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GUYS! OCR IS INCORRECT!! (or: NeoGAF stupidity)

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I think "LINK. HE COME TO TOWN" ruined it for me more. But yeah.

That's from the Rabbit Joint's version, right?

My point, however, was that Music of my Groin is a song that I wouldn't think of as something that "other musicians would listen to and appreciate for years to come" rather than something that the "average joe would listen to for a couple of weeks and then forget about when the next musical fad came around". I understand why you would prefer to write the former over the latter, but I for one think that OCR would be worse off without these mixes.

Once you go toward the average fan picking up on the connection, you dumb down the process.

It sounds like you're saying that "if everyone can enjoy it, it's not stuck-up enough for ocr". I'm surprised to hear something like this from you. It's like you want OCR to not only have high standards, but also to be a haven for game remix snobs who like to think they are better and have better taste than others, because they can appreciate something that the average joe can't. Like those "modern art" folks. Bleh.

Anyway, I'll say it again, I don't mind covers. I can understand why OCR would want to profile itself by not having them, but I don't see why there would be anything wrong with them. "Sound upgrades" are enjoyable, too, unless you have some strange disorder where anything that isn't a reinterpretation makes you twist in agony.

My point, however, was that Music of my Groin is a song that I wouldn't think of as something that "other musicians would listen to and appreciate for years to come" rather than something that the "average joe would listen to for a couple of weeks and then forget about when the next musical fad came around". I understand why you would prefer to write the former over the latter, but I for one think that OCR would be worse off without these mixes.

Well, Sheal did that song eight years ago, and here we are still talking about it.

A song does not have to have all this theoretical knowledge behind it in order to be appreciated.

It sounds like you're saying that "if everyone can enjoy it, it's not stuck-up enough for ocr". I'm surprised to hear something like this from you. It's like you want OCR to not only have high standards, but also to be a haven for game remix snobs who like to think they are better and have better taste than others, because they can appreciate something that the average joe can't. Like those "modern art" folks. Bleh.

Anyway, I'll say it again, I don't mind covers. I can understand why OCR would want to profile itself by not having them, but I don't see why there would be anything wrong with them. "Sound upgrades" are enjoyable, too, unless you have some strange disorder where anything that isn't a reinterpretation makes you twist in agony.

I'd be surprised to hear something like that from me too. Too bad that's not even close to what I said. :lol:

I like covers, I played covers on my radio show all the time, I've got nothing against covers. Covers are a friend of mine. We pass conservative enough stuff often enough.

I didn't say the bar here should only allow extremely liberal interpretation. Even we don't accept most extremely liberal interpretation. What I AM saying is that just because a lot of people can't pick up on how a source tune relates to a ReMix doesn't mean we at OCR should actively discourage liberal interpretation that judges can recognize. The judges are collectively better at recognizing connections than casual listeners. That's why we're the ones selecting what makes it, and that's why "Joe Schmoe recognizing the source in there" is not part of our criteria.

A perfect example is Mythril Nazgul's Final Fantasy X-2 'Chauffage au Gaz': http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01342/

It took a breakdown from Myth for us to fully recognize all the connections, and they were very substantive despite not being obvious. By the short-sighted opinion of some of you guys, WE WOULD NOT POST IT. Y'all mean well, but that should not be how it works.

We're always going to be selective (not stuck-up) based on originality, creativity and interpretation. But when I say that a cutoff of "most people recognize the original" is bad, it's because we want to be inclusive of creative arrangements, not exclusive. And that involves analyzing and passing many arrangements that don't appeal to the lowest common denominator.


We're always going to be selective (not stuck-up) based on originality, creativity and interpretation. But when I say that a cutoff of "most people recognize the original" is bad, it's because we want to be inclusive of creative arrangements, not exclusive. And that involves analyzing and passing many arrangements that don't appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Larry's da best mayne. He deed it.


I listen to VG remixes because they bring back the nostalgia of playing the game as a kid. I can get this from remixes or straight-up covers, so I listen to both.

For that reason, I usually don't download OCRemixes of games I never played. It's not because I think they're gonna suck, I'm sure there are hundreds of remixes on the site I'd enjoy! I just wouldn't get that feeling of nostalgia since I never played those games.

On the same token, I get rid of remixes I download where I don't immediately recognize the source tune. Not necessarily because they're bad or poorly made, but because the nostalgia factor won't reach me if I can't recognize the music. HOWEVER, even being devoid of any musical skill whatsoever, there have only been one or two instances where I DLed a remix of a game I played and couldn't recognize the source. It doesn't really happen often at all for me, and I don't think I have any special gift for picking out music, so...

I dunno. Just, a different key for a remix? That's like whining about Blu-rays because they're in a different pixel format.

I didn't say the bar here should only allow extremely liberal interpretation. Even we don't accept most extremely liberal interpretation. What I AM saying is that just because a lot of people can't pick up on how a source tune relates to a ReMix doesn't mean we at OCR should actively discourage liberal interpretation that judges can recognize.

Alright, that makes a lot more sense than what I thought you said before. Thanks for clarifying.

Well, Sheal did that song eight years ago, and here we are still talking about it.

Hmm. You have a point there.

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