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Mods: I feel that at this point XBLA stuff deserves its own thread, as it often gets overshadowed by the full-retail 360 games. If you disagree, please merge this.

I can't be the only forum-goer who has a ton of great games from the Xbox Live Arcade, and tragically few people to play them with. So, I'd like this thread to be a place where those of us playing obscure XBLA games that deserve more sales than they have can meet up and get some good multiplayer action going on.

Also, if there's a great XBLA game I don't have, let me know!

My gamertag is MasterTenor, and I have the following:

Aegis Wing (it's free!)

Age of Booty

Assault Heroes

Bomberman LIVE





Marble Blast Ultra


SSF2THDR (of course)


While I'm happy to play any of these with anyone, I'm especially looking for more GripShift and Age of Booty players, as those games get loads better in multiplayer.


You're missing stuff like Mega Man 9, Geometry Wars 2, Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Pac Man World Championship Edition, Banjo Kazooie...and I can't think of anything else. Are any of those up your alley?

You're missing stuff like Mega Man 9, Geometry Wars 2, Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Pac Man World Championship Edition, Banjo Kazooie...and I can't think of anything else. Are any of those up your alley?

I have MM9, BCR, and Pac Man WCE...but none of those are multiplayer over Live, so I didn't mention them.

I have Geometry Wars Galaxies for Wii and DS, because I'm an idiot. But I probably won't get GW2 as a result.

Castle Crashers just feels like an average beat-em-up in the trial, though I'm sure it picks up. It'll probably be my next XBLA purchase.


XBL arcade games just feel different. "arcade" is an appropriate name, since many of them are geared towards multiplayer and make great party games. hell, some of them are lifted right off popular arcade games (castle crashers is a revamped gauntlet/tmnt/x-men). not to mention the uniqueness of how they are distributed. having some people over tonight and want to play streets of rage? go right online over XBL and buy it! this could really be the next big thing in buying video games.

think I went off-topic a bit, but I do think there should be a distinction between regular xbonks games and xbla games.

I have MM9, BCR, and Pac Man WCE...but none of those are multiplayer over Live, so I didn't mention them.

OIC. (Maybe you should have said that first...)

Since this is an Arcade thread, how does everybody feel about The Maw? The trial was pretty fun, IMO. It seemed like a cross between Katamari Damacy and Kirby (which is an amazing combo). Just not sure if it's worth the points or not.


think I went off-topic a bit, but I do think there should be a distinction between regular xbonks games and xbla games.

That's because there is. Most XBLA games are becoming the better thing to buy than plunking down 60 bucks for a game that STILL has to have a patch after it's been released. I'm so sick of these games coming out unpolished, with many a bug that hurts the game itself. Granted, they can't find them all, I understand that, but there's no excuse for them to keep doing this, especially when it's a recurring thing.

Not to mention most of the 60 dollar games are getting to where I don't even want to buy them, let alone play them. Granted, I reserved Street Fighter IV, and it'll be my first time really getting into Street Fighter (I did DL SFII T HD REMIX), and I want to play Riddick Chronicles of Dark Athena, and Skate II, but after Outrun Arcade (aka Outrun 2 SP) comes out for XBOX Arcade, I'm totally set for the rest of the year on the 360, barring anything interesting coming out, which will more than likely happen.


I really enjoyed portal. If you haven't got to play it yet (in the orange box or otherwise) it's a great buy. It also stands well on it's own, even though it fits into the Half-Life universe. It's a lot like a Ray Bradbury story.

I'm planning on getting Braid next, and then probably Ikaruga followed by Bionic Commando Re-Armed.

Since this is an Arcade thread, how does everybody feel about The Maw? The trial was pretty fun, IMO. It seemed like a cross between Katamari Damacy and Kirby (which is an amazing combo). Just not sure if it's worth the points or not.

Played The Maw trial today based on your recommendation, and it was well worth my time. If I had extra points, I'd probably buy it -- it's definitely an interesting take on the genre.


Worms on live is really good.

I also play aegis wing, marble blast, and Sonic 2. I'd play undertow if anyone was interested, but nobody is ever online.

Sonic 2's multiplayer is extremely broken. The host will always win, because ther second player gets a horrible lag.

I'm always up to play Aegis Wing and Marble Blast, but I have to really be in the mood for Ikagura. I can't believe the game is actually harder in multiplayer.

As for single player games, I think Galaga Legions is very under-rated. I really like the game.

I am a cheap gamer, so I love the arcade. Just look at my played games, the majority are arcade titles.

EDIT: Not to just plug Another Soundscape's game, but the XNA title Artoon is actually very good too.

  • 2 weeks later...

R-Type dimensions is awesome if you can handle the fact that it's basically just R-Type and R-Type II with fresh graphics. 1200 is a little hefty but if you know you will actually try for high-scores and not just complete it and put it down it's WELL worth it.

Some annoying misses and dumb prioritizing bums me out though. For example you can't customize the control scheme, the music is still the same, some spelling errors and not full widescreen (the last one is understandable though since they didn't want to stretch or alter the gameplay).

Overall, I approve!

My personal list of XBLA games that I find awesome goes a little something like this:

Omega Five - Amazing soundtrack, amazing graphics, amazing gameplay, amazing value. Amazing.

Space Giraffe - Once you get it you realize it's the best game ever made, really. also 400MS points!

Galaga Legions - Underrated and missunderstood. It's pure awesome.

Rez HD - duh.

Pac-Man: Championship Edition - best Pac-Man version ever.

the Mutant Storm-games - if you're into dual-stick shooters these are gold

Carcassone/Catan/Ticket to Ride - Strategic board games VERY well adapted to XBLA.

Also, if anyone wants to co-op or vs. some XBLA titles I have most interesting ones and just recently (finally) got a headset! However my connection is at times crap and at times awesome so I can't guarantee a pleasant experience :3 Just add anosou and make sure I know you're from here (i.e. don't be a lurker) and it's on! Remember I live in Sweden so it's GMT+1 in my world, might not be online all the time ;)

Here's a list of XBLA games I own, if you wonder anything about any of these just write it here and I'll try to answer. It's updated only once in a while (and so is the rest of my game collection) so there might be new stuff I haven't added yet.

(btw, thanks for the plug Maco, <3 u)


(btw, thanks for the plug Maco, <3 u)

I do that.

And why have we not played worms yet?

I call shenanigans sir.

As for r-type... I really hope that games being 1200 points is a trend, and not something to get used to. I wasn't crazy about r-type anyway, I'd be hard pressed to pay even 10 dollars for it, never mind 15.

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