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I'm gonna be the first one to chime in and say I doubt it. I don't see anything whatsoever that would denote Zelda in the animation, except the aforementioned Sierpinski triangle at the 12 o' clock position. You see the same symbol with other triangles removed around the face of the clock.

Really though, I say no for a couple reasons. One, Marvelous has made some neat games, but unless Nintendo bought a controlling interest in the company, I don't see them ready to take on anything like Zelda. The most well known thing they've done in the past is Harvest Moon games, and the original concept for that wasn't even theirs, it was Natsume's.

Second and perhaps more important is that if Nintendo needs a third party to take on a Zelda game for Wii or otherwise, they already have a long and successful working relationship with Capcom. There's people at Capcom that already know Nintendo's workflow and styles of management for Zelda games, even if they have been handheld games thus far. From a business standpoint, it would seem silly to me to throw my resources into training people from another company when I could tweak things with my previous Zelda dev groups from Capcom and probably get them rolling on a Wii game pretty quickly.

EDIT: Mute and Bleck, Capcom didn't "make" the Oracle games or Minish Cap, in the sense of having complete creative control. They developed them, and Nintendo published. In other words, Miyamoto worked with the dev teams at Capcom to bring another of his stories to their handhelds. So as far as story, and to a great extent gameplay, Nintendo still called the shots, much like they did with Retro and the Metroid Prime series.



Hmm, no real pattern, but if you only look at the home console versions, you see some rather important gaps between them. It seems that roughly every three years over the last decade or so, we get another Zelda console game. The portables, while fun, aren't what everyone gets excited about. Hey, I own most of them, but really, let's face it, the console Zeldas are what we get hot and bothered about, right?

Any way, Twilight Princess came out late 2006 (was it that long ago? Wow, I feel old), so sometime in 2009, we could expect another Zelda game. It fit with the pacing of the series over the last twelve or so years.

Phantom Hourglass only came out a little over a year ago (Nov 2007), so it's unlikely they would release another so soon.

I suspect that there may be some sort of retro-collection of something, though. The clock doesn't fit anything from any of the games, but the clock implies time travel or time manipulation. Maybe this will be some sort of mega-pack for the old games on Wii.

That, or they're going to release "The Legend of Zelda: Persian Prince of The Sands of Time".


I think it's more likely that Nintendo will reveal the next Zelda at this year's E3, and then slate it for a christmas 2009 release but then push it back till spring 2010.

Also, am I the only one who actually thinks a futuristic Zelda would be cool?


I thought they discontinued E3... Crap! Ninja posted...

Also, am I the only one who actually thinks a futuristic Zelda would be cool?

I'm pretty sure that would be jumping the shark for the series. When that happens, it's pretty much game over for anything innovative the series brought about.

Mute and Bleck, Capcom didn't "make" the Oracle games or Minish Cap, in the sense of having complete creative control. They developed them, and Nintendo published.

this kettle isn't black, it's actually black



After reading The Damned's graph, the graph shows us that the makers of the Zelda games are true creators, unlike Sega; they aren't pressured by the fan hype. They make enough money to last them for the next few years as they make their predestined releases.


Zelda: The Twisted Fate

Basically, it's a future time in Hyrule, but the world is changing, monsters are appearing, and history books are changing. The sacred relic that has become the master sword, unused for ages is now broken. A young adventurer, link, must get the sword reforged, and then travel back in time to set the timeline right and prevent the evil witch Aganna from reviving the most terrifying of all evils.

Mute and Bleck, Capcom didn't "make" the Oracle games or Minish Cap, in the sense of having complete creative control. They developed them, and Nintendo published.

Who would have thought Nintendo would have ever went to a third party to develop a Zelda game? I'd bet dollars to donuts no one thought Nintendo would do something like that at the time. Also: It wouldn't be surprising that Nintendo enlisted help again, they've got projects that they themselves are working on.


I disagree. While I also understand that Nintendo has other projects going on, I doubt they'd let something as big as the next console Zelda be developed by someone else. And really, all they need to do to satisfy gamers for a long time is just show a new Zelda trailer. Even just some concept art would make most happy.


Hmm... this is a toughie. While I would love to hear a new Zelda release that might bring hope of a reinvigorated series, going by that enigmatic webpage doesn't really confirm anything.

That said, the triforce is an iconic symbol in gaming... any developer using something like that presented in a similar format is just asking for controversy.

Other thing is though, I understand Nintendo going to Capcom to work on Zelda games for the GBC, but this developer doesn't have a real track record with games of the scope of Zelda. I'm not saying a new developer can't show up and make something incredible, but I don't think Nintendo would take a risk like that on Marvelous, unless it's something like a Zelda casual game, much different from what we're used to. Again, keep in mind (and it has already been mentioned in the thread) Nintendo's already told us that future Zelda games would be largely different from what we're used to.

But wouldn't the announcement of a new (and fresh) Zelda would be great. I enjoyed Twilight Princess, but it was just a Gamecube game that I played on my Wii... and while fun it felt like it was trying to mimic OOT too much. It didn't really spread it's wings (plus that old Zelda style Overworld HAS to go... with games like Oblivion showing amazingly large landscapes that are believable. As much as I love Hyrule, black voids separating areas aren't really tolerable in this day and age... 10 years ago, maybe, but now now). Some of the things in TP have me hopeful. The way the dungeons designs (especially the Yeti's house) were fantastic, and the battle system expanded on a very simple formula that worked. I'm hopeful, if Nintendo decides to make a new yet traditional Zelda game, I think the next one will be the groundbreaking one we've all been waiting for. They've got a lot of things right in WindWaker and Twilight Princess. The ingredients are there, Nintendo just needs to put them all together in a coherent package. A little nod to the haredcore fans with a nice tidy storyline would be wonderful too.

Man, I'm off topic.

Time will tell I guess. Not holding my breath though. It certainly would be a step in the right direction for Nintendo to announce SOME kind of popular hardcore franchise as their current lineup is DISMAL. I know a lot of people haven't turned on their Wii in months.


The page style of art is more likely for a Wii title, if it's anything like the game will be. If it's a main game in the series, then it will not be on the portables. Besides Link's Awakening and the Oracles/LA1.5, none of the Zelda portables have ever been exceptionally notable. Not that they're bad games, they just aren't as important or memorable as LoZ, Ocarina, Waker, and Twilight have been.

Besides Link's Awakening and the Oracles/LA1.5, none of the Zelda portables have ever been exceptionally notable.
Hmm... I thought that Minish Cap as good as the two Oracle games, if not better. :?

As for the topic at hand... I have my doubts that it's a Zelda game. If it was, you'd think there'd be at least some indication of Nintendo's presence, but there's not even so much as a mention in copyright line at the bottom of the page.

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