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All the comments in this thread made me download ep1 against my better judgment, and wow, that was awesome. I love how everything blew up for no reason. That and the huge-ass sword.




Sinewav I'm glad you liked it. Make sure you watch more. It gets much, much better. Episode 11 was freaking epic: a three-way every-man-for-himself sword fight with ShinkenRed pulling a dual-wield sword style.

This is getting out of control. D:


Usually whenever a new episode comes out we watch it that day or the day after. TV-Nihon tries to get an episode out on Friday, so it's usually Friday night or Saturday.

Add either me or Ashamee on Skype and we can contact you when a group-watch will happen.

Anyway, CS-toys has Shinkenger merch available for import, DIRECT FROM THE JAPANS.

I'm considering getting a Rekka Daizantou, but it's kind of expensive. :(


Even more people watching? Niiiiiiiiiice! I love how this is spreading. Can't wait to watch more this weekend. Catch up and then bring your friends! :D Get ahold of me or DS on IRC or Skype and we'll watch some together.

This is really starting to blow up, and I'm loving every little bit of it.


I have to say, this series has grown on me. I've watched up to episode 6 so far, and I really enjoy it. I never thought I'd get into this kind of series, but here I am watching it. If you haven't checked it out yet, do so. I think you'll be glad you did.

Finally watched ep11 with DarkeSword and Ashamee. In honor of that...



Dyne I'm glad you enjoy it. It really is something you need to watch to understand how great it is. It's hard to explain it to someone; they just write it off as "lol power rangerz," when it's really something a little different and a lot better.


Top notch, kiddies. This is top notch entertainment. I'm getting Okami vibes from the action, using their sudophones to write symbols which become weapons/tools. Freakin' awesome.


So NOW it's up? Awesome, I'm downloading it right now. Though I probably won't get to watch it until I get home from work. Oh well, it'll be something to look forward to. :P



Ep 12 was sweet. Not only is Juuzou's history brought out more, which is awesome, but we see Takeru actually have a bit of a heart. I knew he had it in him. :3 Next episode should be rockin', as it's a Mako ep, and she really showed her chops in ep 12 by really telling Chiaki how it is. She's such a mommy, it's adorable. Anyway, I digress. Loved this one, can't wait for the next. A lot of character development is coming out, and it's really making something of this show. If you're not watching it yet, get to it! You won't be disappointed.


Hey DarkeSword, I just checked out the first episode and I was instantly hooked. Good looking out. I'll be getting caught up within the next few days & telling a few of my peeps about this series.


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