claimed, but that's not such a terrible thing. It lacks some of the maturity and polish in the user interface and user interaction that Warcraft has. However, the complete voice acting and depth of most quests, plots, and storylines is like nothing the MMO market has ever seen and rivals other Bioware games for impact. (Mass Effect, I'm looking at you.) Despite the "MM" in this MMO, you can definitely treat it as a single-player game for the entirety of each class' main storyline if you so choose. Therefore if you're a Bioware fan, MMO fan, or Star Wars fan you could do a LOT worse for $50 these days.

The earlier reports of players being banned have been outed as fakes, and we’ve confirmed with BioWare directly that no one has been banned, suspended, or even warned in regards to the /getdown bug. Get back out on that dance floor!

Looks like not so much.


It's not a bad game. I only have a level 28 bounty hunter and have yet to finish my class story.. or come close at this point. But the story is pretty good. I'm not exactly sure why either, but having some interactive conversation makes it more tolerable to collect 30 bear asses than just getting a text box you click "accept" on and then opening your map to see where you go to start shooting.

My gripes with the game are minor really.. Graphics stuck on medium no matter what you do with it is a pain, and the lack of music is just... nerve wracking I guess. You get a whole 20 seconds at times of music and then an hour or so of just your blaster fire before the same 20 seconds loops around again. But again.. Minor. I'm liking the community so far, and the game if nothing else is a wonderful diversion from World of Warcraft for awhile, if not permanently.

As for that dance video.. people won't get banned for that but you get suspended for making fast credits using the trade channel/AH system.. right...

I have a question. How accurate is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3Rrk6lgi24 when it comes to the general "livelihood" of the game world? Because that to me (as well as http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9_hqGsnpp8&feature=related and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUdZn5v5sEU&feature=related) looks really, really terrible and is kind of a huge turnoff.

Sadly... it's pretty accurate early on anyway. At 28 I see some activity. But even then it isn't all that much. I wasn't fond that they went with the Conan system and instanced groups.. I'm on Tatooine and on a PvP realm I've seen one Jedi in the entire zone.. was the first PvP encounter outside of a BG. Was a bit of a let down.

Sadly... it's pretty accurate early on anyway. At 28 I see some activity. But even then it isn't all that much. I wasn't fond that they went with the Conan system and instanced groups.. I'm on Tatooine and on a PvP realm I've seen one Jedi in the entire zone.. was the first PvP encounter outside of a BG. Was a bit of a let down.

really? i'm sorry :\ the dune sea was a total bloodbath on my server and it all started because some jedi nubble one of my brethren while questing and in laying down the law, it escalated into a lot of "LETS RIDE ON SOME JEDI SCUM" and resulted in blusterous mayhem across the galaxy even on shit insignificant planets like quesh. ok it w

i am of the belief that an MMO is only as good as its community. my server is also riddled with an epic US vs. Australia race war and it has fueled some of the coolest open world pvp i've seen since WoW vanilla. of course it also takes about an hour on some nights to just get through the q but that's the price you pay for your money's worth.

anyway, let me return to my evil, conniving, jedi padawan fucking ways.

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