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Hello, OCR.

I've been following OCR for a long time, since I was 14 or so. I've always wanted to remix game music since I first heard the remixes hosted here. This is my first attempt at remixing, and it was completely random. I was just messing around on FL Studio one day while Winamp was on shuffle, and the File Select music from SM64 began to play. I thought it had a good ambient sound to it, so I put my own spin on it.

It's 15 seconds shy of three minutes, so it's not too long. The things I'm mainly concerned about is the mixing/mastering, theme variation (I think it might be a little too repetitive, but I'd rather have others judge that than have too little original source material), and arrangement, though most certainly, all feedback is appreciated.


Original Source:

File Select Mix Only:


File Select/Jolly Roger Bay:



No takers? Huh!

I think this mix should go into File A, for Awesome.

I can really appreciate that you jived up the melody to start things off with an original feel. The build-up is so mellow, but so vibrant and full. I love that the melody disappears. There's a new source tossed in around 1:30 but I can't figure it out (or is it soloing?).

So, yeah, it's a little short, and might do well with a few more interesting parts, but I think you've got a great mix here. You could totally amp things up with a high-energy (but same tempo) "bridge" of sorts around the two-minute mark, and then cool things off again, but it's quite enjoyable as is.


Thanks for the reply! I was beginning to think that maybe my thread was being skipped over... Good to know it's not.

The new material introduced around 1:30 is original writing to compliment the source melody.

I'm going to toy around with a few different ideas, mainly introducing a bridge to give it a little more diversity, or perhaps varying on the melody more. I'll post revisions as time goes on.

Thanks for the feedback, and please, all critique is welcome, both good and bad. I would very much like to improve this mix.


unfortunately i would really like to comment this on full, but i'm in a bit of a rush, so i'll definitely come back and give more feedback. =]

glasfen pretty much hit the spot on this one. i would like to add that you could have a little variation here and there, it doesn't have to be too much, i can say that this mix is pretty promising and i would definitely like to see this up on the front page.


Alright, now that i've got some time on my hand, i can give a better feedback. I like what you got going on the the intro, its a good way to start out the piece, very nostalgic like. Your transition at the 25 sec mark was flawless very vibrant as glasfan stated. I like those bells your using or is it a xylophone? (i'm no good at determining what instruments are what >.<) you may want to bring those out a little more its kinda low to hear during the 1 minute mark. i like what you did after 1:30 with your own material. i could definitely see maracas working in this theme. i think you could also add a percussion like congas.

i guess the only issue i have with this piece is that you need more variety of melody but you know that already (its not easy to mix a relatively short piece like this one which is also repetitive). this is a really enjoyable piece to listen to, reminds me of the golden age of gaming, you really capture that feeling of how games use to be enjoyable and its fun gameplay and not the flashyness or the graphics...

i'll be looking forward to your updated version.

2nd edit:

okay now that i'm listening to this on my headphones, i just noticed you have a drum in there which you should probably bring out a little more since its hard to hear that, i didn't even notice it when i first listened to your piece haha.


I've been listening to this mix a lot, and I really like the flow it has. I'm having difficulty adding in variation for a couple of reasons:

First, I think another instrument just muddies up the soundscape. It's pretty full and colorful as is, and I am reluctant to modify the current blend of sound. I think it is balanced well and all the frequency bands are represented nicely. Tell me if I'm wrong, of course.

Second, I'm not sure how much original writing is appropriate for this song. It is a short loop, for sure, but I fear too much writing will take away from the original song/sound. A bridge would be something entirely of my own composition, because the original song has no refrain or "B" part.

Last, I'm not sure how long one of my listeners will like to listen to this mix. The above ideas will most certainly add length to this song, and I know personally, unless it's a real good song/mix, I don't like to hear the same thing for an extended period of time.

Thoughts and feedback are greatly appreciated. I'm at a plateau here...




there's a lot of good and not so good in this.

the intro is rather minimal for something that's 44sec.

after 44sec, it soundscape is rather nice even though you're repeating the same melody again. the melody itself is I think a direct copy of the original, so you would probably benefit from changing it up a lil'.

once the plucking melody goes away and is replaced with the chime sound, it's sooo far in the background it's barely audible.

your addition at 1:30 is nice.

I feel there's a real lack of being adventurous in this. You try and play it rather safe, like entering a party with a room full of people and just staying quiet the entire time. There's a lot of places you could go with what you have (like adding a lil' breakdown, etc.)

So while what you have is quite nice, I don't see this making it on ocr. More playing needs to be had.


This mix is pretty good. It has a nice, calm tone to it throughout the whole song, like one of those relaxation CDs. As Skrypnyk said, though, it's probably a bit too safe.

