jintoreedwine Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Until I heard this remix I actually couldn't even remember how the battle theme went. This remix has brought much justice to it, however. The guitar work sounds very well done, and I especially like the section from 3:04 to 3:25 . Swell job! Quote
Martin Penwald Posted April 25, 2009 Posted April 25, 2009 ..., and I even though i'm so over Schala, this way of presenting it was well done and fresh. Same here. I like the "red alert"-kinda opening, though the transition into the rocking guitar part could've been smoother. The guitar work is insane and makes this one of the most energetic remixes I've listened to lately. Loving the short breakdown at ~3:10. 3:45 onwards is my favourite part of the song; I just can't get it out of my head. Great stuff. Keep rocking. Quote
MechaFone Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 I haven't really listened to a CT remix for a while, but I don't remember many of them being this awesome. I like the background guitar work, and the occasional melodies from different themes. All very badass, I like it! Quote
lostpropht Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 I love CT music, and i thoroughly enjoyed this mix. It kind of reminds me a little bit of Dynasty Warriors lol. Good Job!!! Quote
Bip Posted August 12, 2009 Posted August 12, 2009 I absolutely hate hate HATE the battle theme from Chrono Trigger. It's awful. Now that I've heard this particular piece, it's not the tune itself that makes me angry, it's just the way it was presented. This remix rocks, and is a joy to listen to. Maybe I'll give the source another listen. *five minutes later* Nope, still garbage. You sold your soul to pull off this remix so well. Quote
tweex Posted August 9, 2010 Posted August 9, 2010 Ok, right out of the gate, you can hear a VAST difference in the tone of the drums and the guitar from Justin's first solo remix, and the change is fabulous! The backing pads are very Halo esque and do a great job in bringing all the parts together and filling the empty frequency spaces. The lead guitar tone is crisp and clear. The performance is top notch, but that has never been an issue for Nekofrog. The drums feel a little sequenced and shot-gunned here and there, but that's more the beat pattern. With a little more variation in the sequencing, this would have felt a bit better. It's interesting that Justin used more acoustic sounding drums when he was programming a very DnB esque beat. It would have been interesting to hear how this would have sounded with synthetic drum samples, but I digress. The production quality of this piece is definitely better than his first, not to say that his first was bad, but he certainly brought something new to the table with one. Great job Justin! Quote
LoneSword Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 Ohman, I've always hated the main Battle Theme to the point that sometimes I avoided battles just so I could continue to enjoy better music like Tyran Castle. But this, THIS...this brings the song to justice. Incredible work from all angles, a virtually flawless remix, you certainly turned a lusterless, forgettable track into something infinitely memorable. Great work! Quote
TheCorty Posted October 1, 2010 Posted October 1, 2010 Aw yeah!-- This is justice. Back when I played it, both as a little kid to a few years ago, I really tried to enjoy this battle theme. It always stood out in my mind because I used to be extremely bad at navigating myself in RPGs. And I mean Goldfish Memory Syndrome bad. Which gave me plenty of time to listen closely to every single facet of that theme, while I floundered about inside 600AD's cathedral dungeon. Anyway, it always sounded completely lame, somehow. Now that it's properly remixed, it is so awesome, yet recognizable that I wish I could somehow patch my Chrono Trigger ROM (already patched with non-Woolsey translations) so that it plays this instead. Quote
Marmiduke Posted May 23, 2012 Posted May 23, 2012 This clearly rocks. It's a brilliant expansion on the original track, not only in arrangement but also in tone. It takes the sparseness of the original and gives it fuller, classic rock production that, while it could have been fuller, brings out strengths in the composition that I never knew were there. Finally, the theme's true potency has been activated, and it only took some awesome Neko guitar work to do it. I enjoyed the hell out of this; it's got a professional sound, it's technically stellar, it's fast and it's loud. Definitely not just another Chrono Trigger mix. Quote
alrubedo Posted October 5, 2012 Posted October 5, 2012 As a fan of the game, the source material and of course being the game that started me on roleplaying titles, this song has struck me harder than other covers. There's something professional about the sound - from the driving beat to the fretwork, it all feels as if it's in place and that it's the right track for a showdown where it's life and death. Quote
Black_Doom Posted December 2, 2015 Posted December 2, 2015 I'm big fan of the source material and I like what Neko did here - the simple, yet clean and very enjoyable (you expected anything else?) metal reinterpitation is clearly what the source needs. It's just so rocking \m/ Quote
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