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Here's a good one (SMB2) that I honestly remember from when I was like 5 years old or something like that. Probably the only NES game commercial that I remember, I don't know why I remember it, but when I saw this thread title, I figured I'd see if I could find it.


I fucking loved Beetle Adventure Racing.

In two player mode, I always did this little trick on the ramps. I would hit the brake and instead of jumping and being a target for missiles, I'd slide off the edge and drop down. Anyone following would have to do the same, and risk getting nailed by my guns, or take the jump and lose track of me.

Not many people played it, and not many played two-player. I wonder if anyone else ever figured that ramp thing out on their own.

I wanted a SNES soooooooooooooo bad, was 4 when it came out in 1991 and got it for Christmas in 1992 along with Turtles in Time. In the mean time I was playing Punch Out, Mario, Marble Madness, Kung Fu, and Battletoads on my NES and avoiding commercials like this:

On the 2nd commercial, anyone else notice how Mario's walking around in Vanilla Dome down un-cleared paths? Beta version perhaps?

On the 2nd commercial, anyone else notice how Mario's walking around in Vanilla Dome down un-cleared paths? Beta version perhaps?

I know! I guess it is a beta version or maybe developer hax.


I don't remember any commercials off the top of my head besides that Mario land 2 commercial...

BUT, does anyone besides me remember the move "The wizard"? "And a debut of a new game.. SUPER MARIO BROTHERS 3"!

*Sighs* Childhood memories.

The Wizard was a commercial. A big, long, drawn out, 100 minute commercial. I think it counts.

lol my brother and I have said that many many times, slightly different wording maybe :lol:

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