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Can someone tell me how to get Dogmeat? I thought you were supposed to get him relatively early on. I've searched through about 60% of the total areas on my map (it at least looks like it) and I still haven't found anything pertaining to Dogmeat. Is he part of the main quest that I haven't gotten to yet?

To get you started, you need to have the animal friends perks lvl 2 I believe to get dogmeat at your side.

Also about radscorps, just get the entomologist perk to get %50 damage effectiveness against bugs, including radscorpions...


Is anyone else kind of annoyed at how much most of the opposition levels up with you? It kind of kills the happiness buzz of leveling up when you realize all of the enemies just leveled up too. I understand that they don't want it to get boring later on, but it seems like they could have easily made it so that all of the enemies could level up at like 80% of what you do so that later on you actually feel like you've accomplished something.

I dunno, thats just what I see.


I actually like how the enemies can match up to you some how. I remember during the last moments of my first playthrough it was intense on that final moment. Fighting felt awesome, especially when I'm just rushing in with a friend flanking with a damn high performance minigun.

Is anyone else kind of annoyed at how much most of the opposition levels up with you? It kind of kills the happiness buzz of leveling up when you realize all of the enemies just leveled up too. I understand that they don't want it to get boring later on, but it seems like they could have easily made it so that all of the enemies could level up at like 80% of what you do so that later on you actually feel like you've accomplished something.

I dunno, thats just what I see.

I know that was a major gripe with Oblivion (I think morrowind did that too). I remember killing rats was kind of annoying early on, but the same rats were still a bitch a few levels up, kind of strange. There was a mod to fix that for Oblivion, somthing will probably come out for Fallout 3.

Reading this thread makes me want to try this out. I can't remember the last "new" game I bought... lol

I know that was a major gripe with Oblivion (I think morrowind did that too). I remember killing rats was kind of annoying early on, but the same rats were still a bitch a few levels up, kind of strange. There was a mod to fix that for Oblivion, somthing will probably come out for Fallout 3.

Reading this thread makes me want to try this out. I can't remember the last "new" game I bought... lol

You will not regret it. I can't remember the last time I was this involved in a game. I absolutely love it! I also haven't encountered a single bug the entire time I've played it... So take that as you will. But its a wonderful experience.

To get you started, you need to have the animal friends perks lvl 2 I believe to get dogmeat at your side.

Also about radscorps, just get the entomologist perk to get %50 damage effectiveness against bugs, including radscorpions...

Lies lies and MORE lies... Dog meat is obtainable at any level, go south, maybe south southeast of minefield to scrapyard... you can see it from the edge of minefield.

Head to scrapyard in that direction, there's a break in the chainlink fence, head left and watch dogmeat take out 4 raiders, then he initiates "dialog" with you. Then you get a pretty damn good tank. (I'll make better directions when I get on again some time.)

Lies lies and MORE lies... Dog meat is obtainable at any level, go south, maybe south southeast of minefield to scrapyard... you can see it from the edge of minefield.

Head to scrapyard in that direction, there's a break in the chainlink fence, head left and watch dogmeat take out 4 raiders, then he initiates "dialog" with you. Then you get a pretty damn good tank. (I'll make better directions when I get on again some time.)

I was actually quite unaware of that :lol: Maybe when I tried it, it was bugged...?

Ah well helps that there's more accurate info. :D

I was actually quite unaware of that :lol: Maybe when I tried it, it was bugged...?

Ah well helps that there's more accurate info. :D

It might have bugged... Unless he started attacking you, then you did some sort of damage to him first unintentionally. (probably a high explosive/or you shot him because you may have thought he was coming to attack you... very slowly >.>...)

No problem, ALSO Dogmeat does NOT count as an ally... meaning you can hire someone else to come along with you and Dogmeat at the same time! It's really neat.

Did I mention he's a great tank/distraction?

Dhsu pretty much answered it but I'll elaborate.

Not so much not actually playing it, it's more based on whether my pc can play it. What good is a game that won't play at least decently enough on my system..? Rather than letting it sit aside as nothing more than paper weight, I'd wouldn't mind selling it to some one who can play it and enjoy it. Which also made me consider selling my older stuff since currently they are all nothing more than one time expensive, now relatively cheap paper weights.

As for not considering getting the PS3/360 version, I just don't have an xbox360 nor a ps3, still waiting for the titles that would eventually push me enough to get a system; more likely the PS3...

There's a simpler reason to not get the X360/PS3 verion - they're consoles. And this looks to be pretty FPSy. FPSs bite on consoles.


No it doesn't. Modern consoles do FPS game more than enough justice nowadays. Also, aiming and the like really isn't the point of Fallout 3 anyway... I own Oblivion for the PC and mouse precision is never a factor since the game doesn't require it (yeah, I'm saying Fallout 3 is Oblivion with guns. It FACTUALLY is). Fallout 3 makes it even less relevant with the VATS system. Just get whatever is good for your budget. My PC has become obsolete and it probably won't even play Fallout 3 well anyway, and I don't regret the 360 version one bit. Actually it seems to have a fewer reported bugs (other than the Bush of Doom) than even the PC version.


The only thing that would get me to buy the PC version ( I have the 360 version right now) would be the Mods that people would come up with, like they did with Oblivion. I thought it was kinda funny that, with oblivion, I could say "That's annoying" and find a mod that fixes it 20 different ways...


