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there's a site that has a theory on that - as well as lots of others

www.timelooptheory.com (be warned tho - it's pretty deep - the best part of this theory is that this guy predicted the time loop way back in season 3)

I remember reading that when it first came out and thinking that it made a lot of sense, and so far it's been pretty close. It's definitely not right on, but this guy came really really close.

For me, Lost is simply the best show that television has ever produced. Yeah sure, some shows do comedy better (Futurama), some have better sci-fi representation (Battlestar Galactica), etc, etc. But for all the types of genres Lost covers (mystery, sci-fi/time-travel, tidbits of comedy, drama), it does a masterful job of juggling them all. No doubt, it's my most favorite tv show of all time, and it'll take a miracle to remove it from that spot.

But on the critical side of things, I think the show has almost gotten a little more ridiculous than I can stand. If I was an outsider, instead of a die-hard fan, I know I would be like, "This show is just too weird, and it's too out there, They have to GO BACK to the island?! You've got to be kidding! *Loud groaning*" But, I am a die-hard fan, so I don't actually feel that way! :)

Even from the end of the first season, I knew that the show was not going to be about leaving the island. They were brought there for a purpose and the Island did a whole hell of a lot to not let them go... and now it calls back the ones that got away.

I'm getting pretty excited about the coming conclusion and I feel the payoff at the very end will be so much more meaningful with the show's immense character development and intertwining history and destiny with the island.


I could be the only one, but I was blown away with how awesome the scene with Locke and Jack was in the "Bentham" episode. It made me realize just how awesome Matthew Fox is. Not since "The Constant" have I been so happy with an episode.

I could be the only one, but I was blown away with how awesome the scene with Locke and Jack was in the "Bentham" episode. It made me realize just how awesome Matthew Fox is. Not since "The Constant" have I been so happy with an episode.

I was impressed with Matthew Fox as well. He's suppose to be pretty good at what he does and I'm glad they finally gave him to flex his acting muscles a bit more.



When "Lost" returns with new episodes in two weeks (March 18th), viewers will get even more background on the character Ben. Actor Sterling Beaumon will be reprising his role as "young Ben" for an upcoming four-episode arc that will delve deeper into the character’s history. Sterling says that the story is "very major, and it’s going to change Ben forever," adding that the event "involves himself and yes, it is a trauma…Before the change Ben’s a nice, good kid…and then one second will change his life forever." And it looks like we’ll definitely be getting some answers, especially when it comes to the most secretive aspect of the series: the island:

"Ben will [come to] know everything about every little bit about the Island. We’re not going to learn more about the past with Dharma, we’re going to learn more about the past of the Island."



Preview for the next episode, Namaste:



So the Losties are all stuck in the 70s now? This could turn out to be pretty awesome... I mean it has been kind of fun seeing Sawyer and Miles take on fake names. It is especially delicious hearing Sawyer so expertly use his grifting talents to stay with the trail of lies of how they got to the island in the 70s.

Only thing that has bugged me as of late is that after all these decades, possibly centuries of people living on the island it doesn't have a name. Unless it's name has been conceled by the plot, it has only ever been referred to as "The Island."

  • 1 month later...

Bumping thread due to FUCKING EPIC LOST that was on this week.

Some of my thoughts on Dead is Dead, spoilers ahead.

-John Locke waking up and scaring the living hell out of Ben was great. Terry O Quinn plays creepy zombie Locke so well. (ZOMBIE SEASON.)

-Yay, they didn't kill off Penny! Also, Desmond beating the shit out of Ben was awesome. I'm surprised he didn't kill Ben.

-Speaking of this whole scene..."Hello Penelope. My name is Benjamin Linus. Your father killed my daughter. Prepare to die."

-When Ben was handing Alex over to Widmore when he first brought her back, he said "Then you kill her..." Thought this was pretty ironic since Widmore sort of does end up as being responsible for her death.

-Also, thought the parallel between Richard-Ben relationship and the Ben-Alex relationship is interesting...they were both brought into the Others because they were supposed to either die or be killed, but Richard sympathized with Ben, and Ben showed that he actually has a soul and didn't kill baby Alex. Both Richard and Ben claimed that they did it because it was what the island wanted, which is probably not true, leading to Ben taking over the Others from Widmore, which was probably never supposed to happen, and leading to Alex's eventual death.

