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FAC - RESULTS ARE IN! Fan Art Competition 21: Femme Fatales

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heh, I should make a Jill sandwich

Never heard of it, what's in it? It sounds strange, but some day I'd like a sandwich named after me... I've always been jealous of Reuben, Dagwood... Sloppy Joe. :tomatoface:

Anyway, I'm doing- wait, are the entries still "secret until the voting is over" style? I don't care either way, but I'd like to see the artists and score tally at the end ^_^

Oh, and remember kids, no newdity!! I foresee a serious stretching of the rules with this month cuz of the subject X.X

Are you kidding? Most female outfits nowadays are ridiculously scant. You can't fault anyone for drawing the original costume.




Are you kidding? Most female outfits nowadays are ridiculously scant. You can't fault anyone for drawing the original costume.

yes, this is so very true.

I'm seriously thinking of doing Shanoa again. That would make two months in a row of the same character! But I dunno yet. How's everyone else doin?


Life blowing up in my face + being super busy with commissions and other assorted projects = I'm not 100% certain I'm gonna finish this up.

But I might just make time anyways since I already did a sketch of my lady and ended up liking how she came out. ~.~

Plus I haven't entered one of these in like around a year and a half or so...? It'd be nice to start doing them again. I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone does. ^^


Someone a while back got the idea of having a two-month deadline.

I'll probably enter this time, but as always I'll probably start late and end up with something rushed... but this time I think I'll focus on a "rushed" kind of style, seeing as how I'm unable to manipulate time.

We should rename this from FAC to underacheivement competition. So many people wanting to enter, so few entries. Every. Month.

Well honestly I think it has to do with incentive, or rather, the lack thereof.

That's not very fair, every month has had a pretty healthy number of entries since it restarted.

Fine, youre right. But there have only been 5. And one never happened. I'll reserve judgement until the conclusion of this one.

Well honestly I think it has to do with incentive, or rather, the lack thereof.

Did you hear that Bonzai? Give us some incentive. :lol:

Did you hear that Bonzai? Give us some incentive. :lol:

Okay guys, I have in my possession several compromising pictures of our very own Rambo that I can offer as prizes. I have a variety of options to choose from: "Rambo pretending to be a peacock," "Rambo eating pancakes," and, considering that I heard a good portion of our contestants are female, I have "Rambo with his pants coming off." Rawrrrr. Let me tell you ladies, he's a beast.

Okay guys, I have in my possession several compromising pictures of our very own Rambo that I can offer as prizes. I have a variety of options to choose from: "Rambo pretending to be a peacock," "Rambo eating pancakes," and, considering that I heard a good portion of our contestants are female, I have "Rambo with his pants coming off." Rawrrrr. Let me tell you ladies, he's a beast.

You are dead to me.

For the MALE contestants, I have FAR more interesting pictures of Bonzai. In fact, with very little editing, I could submit one of her pictures to this contest.


damnit relyanCe, I'm already giving you "FEMME FATALES...for relyanCe's birthday" as the theme for this month!! >:(

For the MALE contestants, I have FAR more interesting pictures of Bonzai. In fact, with very little editing, I could submit one of her pictures to this contest.


I will kill you. And then you will be dead to me. Because I will have SLAUGHTERED you.



I will kill you. And then you will be dead to me. Because I will have SLAUGHTERED you.

....pics plz. Except you have to do it in the costume that Rambo is talking about. And then enter it in the contest for relyanCe. The prize will be "Rambo pretending to be a pancake."


Yessss, first submission is in! How exciting :)

ALSO, FINAL FANTASY CHRISTMAS ENTRIES. I've only gotten one so far! What's up guys, I was sure more people had done something.

And I was wondering if people feel like the contest needs "incentive." Is there a serious need for motivation to compete? As truly fabulous as these Rambo pictures are (btw, those bonzai pictures will NEVER see the light of day), do people have suggestions of what kinds of things we could offer as prizes if they really are needed?

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