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Being described as a "re-imagining", not a remake or a port. Which apparently means new character designs, because Harry looks awful.

“The characters play different roles, things don’t necessarily happen in the same order, and the story is taken in lots of new directions. You still play as Harry Mason, you’re still looking for your daughter, and you’ll see familiar elements, but they’re all twisted to betray your expectations.”

“One of Shattered Memories’ most significant and intriguing additions—your answers actually affect how the game unfolds. And it doesn’t end there. the game “watches” you constantly, and your behavior throughout can determine when you’ll meet certain characters, which scenes you’ll witness, and a variety of other factors.” “In Silent Hill games, the town always gets inside the protagonist’s head,” say Hulett. “But now, it’s getting inside YOUR head.”

“We’re using the Wii Remote to interact directly with the environment, so the puzzles are all based around that idea,” says Hulett. “You’re not just hitting buttons to choose things.” He also notes that the solution to a puzzle is always in the immediate vicinity, and assures us there’s a lot less backtracking then in previous games.”

“Longtime fans of the series will also be delighted to learn that there’s a way through every locked door; no more checking dozens of entrances only to find that 90% of them are permanently barred shut.”





The first Silent Hill title is being remade, or reimagined for the Nintendo Wii, according do the newest Nintendo Power.

I think my favorite part about this Silent Hill is the combat. ;)




Some quotes from the interview:

“This is a reimagining of the first Silent Hill,” explains producer Tomm Hulett. “It’s not a remake or a port. That’s an important distinction. It really feels like a new game.”

“The characters play different roles, things don’t necessarily happen in the same order, and the story is taken in lots of new directions. You still play as Harry Mason, you’re still looking for your daughter, and you’ll see familiar elements, but they’re all twisted to betray your expectations.”

“One of Shattered Memories’ most significant and intriguing additions—your answers actually affect how the game unfolds. And it doesn’t end there. the game “watches” you constantly, and your behavior throughout can determine when you’ll meet certain characters, which scenes you’ll witness, and a variety of other factors.” “In Silent Hill games, the town always gets inside the protagonist’s head,” say Hulett. “But now, it’s getting inside YOUR head.”

“We’re using the Wii Remote to interact directly with the environment, so the puzzles are all based around that idea,” says Hulett. “You’re not just hitting buttons to choose things.” He also notes that the solution to a puzzle is always in the immediate vicinity, and assures us there’s a lot less backtracking then in previous games.”

“Longtime fans of the series will also be delighted to learn that there’s a way through every locked door; no more checking dozens of entrances only to find that 90% of them are permanently barred shut.”

Additional info:

-Harry is moved using the control stick, the Wii remote is used to aim the flashlight

-When you look at something Harry will vocally respond

-No load times

-The Wii remote acts as your cell phone, and the static noise comes out of the Wii remote speaker

-Combat has been removed from the game, you can only flee

-When the monsters chase you the Z button will allow you to break through doors, climb fences, through windows etc.





No, "survival" should be a combination of fleeing/hiding, tactics, and fighting. Silent Hill always had room for a combat edge to it, because it was believable. If you were trapped in a fog-world with dozens of horrific creatures straight from your nightmares, you're survival instinct should tell you "find something to defend yourself with", because chances are pretty much definite that you'll need at least a knife or a wrench to brandish at creatures you may not be able to run from in time.

Sorry for going on a tirade about it, but only having a "flee" aspect to the game and no combat is out-of-character for Silent Hill. Have at least *some* defensive-combat. It's honestly more believable than having none at all if you really think about it in terms of realism.

And honestly, I didn't mind the fact that you could only get into certain locked rooms either in only mist-world or only other-world. It was frustrating as hell, yeah...but it added to the exploration part of the game. Never knew what nasties would be in a room that had been locked in a different phase of Silent Hill.


nonononon, I loved the way Cybil looked in the original.

That aside, I'm interested to see how it turns out (Provided it's not a joke, silly silly.) Using the Wiimote as a flashlight and foregoing the combat sounds really interesting. Harry is just an average Joe with nary a training in ammunitions.

I don't really think it will contain the same heart the original did, but I'm still excited to see how it will end.


A survival horror game with no combat? That could be very interesting. So far it sounds like they aren't abusing the Wii controls either, which is refreshing. Never played a Silent Hill game before, but I'm looking forward to this.

No, "survival" should be a combination of fleeing/hiding, tactics, and fighting. Silent Hill always had room for a combat edge to it, because it was believable. If you were trapped in a fog-world with dozens of horrific creatures straight from your nightmares, you're survival instinct should tell you "find something to defend yourself with", because chances are pretty much definite that you'll need at least a knife or a wrench to brandish at creatures you may not be able to run from in time.