- The whole role reversal of Locke to Ben through the episode was also awesome. Now Ben has to follow whatever Locke says or he dies. Sucks.

- Ben killing Caesar at the beginning- YAY! Caesar was starting to get annoying.

-"What's coming out of that jungle is something I can't control" - Enter John Locke.

-The whole scene with Ben being judged made the entire episode. I think the key here is that Ben felt remorse for what he had done to Alex. The scene paralled Eko meeting the smoke monster and being judged- it appeard to him as Yemi, and Eko was not remorseful for what happened, and so the smoke monster killed him. Ben sees Alex and apologizes to her, even probably knowing that it isn't really her. For this reason the smoke monster lets him live, under the condition that he follows everything Locke tells him to do. Awesome.

-Also, those hieroglyphics:


I've been looking around and many people are speculating that the one on the right is supposed to be Anubis which is the Egyptian God associated with the afterlife...

Bumping thread due to FUCKING EPIC LOST that was on this week.

Some of my thoughts on Dead is Dead, spoilers ahead.

-John Locke waking up and scaring the living hell out of Ben was great. Terry O Quinn plays creepy zombie Locke so well. (ZOMBIE SEASON.)

-Yay, they didn't kill off Penny! Also, Desmond beating the shit out of Ben was awesome. I'm surprised he didn't kill Ben.

-Speaking of this whole scene..."Hello Penelope. My name is Benjamin Linus. Your father killed my daughter. Prepare to die."

-When Ben was handing Alex over to Widmore when he first brought her back, he said "Then you kill her..." Thought this was pretty ironic since Widmore sort of does end up as being responsible for her death.

-Also, thought the parallel between Richard-Ben relationship and the Ben-Alex relationship is interesting...they were both brought into the Others because they were supposed to either die or be killed, but Richard sympathized with Ben, and Ben showed that he actually has a soul and didn't kill baby Alex. Both Richard and Ben claimed that they did it because it was what the island wanted, which is probably not true, leading to Ben taking over the Others from Widmore, which was probably never supposed to happen, and leading to Alex's eventual death.

- The whole role reversal of Locke to Ben through the episode was also awesome. Now Ben has to follow whatever Locke says or he dies. Sucks.

- Ben killing Caesar at the beginning- YAY! Caesar was starting to get annoying.

-"What's coming out of that jungle is something I can't control" - Enter John Locke.

-The whole scene with Ben being judged made the entire episode. I think the key here is that Ben felt remorse for what he had done to Alex. The scene paralled Eko meeting the smoke monster and being judged- it appeard to him as Yemi, and Eko was not remorseful for what happened, and so the smoke monster killed him. Ben sees Alex and apologizes to her, even probably knowing that it isn't really her. For this reason the smoke monster lets him live, under the condition that he follows everything Locke tells him to do. Awesome.

-Also, those hieroglyphics:


I've been looking around and many people are speculating that the one on the right is supposed to be Anubis which is the Egyptian God associated with the afterlife...

It's really doubtful that some of things that Richard did for the Island wasn't suppose to happen. I can't say the same for Ben.

This episode was pretty much for the general public who still don't get the Monster is a judge of sorts. Still great to see it in action though.

Also the whole Egyptian thing has been hinted at since Season 2. I'm glad they are bringing it out more.

The whole scene with Ben being judged made the entire episode. I think the key here is that Ben felt remorse for what he had done to Alex. The scene paralled Eko meeting the smoke monster and being judged- it appeard to him as Yemi, and Eko was not remorseful for what happened, and so the smoke monster killed him. Ben sees Alex and apologizes to her, even probably knowing that it isn't really her. For this reason the smoke monster lets him live, under the condition that he follows everything Locke tells him to do. Awesome.

I think the scenes relating to Alex are the only time we ever see how Ben truly feels about something (and only a few of those), so this was a great episode, and an important one for showing he is a redeemable character. Every other time in the show, I can't tell if he means what he says or is just acting to achieve his aims. I figured we would eventually get an episode like this, but I thought it would be closer to the end of the series.


Just saw the latest ep. What a good show this is...sometimes I can't stand how good it is! I'm glad to understand the monster's role, but I want to know what exactly it is, and who or what it represents...is there some type of god on this island who resides in or is worshiped by the temple, or something else entirely? And just who is Jacob, anyway?