I actually expected to hear the theme from Jolly Roger Bay, as it had that flowing feel to it, so maybe you could try adding that in there somehow.

Overall, good but not great. Try to experiment with it a little bit, you'll never know what you may come up with.

<( ^ . ^ )>


Owww so many memories behind this tune....I always liked it...

Anyway, the remix is really pretty, I like it, it's relaxing. But it's not good enough for OCR I think, so I suggest to improve it, maybe adding some instruments like a piano and a...whistle? (I can do it for ya if you need XD )

Don't know what else to say, this isn't the kind of mix that needs to be too complex in my opinion...


Ya know, I feel as though if it wasn't for me checking the WIP forums every once in a while, a lot of really good remixes, official OCRs or not, would never reach my ears. I really like this as is, but if you want it to be approved as an OCR, you probably will have to change things up a bit and make it longer.


I agree to mabey throw in Jolly Roger Bay or at least one other song of your choosing which I assume you would use to inhance the mood (relaxed, easy listening) as much as possible .

I commend you for tackling a song which so many have heard, there's a lot of "wrong" ways one could go about remixing a peice like this, but you've got a great start :) At least from what I could tell from the youtube. Is that link up to date or have you worked on it since then?


First, thanks to all of you for your feedback. It is most certainly appreciated, and I've been trying to put the Jolly Roger Bay theme into the mix, but I haven't quite gotten it to flow how I want yet.

The link that is up is up to date. It's still the first iteration. I've made minor tweaks to the mix, but I don't know that it's worth posting as a revision, as it would still suffer from length/content issues.

Thanks, and keep listening!


Man, I can't wait to hear this finished, especially if you're going to add other songs to it. I don't usually go for mixes like this, but this is so full of relaxing nostalgia, and its very tastefully done. Great job so far.

  • 2 months later...

Okay, so it's been a few months. I survived a move out to California and a move back, and two new jobs. Busy busy. 8-O

But anyways, back to business. I had posted my first iteration of this mix a few months ago, and I'd like to finish what I started. So here's the deal:

The feedback I have received has been wonderful, so thanks to everyone who commented. Here's what I did with it....

I went two different routes, because I'm not sure how I should proceed. The first MP3 I will post is the original arrangement I started with. There are minor tweaks to the processing, and there are hints of the dire dire docks/jolly roger bay theme sprinkled in, but they are few, and hopefully well places.

Second, I decided to get a little more adventurous at the encouragement of some feedback. I added a bridge to the song that has a full verse of Jolly Roger Bay dropped in. Now, keep in mind this is still a WIP and I am trying to mesh these two themes together (File Select music and Jolly Roger Bay).

Please give some feedback on one or both iterations. I'm on the fence about which one to pursue, so I could use some suggestions. Thanks everyone!


Lemme give this a go:

First of all, the guitarish instrument in the beginning is a bit TOO unrealistic, though I really like the sound. Perhaps try putting a bit more reverb or eq out the high freqs a bit? Once the other instruments come in, it doesn't bother me as much.

by 1:05 I'm tired of hearing the source. I think the instrument change DEFINITELY helps, but I would consider writing something original here, to better help transition to the dire dire docks theme. I really like the percussion!

The dire dire docks theme itself sounds a little frantic for my tastes. I'd rather hear it at twice the tempo, like when you had it at the end of the arrangement. If you are set on having it at that speed, I recommend you find a way to set up the feel change before hand, to make the transition a bit smoother. By 2:30-2:40 I would really like to hear something new in the instrumentation/arrangement. Maybe a change in chord progression, a change in feel, maybe even a new instrument or two. The solo helps, but I could still use more.

All in all though, this has a really nice vibe to it, I really like what you've got so far! Good luck!


I can definitely shorten the intro. I had actually intended to take at least 8 bars off, but I forgot to before I rendered it. Oops. :sleepzzz:

And I'd also have to ask (perhaps it is an error on my part) but which mix are you talking about, specifically? Two are posted. I suppose I should just post one in the interest of focusing on one idea...

Thanks for the feedback, btw. It's good for me, and the music too.

I can definitely shorten the intro. I had actually intended to take at least 8 bars off, but I forgot to before I rendered it. Oops. :sleepzzz:

And I'd also have to ask (perhaps it is an error on my part) but which mix are you talking about, specifically? Two are posted. I suppose I should just post one in the interest of focusing on one idea...

Thanks for the feedback, btw. It's good for me, and the music too.

I was talking specifically about the second one you posted, the one with dire dire docks. Also I don't think the LENGTH should be shortened! I think the intro is fine, it's just that I'd rather not hear the main melody repeat so many times.

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