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You wouldn't believe how much of a surprise it was for me to check my email and then instantly rush to the OCR main page to see if it was a joke or not.

That aside, I've only heard one track because my internet is slow... 8[


I've only listened to "Strike of the Devil's Axes" and "Beyond Absentminded" so far, the later of which I've had for a long time. I can't wait to hear the rest though. Congrats to everyone involved. I'll be seeding for a while.


Man, this took so long to come out that I went from lurker to finally registering to lurker again. Ironically cyclical. (EDIT: Look, it's been so long that my signature is broked'd. Aw.)

Still, it was well worth the wait. Congrats, guys/gals.


Holy crap, this actually came out!!! I must be in the Twilight Zone or something!

I've lurked the thread since my sophomore year of high school (sophomore in college, now). I've died a little inside every time the release date was postponed. I've steamed inside (only a little bit) whenever a joke was made about the release date being so far off.

And now the project is finally, actually out. I'm absolutely ecstatic.

Massive congratulations to all of you. Seriously.

But don't ever take so long to release a project again. ;P

Phantasia's victory theme (Project song "Just Go"). Symphonia's is 40 seconds long.

You think I'd know that, but I think Nutritious chose Go A Step Further on his own. I'd forgotten what the original sounded like.

Go the Distance by Sixto isn't letting me download. Is there a problem?

Same problem that was with some of the bonus tracks earlier; "the" in the link is capitalized when it shouldn't be. I'll get djpretzel on it. In the meantime: http://kngi.org/talesproject/site/release/ratatosk/BT03-SoS-Go_The_Distance_(I%27ll_Go).mp3

EDIT: It's all fixed up.


I've been lurking for about 2 years and I was really surprised when I got an email today which said that the project was released ^^ I totally didn't expect this, thought we had to wait for at least 3 more months.

This really made my day. The album is awesome!


I'm seeding this one for as long as I can. I've just finished up the first Disc, and the music is just absolutely amazing. I won't lie, I haven't played either game, so my excitement for the album was really low. I can tell from the music, though, that I've been missing out. Nice Work, Kyle and Lea!


I just downloaded the torrent, and I noticed that my CD Burning utility wouldn't burn some of the FLAC files, and Audacity wouldn't open them either, so I ran FLACTester on the whole FLAC directory and got a FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_UNPARSEABLE_STREAM error on 107-SoS-Setting_Sail_(Hydropolis).flac and 308-SoS-Pain_Withstanding_(Standing_the_Pain).flac. Is there some magic I can do to fix these files, as they play fine, and according to the torrent, their hash checks out?

Haven't been around for a few years but got an e-mail from someone saying they saw my photo on the album's site today - I have no idea how you got hold of a photo of me.


I just downloaded the torrent, and I noticed that my CD Burning utility wouldn't burn some of the FLAC files, and Audacity wouldn't open them either, so I ran FLACTester on the whole FLAC directory and got a FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_UNPARSEABLE_STREAM error on 107-SoS-Setting_Sail_(Hydropolis).flac and 308-SoS-Pain_Withstanding_(Standing_the_Pain).flac. Is there some magic I can do to fix these files, as they play fine, and according to the torrent, their hash checks out?

Try using the FLAC Installer (included with the torrent) to install the FLAC UI, and decode those songs into .wavs, and then burn those. Should work.


Thanks, that worked. I'd actually tried that and gotten a "File/path access error" from the FLAC Frontend, so for anyone else with the same problem and running under Vista with UAC enabled, take note that you may have to run the FLAC Frontend as an administrator.

Thanks, that worked. I'd actually tried that and gotten a "File/path access error" from the FLAC Frontend, so for anyone else with the same problem and running under Vista with UAC enabled, take note that you may have to run the FLAC Frontend as an administrator.

Ok, so I spoke too soon. For some reason I couldn't burn the resulting WAV file either, as my burning program didn't recognize it either. So, I opened it in Audacity and exported it as WAV, which for some reason produced a noticibly lower-bitrate file, but which would burn successfully.

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