Sorry for going on a tirade about it, but only having a "flee" aspect to the game and no combat is out-of-character for Silent Hill. Have at least *some* defensive-combat. It's honestly more believable than having none at all if you really think about it in terms of realism.

And honestly, I didn't mind the fact that you could only get into certain locked rooms either in only mist-world or only other-world. It was frustrating as hell, yeah...but it added to the exploration part of the game. Never knew what nasties would be in a room that had been locked in a different phase of Silent Hill.

But see, in Silent Hill, your character was just some average person. If you were to actually be in a situation like this, and you saw something such as a Smog, or those blind Nurses, you'd probably be scared shitless. That's why when the combat was there in Silent Hill, it was great because your character sucked at fighting. It made it difficult and it definitely added to the survival horror part of the game. Now we're being thrown with no combat? I'm stoked.


all hiding and fleeing?

Silent Hill Solid.

... had to.

Honestly though, the only game that I can think of off hand that is constant fleeing is Pac Man... and it would be a better comparison, but I can't think of a clever name for it, so I just won't bother.

I'm cool with a reimagined Silent Hill. Having to flee is cool, but I've always liked a dash of fruitless combat... when you can completely mop up enemies in survival horror just doesn't keep you on edge and scared.

Now when you can't kill them... that's some suspenseful stuff right there. Hopefully this no combat thing will add to the suspense and scariness, and not be an annoying gimmick.


I'm super stoked about this whole concept of this new Silent Hill... I even love the no combat thing... but the one thing that comes to mind about that is... what about bosses? There's gotta be at least one... right?

all hiding and fleeing?

Silent Hill Solid.

... had to.

Honestly though, the only game that I can think of off hand that is constant fleeing is Pac Man... and it would be a better comparison, but I can't think of a clever name for it, so I just won't bother.

I'm cool with a reimagined Silent Hill. Having to flee is cool, but I've always liked a dash of fruitless combat... when you can completely mop up enemies in survival horror just doesn't keep you on edge and scared.

Now when you can't kill them... that's some suspenseful stuff right there. Hopefully this no combat thing will add to the suspense and scariness, and not be an annoying gimmick.

Clock Tower did the whole no-combat-run-and-hide thing well

Clock Tower did the whole no-combat-run-and-hide thing well

That game was good stuff. Me, my brother, and my friend would stay up late at night playing that in the dark.


I dunno man. After SH4, the series just...well, I'll be frank, I hate it, and I'm very skeptical of any new Silent Hill stuff. 0rigins was terrible and SH5 was worse. I feel like we should just leave it alone and let it have its spot in history (like we should have done with MGS before they released 4)...anyways.

If they MUST release another one, seeing it go more in a "clocktower" direction is the best I could hope for. I have mixed feelings about the whole "no combat" thing, but it's worked before, and if the do it right, it'll work again. I'm more skeptical than I am excited about this, though. Provided it's not some jolly attempt at an April Fools joke. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about a suped-up port for this new idea testing. Granted, they're running out of "average-joe-with-a-sordid-past" protagonists, but still...I dunno about this.


More details:

- Dr. K will ask you to fill out personality profile

- Teresa’s used-clothing store and Clear Picture video store examples of locations

- Can open a door slightly and peer into room with flashlight

- Looks good visually on Wii

- Example of game’s puzzles: Bed of nearby truck has three cans, pick one up and shake it with the Wii remote - then can hear a rattling sound from controller speaker, turn can upside down and a key will fall

- Not Harry’s first visit to Silent Hill

- Harry seems to be suffering from amnesia

- Use cell phone static to find clues, details about the story/background of Silent Hill

- Sometimes might need to take a picture to find messages

- Examples of game changing: Things you hear, clothes that characters wear, locations that can be visited at a certain time

- Creatures are weak against heat - use flares to keep them at bay

- Can carry a flare until it burns out

- Releasing on Wii since it seemed ideal to shake up the idea of a horror game



Hmm...there was just a series of new articles posted on IGN about Shattered Memories...I'll post this on the other Silent Hill thread too (The really long, really wonderful one)

This game...sounds amazing. I know the fans have been burned before by high promises, but the enthusiasm in these articles has gotten me *pumped* for this game :)

Here's the eyes-on preview: http://wii.ign.com/articles/971/971316p1.html

Here's the interview: http://wii.ign.com/articles/971/971319p1.html

Here's the screens: http://media.wii.ign.com/media/143/14325477/imgs_1.html


From what I've read so far, it seems to me as though the developers from Climax (lead designer Sam Barlow; director Mark Simmons) are attempting to revive Keiichiro Toyama's vision of Silent Hill as opposed to reiterating Takayoshi Sato's restructuring, which has predominated the series since #2. In other words, it seems that they're striving for a more "Siren"-like adaptation of the game as opposed to the more commonly recognized Silent Hill format, which 0rigins was based on.

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