Just saw the latest ep. What a good show this is...sometimes I can't stand how good it is! I'm glad to understand the monster's role, but I want to know what exactly it is, and who or what it represents...is there some type of god on this island who resides in or is worshiped by the temple, or something else entirely? And just who is Jacob, anyway?

Stuff like that is exactly why I've never gotten into Lost >_>


You kind of have to watch LOST from the very beginning to appreciate how ridiculously good it is. I mean there are so many subtle things that they stick in the episodes that you don't pick up on unless you've been following the show.

You should watch it Jarvi. Seriously, greatest show ever.


I've been following LOST since Season 2. I still haven't seen all of Season 1, but it's still the greatest show I have ever seen. I definitely sided with Miles during his argument with Hugo. I really liked the idea that everything they did in the 70s was predetermined and had already happened, which seems to have been confirmed by the rest of that episode.


I've been looking around and many people are speculating that the one on the right is supposed to be Anubis which is the Egyptian God associated with the afterlife...

That was my first thought when I saw that. So is the lightning ogre snake on the left the smoke monster which doubles as the Grim Reaper and the judge of the dead?


"Miles I need you"


"What? No I just need you to come with me to do some stuff at the Orchid...Stop hugging me please"

I totally call Marvin Candle getting shot right in front of Miles soon. And Miles telling his mother that his father left the family rather than telling his mom that he was killed.

I was pretty disappointed in this episode. After last week's ridiculous amount of epic, this episode kinda sucked. Also, Miles is probably my least favorite character. But Hurley trying to write Star Wars was pretty funny.


Happy I stumbled upon this thread, after the old one died (I think).

I was pretty disappointed in this episode. After last week's ridiculous amount of epic, this episode kinda sucked. Also, Miles is probably my least favorite character. But Hurley trying to write Star Wars was pretty funny.

Yeah, the interplay between Hurley and Miles (and now Dr. Candle) has been pretty funny this season (though it could get old reeeeal fast).

I've always found Miles' flashbacks boring, but this episode wasn't a total waste IMO. [spoilers]It was nice to get an extended look at Dr. Candle and all his, ahem, doucery. And Faraday came back (where exactly did he go again...?)![/spoilers]

Also, I probably mentioned this to some of you already, but check out Ack-Attack's blog. She hosts group live-blogging and discussion about each episode. And her recaps are hilarious. :lol:

My favorite quote of hers: saying she "would bang Desmond like a screen door in a hurricane!"


Stuff like that is exactly why I've never gotten into Lost >_>

It's just the nature of the show, every time it answers questions, to raise even more ones. I don't think they'll ever be done--not even after the final episode.

I actually got into the show after my old roommate rented Season 1 on DVD. This was while they were airing Season 3. I eventually caught up with Season 2 that summer, but to this day I'm missing big patches of Season 3.

At this point, I've just admitted that I can't know everything and if I'm not understanding something, there are plenty of places online where they can explain it for you.

  • 9 months later...


I'm so goddamn confused. Here are some of my thoughts:


-So apparently we're dealing with two separate timelines here - one in which the bomb exploded and the hatch was never built and the plane never crashed, and one where they were transported back into the future. What's still puzzling me is that Juliet wanted to tell Sawyer that "It worked". How does she know? Or is she even referring to the alternate timeline at all?

Plane never crashed timeline thoughts:

-So when they did that terrible CGI sequence of coming down from the plane to way underneath the ocean, all I got was that the island sunk. My TV is really dark and I couldn't really make out much else.

-What's up with the scar on Jacks neck? Is it from the very end of last season?

-It brought a smile to my face to see so many of the characters on the plane in the alternate timeline. Charlie's little scene also brought up a few questions - he says that he was "supposed to die". This brings us back to the episode where Desmond said that Charlie was destined to die. Even though he survived choking on the plane, will he eventually die again? Same question goes for the other people on the plane, like Boone, who originally died, but are now on the flight. Or the officer escorting Kate?

-Speaking of people on the flight, how about Desmond? I'm assuming he's on the plane because he never crashed on the island in his race around the world, which means he probably finished the race. Perhaps he is on his way to find Penny?

-Greg Grunberg's voice was the pilot. That made me happy. :-)

-Even more interesting than people on the flight is the people that we failed to see on the flight? Off of the top of my head: Michael, Walt, Shannon, Ana Lucia, Eko, Libby and probably a bunch of others. It's possible that they just weren't featured because they were unable to get the actors, or something else is going on here.

-So Juliet is dead in our other universe, but what about this one?

