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Nice mix, have to say, I'm a little confused by the title though. I've seen this thread bumped up and down the WIP forums here for the past month or so, and every time I've seen the name I've kinda stopped and scratched my head. I am glad I finally let my curiosity get the better of me though since this is really cool, I especially like the softer piano elements.

Any chance you could elaborate on what the name means, or if there is some inside joke that I'm totally missing out on here?

actually i dont plan on that being the final name. I still need to come up with one. any ideas?


It sounds really good, much better than before.

The only thing I noticed so far is at 1:23~1:25, the transition skips a little and jumps into the song. I don't think that's intentional, because it sounds like a file corruption, but it really distracted me, I kept going back to it to make sure it was actually there.

I listened to it a couple times, and then again in winamp, and it definitely skipped, and it says it's longer than it is, so I really think there's something wrong with the file upload.

Though I think it's just for me, because it doesn't seem that anyone else had that problem.

Other than that, it sounds great, and I can't wait to see you submit it. I really want this to go through.


Well now that you mention it, that's actually a taller task than I might have imagined. So how do people go about naming their mixes anyway... let's try!

Just for fun, let's see if you like any of these:

"Scintillating Blast" (or Burst, or whatever suits you, Scintillating is a pretty cool word imo!)

"Purple Shock" (Lavender Shock, Violet Shock, whatever version of purple you like more, actually I think his attack was more pink than purple, but point made.)

"Electric Monkey" ("Electric Baboon"?) Trying to avoid using the word Mandrill as that would be more obvious and less creative, or at least that's how I see it.


I really enjoy this mix, but it seems short. It gets so awesome so quick, and then it goes away so quickly. I'd like for it to meander around a little more and explore some more original writing, maybe. It's a little disappointing that it doesn't last longer, I want to rock out for a while to this!


"A Slutten Whoreific Electrical Blasst!"

... o wait


Yeah, Sparky could atually work lol. Simple and to the point.

Perhaps "The Teslastaic Retribution of the Lonely Man-Ape"? (Teslastatic being the combination of the words Tesla and Static), also Mandrill means Man-Ape, so that's another way of saying it.

  • 1 month later...

Very interesting.

I believe this track would work great with vocals, but the track on top of it as is doesn't work for me right now. I understand that it is a rough cut of this, so it is an experiment right now. The singer is good, but the diction is sloppy. A little bit better articulation of the words would help a lot. For this one you really need some sort of structured phrasing for the singing; improvised singing over the track brings it down at the moment. If you want to add the singing, work on a line for her to sing and something to sing about.

That said, keep going with this. It could be better than before with vocals, but they're gonna need work. BTW, I still think this is awesome, with or without the singing; Mandrill needs some serious love on this site.


While I think the vocals are interesting, I like it much better the way it was, granted the fact that this sounds like a very rough cut. Maybe with more direction for the vocals, having them go with the melody of the song itself rather than just thrown on top, it could work really well. Right now though, it needs a lot of work if you want to go that direction.

  • 10 months later...

Forgot I had this on my ipod until recently when it came up. I remembered liking it a lot, and I still do. I saw that it got shot down by the judges way back in March, but what ever happened to it after that?

Overall, I'm a bigger fan of the original rather the one with lyrics, but only because the version you've got up with the lyrics is rough as hell. There are some points where the music sounds like it got slightly muted, and others where it seems to swell up over the lyrics. I have to agree with Gario on the need for articulation as well. I'm not sure why, but I really can't tell what she's saying unless I really focus, and even then some of it still is hard to make out.

She's got a good voice though, and with some direction and planning, it could go really well with the song.


I just listened to this and while I can see why it did get a no, I like the ideas here. The piano part is well written and fitting to the piece, they work great and I think it works well as an outro too. Quality would need to be improved if it were to be accepted, but I enjoyed listening to it!

The version I am referencing was the one without vocals, apparently there is a vocal version looking at the post above. I will go find that one now.

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