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Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?  

235 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?

    • Yes
    • [b][size=7]YES[/size][/b]
    • Larry's merely part of the establishment now (i.e. yes)
    • Yes, as this promotes affirmative action

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I have been informed that due to the changes that have taken place at www.ocremix.org that Larry is splitting his show into two separate but done side by side shows. The VG Frequency you know and love will still exsist, but a new smaller show will be done afterwards called EA Frequency. This new show will feature the remixes on this site and the soundtracks from various EA games.

Requests will still be ignored.

Indeed! Thanks very much for getting out the announcement, Species. EA ReMix is in full effect, and will be covered in depth this Saturday with the latest EA ReMixes, along with the PLUTONIUM EDITION of the highly-anticipated EA Sports Duck Hunt 2005 soundtrack, Duck Hunt: Repercussions of Fowl Lamentation.

EA Frequency will feature the complete Duck Hunt 2005 soundtrack led by the creative team of SgtRama & Suzumebachi as well as bonus cuts that you won't be able to find on the game-release soundtrack! You HAVE to be there to enjoy the excitement as we head into a bold new age of radio in order to roll out EA ReMix! It's in the MIX™!

If my Duck Hunt Crap WIP isn't in the Plutonium Edition, someone's going to get an ass pounding.

Don't worry. It is, bro. And it still sucks. :lol:

Does this mean your still playing mine...please say no. Think of your listners Mr.Oji, you dont want them to die from hearing my song do you? :(


Time for the timetable pimping again for your convenience. Part of the globe is on summer-time (Europe), so the timetable seems a bit off whack. But don't blame me - it's due to the daylight saving time (DST).

Tune in at 10pm (saturday, GMT-5/EST, Atlanta, GA). Here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you.

Small World-Timetable

Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm
Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm
Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm
Rio de Janero (Brazil): 0:00am (Sunday)
Reykjavik (Iceland): 3:00am (Sunday)
London (England): 4:00am (Sunday, *)
Oslo (Norway): 5:00am (Sunday, *)
Germany: 5:00am (Sunday, *)
Paris (France): 5:00am (Sunday, *)
Helsinki (Finland): 6:00am (Sunday, *)
Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 5:00am (Sunday)
Moscow (Russia): 7:00am (Sunday, *)
Hong Kong (China): 11:00am (Sunday)
Tokyo (Japan): 12:00am (Sunday, midday)
Sydney (Australia): 1:00pm (Sunday)

* currently observing daylight saving time (DST)

Have fun while listening to VGF#55.

Quick reminders:

:arrow: Torrent batch of VGF#44.99 to VGF#49 is out. Including a special "add on" as gift.

:arrow: VGF#52 and VGF#53 will be makeup show's. No timeschedule known yet due to loads of work on Larry's side (university has highest priority!).

:arrow: Some minor bugs in the timetable fixed

www.weltzeit.de is still not fixed, you can find a similar detailed timetable (including DST) at www.timeanddate.com/worldclock

I missed the show, did they play the plutonium edition or was it the regular one? Please tell me he didnt play my song...please somebody put my suffering to an end and tell me my song was not played, thanks.

Your song was definately played. And nobody died.

I missed the show, did they play the plutonium edition or was it the regular one? Please tell me he didnt play my song...please somebody put my suffering to an end and tell me my song was not played, thanks.

Your song was definately played. And nobody died.

You gave my hamster an aneurysm, but the vet says he's stable for now.

Your song was definately played. And nobody died.

I wouldnt be so sure, it is a REALLY bad song, I cant believe he played it...

You gave my hamster an aneurysm, but the vet says he's stable for now.

It's Mr.Oji's fault, I begged him not to play that song! But he wouldnt listen, he wanted to give your hamster an aneurysm!!!

Might as well play mich zimmerman's wastlelands next week...


Apparently my song didn't get played because it was "unfinished" (even though "WIP" was on RoFL). My song sucks, obviously (when I entered it, I had no idea how good most of the entires were going to be for this joke project). Still, it's not as bad as Azar's, so I think Larry was just trying to knock me for making him play all of my Song of the Week stuff. :P

Larry only played Pigskin Power twice. That does not please EA.

And you know what happens when EA is not happy. They dig up... things from the past. Things that should not be uncovered.

Things like http://www.angelfire.com/ga4/queencaramella/.

(conveniently mirrored without pop-up ads at http://chz.fourx.org/ocr/queencaramella/)

My goodness you EA people are evil,evil, evil...I mean why would you resurrect a part of larry's past that he'd rather keep buried? I mean who would create such a cruel website anyway??

..oh wait..Binnie and I made it....


Apparently my song didn't get played because it was "unfinished" (even though "WIP" was on RoFL). My song sucks, obviously (when I entered it, I had no idea how good most of the entires were going to be for this joke project). Still, it's not as bad as Azar's, so I think Larry was just trying to knock me for making him play all of my Song of the Week stuff. :P

Actually, it just happened not to be in the Plutonium pack. Sorry bro, if I had remembered that it wasn't in the Plutonium Edition, I would have definitely played it.

What's ThatNoise? Must be ThatPaige.

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