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Sweet, sweet, sweet update. You've tied the whole mix together with an excellent sense of timing, arrangement, and very fun lyrics (which I can't help but sing). The addition of female vocals takes it to another level. I look forward to it being posted on the front page.


Aright, so I think this is pretty much my final update. I've gone through the whole song and cleaned up all my fades, boosted vocal levels a bit as that was the primary complaint I've gotten. Fixed a couple things that I had messed up in there (I had my drum verb aux sending to another verb aux instead of my master channel, doh!) and various little things like that that just made the song unpleasant.

So all in all, this should be my final mix right hyaw. I'm posting it for the absolute final complaints and critiques. At this point though, I've had a lot of comments and help and I've taken every one of them into consideration, so unless something is just ungodly out of place, this will probably be what I submit to judges.

Thanks for listening and everyones help throughout this 2 month journey of mine.



It's hard to find fault with this mix...

A few suggestions, though:

- starting at 1:31, move the lead bass voice back to join the whispers for "the four giants" or bring the whispers forward so they all sound about the same level. That was one of the things I loved about the earlier versions (at least I thought it sounded that way).

- Very good leveling throughout.

- The flute flutter at 3:55 is lost behind the other layers now (though I like the repeat at 4:09).

- Sweet vox edit at 4:12! Kudos on the echo too.

That's all, I guess. This should be an easy "Yes" for the judges. Excellent job!

It's hard to find fault with this mix...

A few suggestions, though:

- starting at 1:31, move the lead bass voice back to join the whispers for "the four giants" or bring the whispers forward so they all sound about the same level. That was one of the things I loved about the earlier versions (at least I thought it sounded that way).

- Very good leveling throughout.

- The flute flutter at 3:55 is lost behind the other layers now (though I like the repeat at 4:09).

- Sweet vox edit at 4:12! Kudos on the echo too.

That's all, I guess. This should be a easy "Yes" for the judges. Excellent job!

Yeah, some of my levels got a little messed with trying to bring all of the vocals up, I did in fact mess with the whispers and deep voice trying to make them louder but then the whispers came out way too loud, and backed them off, etc..etc..etc..I brought up the bassy cause at first it seemed like it couldn't be heard at all, but it could probably stand to be knocked back a dB or 1.5 or somethin.

As for the flute flutter, yeah, it is back a bit. It used to be the highlight when it was just the flute and oboe, but considering I added a few more elements, if I bring it up too much then everything seems to fight with each other.

The effect at 4:09 is actually a different synth, not the flute, but same fluttery effect indeed.

Thanks for all your input man!


Who's your girlfriend voicing? Because, unless the mask salesman has a very feminine voice and goes by the nickname "princess" it doesn't make sense that she asks Link to find her most precious mask.

No other complaints.

Who's your girlfriend voicing? Because, unless the mask salesman has a very feminine voice and goes by the nickname "princess" it doesn't make sense that she asks Link to find her most precious mask.

No other complaints.

Yeah, well, in this case it's pretty obvious I'm not following exactly to the game :D

The skull kid doesn't lock link in a stone tower either.....but ya know what, it's a remix, and I'll be damned if I can't remix the story too!

Aright, so I think this is pretty much my final update. I've gone through the whole song and cleaned up all my fades, boosted vocal levels a bit as that was the primary complaint I've gotten. Fixed a couple things that I had messed up in there (I had my drum verb aux sending to another verb aux instead of my master channel, doh!) and various little things like that that just made the song unpleasant.

So all in all, this should be my final mix right hyaw. I'm posting it for the absolute final complaints and critiques. At this point though, I've had a lot of comments and help and I've taken every one of them into consideration, so unless something is just ungodly out of place, this will probably be what I submit to judges.

Thanks for listening and everyones help throughout this 2 month journey of mine.

It sounds awesome, I like the remix of the story, creative license 'n' all that. Good luck with the judges, it should be a breeze. Anyway, now to add this to mah MP3 player! n___n

It sounds awesome, I like the remix of the story, creative license 'n' all that. Good luck with the judges, it should be a breeze. Anyway, now to add this to mah MP3 player! n___n

I'm actually surprised no one has said something about the story line already. But hell, it's like a friend of mine said "He ever play windwaker!? That's not even link but gannon is still in it!" lol

All the LoZ games seem to be different...but the same, so meh...like I said, it's just a song, and considering I do 90% of the vocals, I figured it'd be lame to do yet another one and be the mask salesman myself. Plus it's just prettier with female vox =P


I don't have a problem with any of this. Hurry up and sub it if you haven't already lol. Good news too I got my new motherboard in and my Goldeneye remix doesn't take nowhere near as much cpu as it did before so I'm ultra happy, my face will probably be stuck in the smiling position if I don't stop haha. This remix has given me the motivation to finish my remix so thank you lol.

I don't have a problem with any of this. Hurry up and sub it if you haven't already lol. Good news too I got my new motherboard in and my Goldeneye remix doesn't take nowhere near as much cpu as it did before so I'm ultra happy, my face will probably be stuck in the smiling position if I don't stop haha. This remix has given me the motivation to finish my remix so thank you lol.

Awesome man! Can't wait to hear yours!

Ya know, i never asked you who's doing rapping in this? I figure its you, but we all know whats happens when we assume!

Well in this case you assumed correctly.

I'm rapping, my girlfriend is the female vox.

Very nice...a little cheesy, but it works!

Cheesy indeed........but I loves me some cheese!

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