I heard that there are some things that are horribly wrong with the PS3 version, like NPC's faces disappearing, all you see are their eyes and mouth D:

Mods are the main reason you'll want the PC version, but the 360 version probably has the least amount of problems right after release.


This game is fun as shit. Probably my top game of the year, so far, perhaps tied with The Force Unleashed. I already have ten hours logged and I only got the game a few days ago which is EXTREMELY rare for me. Unlike most RPGs, which feel tedious, Fallout 3 is very engrossing. It's also deep without being cumbersome... Mass Effect had a similar level of good presentation and even a somewhat similar combat system, but was weaker across the board than F3.

Thus far, my character is basically an all-arounder. I have high Science and Medicine skills, with Energy and Small weapons being my items of choice. I have a big inventory of guns, a house in Megaton, and about 1,100 bottlecaps to my name. At level 7, I'm able to waste Super Mutants with decreasing difficulty (thank you Hunting Rifle & Combat Shotgun!) but I've definitely died a lot.

I don't regret getting the 360 version - no install times, no need to worry about HD space being taken up, very smooth FPS throughout (basically no slowdowns ever.) Graphics look great to me. My only gripe is that aiming is more annoying, which means I use VATS most of the time and do a lot more strategic retreating. Trying to pick up specific items from a big rack is also a little challenging, whereas with PC I could sweep the whole screen a little more easily. I think the game would be improved for console if they made the cursor a little sticky/magnetic when it came to moving over clickable/attackable items/characters.


On my second playthrough, I found some new shit I missed entirely.

I can't fucking believe that I missed a lot of content. Never even saw the god damn deathclaw the first time I played through the game...

Met new people, found new alternatives to my encounters, awesome deathclaw gauntlet and a make-shift "molotov Cocktail" weapon that emits blue flame :D


But a rather awesome place to explore. :)!!

It truly is a huge game.

Gonna keep me content for a good while. At least till my mail order copy of L4D arrives... Chances are though I will return to Fallout 3 because of how the experience is never really always the same.


So, I just got this in the mail today, along with Fable 2 and Sonic Chronicles. Im definitely playing this first. I RTFM'd it in the last few minutes, and I was looking at making a sneaky, unarmed death ninja. Kind of a change of pace for me, being prone to moments of Rambo heroism. Any words on this? I cant play it at home just yet. So is the melee system good? or broken compared to the gun system?


My 360 is in the shop so I can't really keep playing BUT I can brag about how awesome my lvl20 character is!

Max speech, small guns, lockpick and repair. I've also got a pretty huge barter and science for great justice.

More than that I only carry around unique weapons including "The Terrible Shotgun" and "Sydney's 10mm "ULTRA" Sub-machinegun" :3

I also have the sexiest outfit ever with my ghoul mask (ghouls doesn't attack me with this) and a wicked wig to go with that (think judge).

Deathclaws are still a pain if there are more than one and I don't have many stimpacks but most other stuff I take down in a jiffy. What's more important is that I can get a LOT of cool stuff from my high speech and various speech perks. Gotta love additional dialogue!

I'm thinking of going all-out melee and evil as a femal character next time.. That deathclaw-gauntlet just looks too hot not too take advantage of!

So, I just got this in the mail today, along with Fable 2 and Sonic Chronicles. Im definitely playing this first. I RTFM'd it in the last few minutes, and I was looking at making a sneaky, unarmed death ninja. Kind of a change of pace for me, being prone to moments of Rambo heroism. Any words on this? I cant play it at home just yet. So is the melee system good? or broken compared to the gun system?

Guns, sadly, kill melee because of all the ranged attackers. But with high-health it's good fun!


A "ninja" type character would probably have high Stealth/Sneak and Lockpicking. If you're going to melee things, that is a bad combination - your chance of being detected while sneaking is higher as you get closer, so you're not gonna be able to get an effective sneak attack. You're better off specializing in a ranged weapon of some kind with higher accuracy, such as Small Guns (pistols, rifles) and perhaps the perk that lets you get greater VATS accuracy with one-handed pistols.

I will say this... even with low Melee skill, it's still kinda fun. I got a chainsaw weapon (the Ripper) that tears up Super Mutants pretty fast even though my Melee skills is <20.

A "ninja" type character would probably have high Stealth/Sneak and Lockpicking. If you're going to melee things, that is a bad combination - your chance of being detected while sneaking is higher as you get closer, so you're not gonna be able to get an effective sneak attack. You're better off specializing in a ranged weapon of some kind with higher accuracy, such as Small Guns (pistols, rifles) and perhaps the perk that lets you get greater VATS accuracy with one-handed pistols.

I will say this... even with low Melee skill, it's still kinda fun. I got a chainsaw weapon (the Ripper) that tears up Super Mutants pretty fast even though my Melee skills is <20.

there are perks to improve stealthdetection and all that jazz. It's a viable strategy (most are) but stock up on stimpacks and get ready to pause the game a lot :D


Well, thats just craptastic. I guess I'll just stick the old rambo ' get the biggest gun you can and put more holes in the other guy' method. But the ninja will live in my heart. He will.

You can still do the Ninja thing, but remember! Ninjas were also proficient at assassinations using simple firearms. You can still do melee stuff, but carry a scoped Magnum or something to round out the package.

Too true. Im thinking laser rifle. What could be more awesome than a ninja with a laser? Im hard pressed to think of something. (Though a mini nuke comes admirably close)

Thanks for the advice. It seems that the ninja bit is salvagable. (I also realized that I sound like a dogmatic Naruto fanboy. Crap. Me -1)

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