Native Jovian Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 In other news, Star Wars is superior. Needs moar laserswords. Quote
Lotd2242 Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 That may have been true once. Then George Lucas beat it to death, burned the corpse, and took a dump in the ashes. Quote
Native Jovian Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 Still has laser swords. (And Obi Wan was badass, even in the prequels.) Quote
i heart robots Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 Wow. You guys are still fighting over this? Nerds. NERRRRRRRRRRDS! Quote
Native Jovian Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 Collapsing Sword for the win. Laser swords collapse! Quote
Lotd2242 Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 Technically it's not a laser sword. If it were a laser anything, it would not cut off like it does, certainly not in like 3 ft. It's actually probably a helical partical stream running along the inside of a force field and attracted back to the handle. Quote
Nekofrog Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERDS lowercase Quote
JH Sounds Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 Retractable katanas? Vehicles with hover-axle wheels? The future is awesome, indeed. Quote
Upthorn Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 What? MANY murders that occur in real life are "crimes of passion". That's actually exactly how they happen. Err, no that's a totally different thing. A crime of passion tends to be what happens when a guy walks in on his wife with another man (or a girl on her husband), and has easy access to a loaded gun. People who are griefstricken tend to behave very differently than people who are in the throes of intense jealousy and betrayal. It was within his rights to maroon Kirk, but he put him near a Federation outpost. As for the latter, again, no one's going to give Spock shit over it when his entire race was practically just annihilated. In the real world we call that 'extreme emotional disturbance' Actually, it wasn't within his rights to maroon Kirk, as Kirk notes in his log about the precise regulation it is in violation of. Brig, yes. Maroon, no. It realy isn't, and it's hardly as if Spock took out a phaser and started firing. It was a fistfight. You really must not have much experience with real-world crime. "Attempted murder" is when you plan to kill someone, get your weapon, and then execute it - it's well-thought out. An explosive rage is what happens when you find your wife cheating on you with another man, you get in a fight with him, and it gets out of hand. They're VERY very different. It wasn't a fist fight, it was spock grabbing Kirk's throat and squeezing it with all his strength. That is very much attempted murder. It's not premeditated, but he was definitely trying to kill Kirk. The reason would be that, you know, people are close to their mothers and Kirk knew that she had just died. Oh, please. His bringing up Spock's mother doesn't even flow from what he was saying 5 seconds before. It's just like "hey man, your planet was destroyed, people would understand if you need a break." "no thanks" "well I guess you never loved your mother then" *STRANGLE* There is literally no leadup to Kirk doing that, no reason that he should jump to that without trying other things first. The way it plays out is as though Kirk had been watching the scene of Spock's childhood along with the audience. Quote
Palpable Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Just got back from seeing it and enjoyed it a lot, though I'm surprised it's seeing near universal love from critics. The cast and dialogue were great, and it was pretty skilled that only one or two of the shout-outs to previous Treks seemed forced (of the ones I noticed that is; most of my Trek knowledge is second-hand). Smiled big when I first saw the gung-ho red shirt guy. I thought it was cool to mess with continuity, though if I were a bigger fan of the series, it might bother me. I like that it leaves the door open to entirely new sequels, ones in which we could actually see main characters die. Personally I'm looking forward to those inevitable sequels. On the downside, it was pretty ridiculous how Kirk ascends to the rank of captain basically disobeying orders the whole time. Really, no one questions that Kirk should be captain even though he's the one that provokes Spock into letting out his emotions? I think I'd have liked it more for Kirk to organize a mutiny among the key Trek players, who only get recognized for their actions at the end of the movie. I also thought it was a little brainless for a Trek movie, and played more like a Star Wars movie, but not too bothered there. Overall, very good flick. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 ^ I think Captain Pike's influence as a high ranking official + his admiration for James' father did it. Hopefully next time around, we'll see the brainier version that is a Star Trek staple. I think the point of this movie was to quickly move it forward so that they establish a new continuity. They could have added some more stuff (especially Nero's past and the exact happenings of the original-universe, the red liquid, old-spock), but I can imagine that kind of movie could run for 3 hours plus.. Quote
Sinewav Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 Going to have to side with the laserswords on this one, for obvious reasons. NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERDS lowercase And yes, I realize that I stared the whole nerds thing ITT... and yes, I realize that by posting this it's coming back to bite me in the ass... Quote
Kiyosuki Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 This movie was a lot of fun, more than I was expecting. If I have to be a nerd to like it so be it. Thing is though, is it's the least-nerdy Star Trek anything to appear in a long time. Thing is some die hard fans may say that's a bad thing. That it's too shallow and so on, and that Trek's all about cerebralness. Well I don't fully agree. I think the reason this movie's been so well recieved is because it went back to its roots, to the thing that put it on the map and made people like it to begin with. It put the fun back into it. I mean come on, when it comes right down to it the original series was 70% action adventure, 30% mental. It had some very mental episodes but many of them were more just about a bunch of guys in a ship getting out there and having space exploration adventures. I didn't think it was -that- shallow either. I thought it still had that underlying spirit that makes it distinct from other Sci Fi. It's got some things worth criticizing yeah, but the characters are so much fun, and the overall package had incredible energy that it outweighs all that. And it did it I think without trashing the old universe either. I also really liked how despite the shiny new Enterprise, and the generally optimistic outlook...that it made space feel dangerous and forboding again. Something a trek hasn't done for me in a long time. Quote
StarZander Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 ^I think Captain Pike's influence as a high ranking official + his admiration for James' father did it. Hopefully next time around, we'll see the brainier version that is a Star Trek staple. I think the point of this movie was to quickly move it forward so that they establish a new continuity. They could have added some more stuff (especially Nero's past and the exact happenings of the original-universe, the red liquid, old-spock), but I can imagine that kind of movie could run for 3 hours plus.. That's what this was for: Quote
JH Sounds Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 They could have added some more stuff (especially Nero's past and the exact happenings of the original-universe, the red liquid, old-spock), but I can imagine that kind of movie could run for 3 hours plus.. Plus it would have made the film seem more like a direct sequel to Nemesis, rather than an entry point for new audiences. Quote
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