-Thought it was kind of cool that Kate ended up getting in the same cab as Claire. Claire is presumably on her way to meet the people she will be giving the baby away to in LA, and in the timeline we know, Kate ends up being mommy to Aaron. Kinda neat parallel.

-Locke and Boone talking to each other on the plane was cool too. Boone telling Locke "I'm staying with you if this thing goes down" was ironic as well...since he did stay with Locke on the island and it ended up killing him. And maybe I'm just not remembering my season one, but what is Boone talking about with Shannon being in a relationship that she didn't want out of? Is this new, or am I forgetting something.

-Locke and Jack talking to each other at the end was another interesting scene. It's so weird to see them talking to each other like civilized people because they've been doing the whole science vs. faith thing from the beginning of the show. Also interesting is that Jack offers to fix Locke...maybe Locke will end up walking again even off the island?

Plane did crash and they're all screwed thoughts:

- OK, I think it was completely unnecessary for Juliet to have survived all of that, only to have her die again. If the whole point of her coming back was to die so Miles could get the "It worked" message, that's lame. I'm sorry, but falling down a hole that deep and having all that metal crush you didn't kill you? AND THEN YOU DETONATED A HYDROGEN BOMB??? AND YOU'RE STILL ALIVE? That's ridiculous. And also, I think it kind of ruins that scene where she falls to her death last season. Yeah, it sucked, but that was one of few scenes that really shocked me. And now it's ruined because, not only does she live long enough to set off a hydrogen bomb, she lives even after it's gone off. And if they really just needed to hear from someone that it worked, couldn't she have appeared to Hurley or something? </nerd rage>

-Speaking of Juliet...before she died, she asked Sawyer out to get coffee. I think this means that in our other timeline, Sawyer and Juliet somehow do meet up...perhaps she was experiencing flashed between one world and the other.

-THEORY TIME!!! I think this might explain Juliet "surviving" a hydrogen bomb explosion. Since we did see the island sunk at the beginning of the episode, perhaps somehow, at the same exact moment that Juliet was hitting the hydrogen bomb, somebody else was turning the wheel to move the island...Widmore perhaps? I'm still trying to figure how this would all actually make sense...perhaps somebody turned the wheel AND the bomb went off, splitting up the two worlds?

-Sawyer is pissed. Yay, I love angry Sawyer!

- Jacob. Jaaaaaaacob Jacob Jacob. Somehow he knew that Sayid was going to get mortally wounded. And he knew it would be important for Sayid to survive. Did Jacob have some kind of way to see the future?

-Speaking of Sayid, I'm not sure what to make of his whole situation. He was bleeding to death for the majority of this episode, but then they threw him in the magic pool, and healed him, then drowned him. Then, ten minutes after being dead, he wakes up. What the fuck.

-The thing in the guitar case that the note came out of. What is that symbol?

-The water in the temple. They said that something was wrong with it, that it wasn't clear. I'm assuming that this had something to do with Jacob's death. And when the man cut his hand and put it in the water, I think he was trying to see if it would heal him. It didn't heal him, but we did see Sayid come to and begin to struggle under the water until he drowned. Also, could this water have a connection to the water that was under Ben's house that summoned the smoke monster?

-I was excited to see them kind of explain what the ash was for. We saw it before surronding Jacob's cabin, so I'm assuming that it's a defense against the smoke monster/man in black. What I'm not sure about was the flares - were they trying to warn the others on the beach about the Man in Black?

-Man in black is the smoke monster. I so knew it. :-P It was fun to see him kick some ass.

-What did the Man in Black mean when he told Richard it was good to see him out of the chains? I first thought he meant that maybe Richard was a slave brought to the island on the Black Rock. Then after he got the crap beat out of him, I thought differently - perhaps he was speaking metaphorically. Now that Jacob's dead, Richard is no longer "chained" to his position of...whatever the kind of "advisor" he was. Another possibility is that his youth was preserved by Richard staying alive. Maybe he will begin to age now?

-I'm still not sure what the Man in Black meant when he announced to the others "I'm disappointed in all of you!"

- The Man in Black said he wanted the opposite of what John Locke wanted - meaning he wants to go home. Home for the smoke monster is obviously somewhere that is not the island. The island seems to have the purpose of keeping the smoke monster contained. Now that Jacob is dead, this is going to be a problem.

Ok, I'm done for now...what did you all think?

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