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KNGI VGM Radio: Nitro Game Injection (Sat 7:30 PM ET) & GameFuel

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Nitro Game Injection #133: Metallic Madness (Metal Special)

WARNING: This episode of Nitro Game Injection is so hardcore, so heavy, and so outrageously metal that it WILL beat you over the head, shred your ears, and melt your face off. If you aren’t into chugging rhythms, heavy solos, pounding drums, or other implements of awesomeness, it is strongly recommended that you do not listen to this episode. You have been warned.

Includes a pre-release preview track from MAVERICK RISING, the Mega Man X series OCR project!


  • 2 weeks later...

NGI returns tomorrow with a very special guest co-host: Maffew from Botchamania! Maff has gained internet notoriety for his videos of wrestling botches set to video game music creating an unlikely crossover of VGM and wrestling fans. He’ll be joining Larry and myself to talk about wrestling, video games, MAGFest, and whatever else we decide to talk about. It’ll be awesome. Be there!

  • 4 weeks later...

So yeah, we went on break for awhile, but we started doing this NGI thing again yesterday and had on Ian Flynn, current writer for Archie's Sonic comic series and the upcoming Mega Man comic (recording coming soon.)

Also, GameFuel is on tonight, so be there in 30 minutes OR ELSE.

  • 2 weeks later...

Been awhile since I've given this a bump, but Larry and I will be attempting to speak the language of love (and failing miserably) with a Valentine's-themed special tomorrow, Feburary 12th. Also, on the 20th, we'll be having a very special guest in the form of the amazing Random, who you might know from his Mega Ran albums and the recently-released Black Materia. Be there!


Raheem “Random/Mega Ran” Jarbo will be joining the Nitro Game Injection crew this weekend! Raheem has become quite prolific in the underground hip-hop community, with his releases covering Mega Man and Final Fantasy VII. They will be discussing Mega Ran’s newest release ‘Black Materia’, his other works like the ‘Mega Ran’ series, and more. Listen in to NGI on Arecibo Radio at 3 PM Eastern on February 20th and check it out!

  • 2 weeks later...

NGI turns 8 next week! Man, I can't believe I've done this thing since 2003...

Anyway, Larry's going to be at PAX East this Sunday, so I'll be joined by special guest co-host Suraida-Chan. We may still find a way to get Larry on the show though...

On Monday, GameFuel will be an extra-long redux of the randomized playlist special I did a few weeks ago, this time with even more insanity (and remixes.)

And on TUESDAY, it's officially NGI's 8th anniversary! Larry and I will be hosting a special request show, along with former NGI co-host AkumuHau, as well as other potential guest appearances! Get your requests in early by either replying in this thread or emailing them to us at kngipodcast@gmail.com. We may also take some requests during the show, so join us in the Arecibo Radio chatroom for fun and festivities! (time to be announced)


Don't miss NGI TONIGHT at 9 PM EST with our very special 8th anniversary show! Larry's back, and we'll be having some guests on board, including that lovable Norwegian scamp Akumu, as well as your requests and more! We have an awesome show planned, so be sure to stop in, listen, and chat with us.

  • 2 weeks later...

It is with a heavy heart that I make this announcement.

Over eight years ago, I began this foray into the world of internet broadcasting, and it has been one amazing ride. But, while I have enjoyed bringing video game music to you along with my cohorts Larry and Audun, I have regretfully decided to retire from my tenure as a webcast host, and the end Nitro Game Injection and GameFuel effective immediately. In the time since I started these shows, my life has changed considerably, and I no longer have the time I once had to dedicate myself to putting together and hosting them. This is not a decision I have made lightly, but I feel that it is the best decision I can make at this time while looking forward.

I would like to make it clear that this is NOT a hiatus, as I have taken several times before. I am no longer hosting Nitro Game Injection and GameFuel, and they will NOT be returning in the future.

I will be releasing the final Nitro Game Injection episode, ‘#145: The Last Hurrah’ this weekend. After that, new episodes will cease to be posted. However, I will continue to maintain KNGI.org through the foreseeable future, so feel free to peruse the episode archives.

Thanks for listening.

It is with a heavy heart that I make this announcement.

Over eight years ago, I began this foray into the world of internet broadcasting, and it has been one amazing ride. But, while I have enjoyed bringing video game music to you along with my cohorts Larry and Audun, I have regretfully decided to retire from my tenure as a webcast host, and the end Nitro Game Injection and GameFuel effective immediately. In the time since I started these shows, my life has changed considerably, and I no longer have the time I once had to dedicate myself to putting together and hosting them. This is not a decision I have made lightly, but I feel that it is the best decision I can make at this time while looking forward.

I would like to make it clear that this is NOT a hiatus, as I have taken several times before. I am no longer hosting Nitro Game Injection and GameFuel, and they will NOT be returning in the future.

I will be releasing the final Nitro Game Injection episode, ‘#145: The Last Hurrah’ this weekend. After that, new episodes will cease to be posted. However, I will continue to maintain KNGI.org through the foreseeable future, so feel free to peruse the episode archives.

Thanks for listening.

You did a great job on all your episodes dude. You will be missed from my podcast queue.


That's a shame, but hey life happens bro. What about Larry, he can't keep going solo?

God who's going to do the vidya stuff on Arecibo? I'm gonna have to play more vgm on my show.

However there's also jmr and bjkmenu is just starting a new show as well, so I encourage people to keep checking out Arecibo [where kyle does/did his show], or possibly volunteering their time to DJ as well, definitely got a lot of time slots open! And DJing is really fun, I've come to discover, I'm glad I started doing it on a whim. And people like Kyle and Larry are the people that inspired me made me go "well shit, maybe I can do this too!" so good on ya mate, shame you can't do it anymore but obviously you've moved on to something more important, whaddya gonna do eh?

Posted (edited)

space.gif APLOL FOOLZ

Seriously, we have an epic show lined up for this Sunday. Larry is stepping away again (he thinks Wrestlemania is more important than NGI) so due to popular demand, Suraida, who previously appeared in episode 142, is coming back. Since we're both huge fans of Mega Man and there are some MM-related anniversaries in March and April, we've put together a Mega Man special, which will include a very special preview track from the MM9 project! You won't wanna miss it.

Edited by KyleJCrb

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